You're so stupid, don't you get that I have absolutely no accent whatsoever??? i have been with more asian girls than you have I guarantee that!
Insulin, Jet power, first self-propelled flight (wright brothers used a catapult to get airborne) cybernetics....four things Romanians have invented in the last 100 years that are more important than all of east asia has innovated combined! See we just don't promote ourselves well--we innovate as well as anyone and pound-for-pound we are unmatched! Wake up, slope!
Let's see Taiwan, Korea or even your China top that......seems your nation is the one that hasn't done anything lately----SNAP!
And your accusations are false--I like and respect you race very much...just don't want to live in Hong Kong so Vancouver may have to be ditched as it is a lost cause. You go move to Rejkiavik and see if you like it! Being a visible minority is not fun for anyone, sorry it made your arse hurt so much that you had to attack a tiny nation that punches way above our weight--yet nobody knows!