Italy's anti-gypsy crackdown
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10-15-2010, 03:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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Maybe you will stop mocking the Fuhrer?
uhm...don't bet on that.
Fuck Hitler. He died like a bitch hiding in a fucking hole in the ground. You better believe I would not go out like that.
This is how men die:
If he was a man he would have grabbed a machine gun and started taking out as many freaking Russians as possible and made them shoot him dead on the streets of Berlin, instead of hiding in a bunker all impotent with the women...
Suicide is a bitch-death. He was some preMadonna Cleopatra/Marc Antony wanna be...the real Nazis who believed the shit died in bombings or at the end of a Soviet Rifle. I don't like them, but i can respect it.
That bitch closet homosexual Joseph Goebbels killed his own fucking children. It was all about "him" he could have easily gave them to someone and had their names changed...naw he had to "off" is own kids because he lost his power and glory...sure sign to me he was a fag. What man kills his own seed? The future of his family? Answer is. NO MAN.
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