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Old 10-16-2010, 07:02 AM   #7

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Bosnians are in general muslim by name. Not by attitude, heart, real religion etc. so offcourse they wouldnt have a problem with muslims in general because i believe the observance rate would be rather low in Switserland. Furthermore the majority of immigrants are Europeans with rather similar culture to Swiss.

Just wait till they get our northern african-, pakistani'-, somali- etc. etc. friends. than their brady bunch mentality will melt like ice before the sun.
Well they already have problems with germans. And Italians are fairly integrated but still kind of looked on as "low class".

Yeah I want them to import about 500,000 Somalis, 200,000 Afghans/Kurds

Then I will be moving back to America as the lynch mobs start.

Actually I don't know, Swiss people tend to be suspicious of and look down a bit on all foreigners, especially Germans for some reason...I tried to explain this in the post about Switzerland and Germany, but it still is a odd thing to me.

In general, I with my fiancee spoke French well enough to do her job in French, we would be moving to Geneve, I love that area. Laid back, people are fairly liberal (but not stupidly so, like a lot of folks in France)...I like it. People do not stare either.

In the German area, they stare at each other and everyone else. They have this look on there face like "what the fuck is he doing"...then if you look at them they look away (similar to a stereotype of Fins)...

An example of cultural difference is that in the French area they had a recent vote, wanting to give permanent residence limited voting rights, it passed in most of those Cantons.

In the German one? I believe outside of Bern, not one passed, in fact it was overwealmingly "NEIN"!!

My future-father-in-law said "If we let the auslander vote, they are going to vote to make immigration easy, and build huge Muslim prayer houses (he doesn't know the word Mosque) and women will walk the street in black bed sheets...Damned Swabi (germans) will take all the job from us Swiss..." Dude is hilarious, but remember, he will have a black son-in-law, so he is "liberal".

I would hate to hear a very conservative Swiss talk, I'm sure it will sound like a neo-Nazi.

Still, so far, people mind their own business, are nice. I have had no negative incidence with Swiss people and I've been through most of the nation. However, in Zurich I did get some dirty stares from a few older men when with my fiancee once. This is weird because in her town, that does not happen, and it is far more rural.
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