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Old 10-14-2010, 09:25 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Separating races just do so is nonsense. Someone maybe will want to separate from immigrants in his country or criminals who unlucky are different skin colour, but I say it doesn't matter. If someone wants to separate from immigrants or criminals than skin colour is not involved, he want just to get rid of worse elements of working class or underclass who occasionally are different race. Personally I don't give a shit who is living next to me. Or who I cross down the street. As long as he minds his own business and don't get on my nerves he can be Asian, Arab, Hispanic or even Green.

Or maybe someone wants racial separation due to physical attraction thing. Than I want to be surrounded by Alpines, Dinarics, Pontids, Meds. Sounds stupid, isn't it?
The major immigrant countries are western countries and their colonies, the force that is pushing multiculturalism is formidable, and
multiculturalism has also caused permanent change to the native cultures including the west itself. The legacy of global multiculturalism
will affect us deeply, I am not against it or backing it, my stand about it is depending on its outcome. The outcome of multiculturalism
is in your own hands, in fact, I hate racism. Racism can be tuned to harmonious racial communal cooperation if people from differential
racial background can open-mindedly appreciate their common new heritage. Yet Multicultualism is not without price, people need to take
reponsibility for its side-effect otherwise corruption, and hate shall grip the legacy of multiculturalism and turn it into a hell like todays India:
Whoever will be left will turn against each other. With almost 4-5 billion people will be living under western power in the future, not to
mention the possible more damages on global natural environment! This will not be nice picture to look at, therefore I pose this question.
The fact is, if europeans and all immigrants do not support this common heritage togather, your descendents all will be lowly slaves. The west
has just entered into a stage of no return, the immigrants share no less great responsibility than indo-europeans in the future of humanity.

Therefore, appreciate each other, or just die.
illerlytoindy is offline


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