i would never know she was an african american ....her accent, manersims, gestures are so nigerian...nice video
she has a weird accent? Is she Caribbean? Or has she picked up the Nigerian accent? ' Anyway she can move to any nation she wants, but I do not like Americans moving abroad and trashing the United States on TV (like Madonna did)...not cool. "slavery"? Is she crazy? She talks like she is stuck in 1965. I am not a slave and I live better than 98% of Nigerians (obviously there are Nigerians wealthier than me, but on average that is not the case) and my father fought and people in my family died to end Jim Crow and make this possible for all of us...to me she is spitting on them. I'm proud to be American. I will move to Switzerland in December, but you won't catch me trashing my nation, where my ancestors fought and died. No, I'm going to battle those Euro anti-American jealous socialist every chance I get. They need "re-education". :-) God Bless America!
She looks Fulani/Hausa from Northern Nigeria.