No one is talking about "superior" per se. What I'm saying is that everything you need to be happy is in you. Buddha believed this and so did Nietzsche. If you feel "incomplete" and have to rome the world to find yourself to be "happy with yourself" I'm saying this is some sort of mental issue. Calling me a Nazi for expressing that is childish. Not understanding that is somewhat odd, as I think most psychologist will agree with me. there might be places you are more comfortable in the world, but somehow thinking that running off to some land you have no real connection to find something you think you lost and thinking that will bring you happiness, is almost always a losing strategy for most people, because the answer to their unhappiness or incomplete feeling is almost always in the mirror. A man with everything material can be suicidal and a man with nothing in a prison cell can be perfectly content. It is in your mind. I think also thinking that makes one superior or inferior is a childish way to look at the world. Nietzsche was far more complicated than that, and it is insulting to him to take his quite complex argument and reduce it to childishness black and white thinking.
She's free to live wherever she thinks she'll be happy. But I disagree with her if she did this because she thinks she needed to 'go back to her roots' or find her identity. African Americans have an identity, its an identity as American as Apple Pie. IMO, thats like some white American of mixed Euroancestry going to try to live and bond with some European country based on skin color or shared ancestry from long ago.