I see...but she had a nation, language, and identity. That was not her issue. It is how she perceived things that were the issue. In the end she is an individual and has the perfect right to move to whatever nation will take her, but I often find those who are always off in search of themselves, never find themselves, not really...
Nietzsche would say that 90% of the world is "backward" and "dead" slaves to trend and "the mob"... He is right. 90% of the world isn't worth shit to begin with.
I would never sit about and compare myself to what "most people" or "the average person does". Who the hell wants to be "average"? Average people aren't really doing much with anything. Average people are not even intelligent to have the conversation we are having about such abstract concepts.
Buddha never claimed to be a god, neither did Nietzsche.
In any case, I don't think Jesus would be advising you to move around, he will likely tell you you just need to pray more and your "empty" feeling comes from a lacking in your relationship with God.(him).