How do Chinese regard ethnic minorities?
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09-04-2010, 01:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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Do you even understand the reality in China and the full history of Tibetans, Uyghurs and Mongols? Tibet's history is extremely complicated and anyone making the statement that Tibet was always free or Tibet has always been part of China is making a gross oversimplification. If we're going to talk about annexation and conquest, every country, every people on this planet was guilty of it at one point in their history. This is not a valid arguing point and people should go research this in depth before the say "give Tibet back to the Tibetans or Uyghurs have lived in E. Turkestan for thousands of years."
But lets focus on what Tibet really was like before the Chinese came in and occupied it. Tibet was a medieval feudal society where slavery was rampant. Tibetan leaders ruled with an iron fist while much of the population was in shackles. 95% of Tibetans had ZERO rights before 1950. People were sold and traded in the market freely and treated as animals. There was no education, medical care, sanitation and anything that benefited all of the people. Basically, the ruling class was the law of the land the leaders rule like an absolute Monarchy. This all changed when Chinese Communists came in and undertook land reforms which FOR THE FIRST TIME game the people their own land to farm and sheep to graze, while remaining ruling class fled to India, Europe and America taking with them a large portion of Tibets wealth. Tibetans now had free education, universal health-care, food, clothing and other basic essentials and can finally pursue the arts freely. Before the only true "Tibetan" arts were restricted to the upper class Monks who painted in the monasteries, but now every Tibetan is free to pursue their arts literature etc. etc. and Tibetan culture flourished and became popular in mainstream Chinese pop culture. Of course the Cultural Revolution was a dark period in modern Chinese history where millions died as a result but what do you think Tibet would have been if the Chinese didn't free them from slavery in the first place?
Also do you even know what the Dalai Lama wants from the Chinese government? He never ever said he wants Tibetan Independence. What he actually wants is a more autonomous region and not a separate country. The Chinese government has been in constant dialogue with him and his camp in the past decades and he is welcome to return to China anytime he wants as long as he doesn't instigate any sort of separatism in Tibet.
If there's anyone to blame for Tibet's problems its the aristocracy that took run off with Tibets wealth and now are screaming down with the Commies because they lost their previleged positions and exploitative way of life and American politicians who shamelessly misinform the masses for their own political objectives while not giving two shits about the Tibetan people.
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