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Old 04-21-2010, 02:45 AM   #19

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Oct 2005
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For those who doubt my experience (haters) here you go. I don't put these up to brag, I put them up to let other blacks on this board know not to let any ignorant internet chronic masturbating pseudo-intellectual pimple faced Elephant Man looking loser tell you what you can and cannot do (really that's not just for blacks but anyone trying to come up and do something life). If you want something, go get it, don't do it half assed, and don't quit.

Me in Beijing in the Forbidden City in 2008

Me in Saigon in 2009, with ex-wife

Me on the Mekong Delta (in Vietnam) in 2009 with ex-wife

me chillin with Japanese friends in Shanghai, China in 1999.

Me with an African American sista somewhere in Tokyo in 2002

So I speak from experience when I say what I said above. If you have more detailed (intelligent questions) I will happily answer.

---------- Post added 2010-04-20 at 14:59 ----------

I think some Asians in Asia mostly, are bold about their racism against black people. Look at these commercials.

Windie, all due respect to you, but I have to disagree.

The first commercial is not racist, not really, there are blacks who live like that. Hell the president of South African dressed like that and danced at his last wedding. If they had a picture of Scots in kilts with bang pipes would be racist. It seems more like you are ashamed of tribal Africans. Don't feel bad, many blacks in the West are, they wish they can dissociate themselves with any black tribalism, as they feel it is backward and they feel whites think they are all like this, that is our hangup.

The second commercials meaning is kind of obvious. The black man is the toothpaste and the Asians are the plague that he removes. If anything it is racist against Asians. lol They are saying the black man is the good thing. It is racialized, but I think you are being over-sensitive. But that's me.

There is a black guy right now in Japan who is quite famous for cell phone videos.

He has a lot of videos and posters are all over, he speaks fluent Japanese.

In the commercial his mother and sister are Japanese, his father is a dog (meaning his mother had sex with a dog or something like that and his sister is also part dog I asked a Japanese person to explain this to me but they could not, they just said it is so ridiculous it is funny...) is this racist too? I dont' think so.
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