I think it's going to be the other way around: Chinese will start learning english or any other language. Chinese is too hard to learn and un-practical.
I think we will all end up speaking Spanish. Look at in the U.S where spanish language is assimilating us instead of us assimilasting them to English. Spanish is really one of the most simple languages to learn in the world. So therefor it makes it likely to spread. I think Chinese is so hard & outdated that overtime they will likely adopt more & more European languages. Especially as they do more business with us. But, the U.S seems to be assimilating to Spanish. China is doing business with the U.S.
1. That has nothing to do with language structure, but an easy quick way to type characters in your mobile phone.
2. All languages (all speakers) can adapt to new circumstances.
3. I wonder how the European Union, which is an economic superpower too, will solve its language diversity.
4. There are other languages/regions to take into account, I think. South America and Spanish/Portuguese. Africa and English/French/Arabic, all of them official in most of African countries. Bear in mind that English is an official language in India. Russian and Russia/Slavic Europe.
5. Language mixing (creolization, pidgins) are rare and only occur when at last two extremely different linguistic communities share a place. I can't imagine how such a thing would take place in the xxi century between English and Chinese.
Many Hispanics can't speak Spanish. They're basically third or fourth generation Americans. Many just speak Spanglish, Spanish with lots of English words and expressions. The next stage for the latter and their children is full assimilation into the dominant linguistic community: English speakers.