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Old 08-25-2010, 04:01 AM   #19

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Oct 2005
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You ever google the definition of Zionism?
I dont need Google to teach me about Zionism.

Appears pretty ethnic oriented, no? Depends, Poale Tzion (and its son, 3avodah) isn't ethnic oriented.... But I doubt you heard about it.

Listen, you said something stupid accusing me of being obsessed with Zionism. I actually wasn't reffering specifically to you, but now; I'm eager to do so.

Instead of being a man and saying you fucked up and moving on you had to embarrass yourself further. Apology is not my definition of Manhood.

Or you can tattoo it. Tattoos bring Karet b'7ilul HaShem.

My attitude towards Zionism is clear, you little emotional wreck. Just keep in mind that I am anything but emotive, proceed....

I don't care what they do in the Middle East as long as they leave the US out of it. So, in definitive; you do care about Zionism.

But I also like something called fairness and see it's wrong for a group to come together for no other purpose but to promote their view over others simply because they're more efficent at editing out people's work. Then you've mixed up Jews and Zionists, fairly unsurprizing.

Are you stupid? You must be. Perhaps, I rarely got the right to this label though.

Most people who aren't Arab, Fundemental Christians, or Jewish don't give a shit about that region of the world unless they have something at stake (same with other regions). So... You're implying that Bahais and Druzim "don't give a shit about that region of the world"?
Interesting theory...

It's too rare for someone not to give a shit about something that doesn't involve their ethnic group, family, or friends? Yes, I'm afraid it is; if you don't believe me... I'm ready to bet 1 million € about the aura and attention Israel's gonna draw on itself the next time something happens in the region.

Most Americans may care about what goes on in Iraq but what the fuck do they care what Israelis do as long as it doesn't involve Americans.
Because Americans have troops stationned in Israel.

Accusing someone who posted a negative thread about Zionists of being obsessive about the subject is an attempt make me appear like some internet forum anti-Semite. I wasn't adressing you in particular, but if you want to head in this direction, you're more than encouraged

None the less, where did I state that you were anti-semitic?

Unfortunately for you I rarely discuss Zionism or even Jews and so you lack proof. Slander is a cheap tactic and one I noticed hyper senstive Zionists like yourself tend to play.
"Bla bla bla, you don't interest me so you can't get me on this point...BTW, I noticed how you folks do this and that in the context of a global tactic, etc..."

Don't you ever get bored with such ridiculous statements?
None the less, here's something I fairly don't understand:

If you have no interest in Jooooo$ or Zioni$t$, then how the hell could "notice" their "cheap tactic"?

Doesn't make a lot of sense imo

WTF? I didn't say that, you little bitch. Why swear? If anything, wouldn't you be "hyper sensitive"?

I don't even know the purpose of it. What is pathetic is rewriting my post. I'll grant you that, I love reshaping your posts, why make it complicated when you can make it simple?

What benefit did you get from that other than looking shameful. That's another cheap trick. Benefit? lol, I'm not on this trench either, not yet that is.

What, exactly, is ironic about what is in bold? No way, you won't make me believe that you don't read your own threads

Is my thread a consequences of me and others putting our minds together to push forth propaganda, you fucking idiot? Do I represent a group? Yes, you're a "post-modern communist"

Did I and members of this fictional group come together and decided we're going to spam obscure race forums to make Zionists look bad? Dunno, I have no access to your PMs and your head isn't made of glass

Did I go to some idiotic meeting to teach me how to post in obscure forums to make Zionism look bad? You fucking, dishonest retard. Who knows? You never know how people are in real life...

You have offered nothing in your response except to look like the fanatic that you are. Fanatic? Even though most of my friends are Palestinian, I still get the right to the "fanatic" label.... Classy

I can't imagine how you'd act when something serious about Israel or Zionism is posted. Good point, I usually don't react; because I know what I'll get in return.

I'm sure it'll be honest and objective as you have already shown yourself to be. Well, of course I am, it would be hard to prove the opposite I assure you.
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