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Old 07-19-2010, 09:12 PM   #37

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Isn't Aishwarya Rai Dravidian?
If your inquiry is with regards to her racial type, then she is definitely not common for average Dravidian speakers, even though she may be considered nothing out of the ordinary for the ethnic group she hails from, the Bunts. The Tuluvas are descendants of authentic Nayak Kshatriyas and claim descent from Tuluva Narasa Nayaka.

The Bunts as per the Ethnographic survey have an average cephalic index of 78; average stature of 165.7 and average Nasal index of 72.2 (Note: Average European noses as per the Ethnographic Survey = 60 to 65).

Karnataka is a very IndoBrachid region of India and the Bants as far as I've observed exemplify the type par excellence, similar to the Kodavas of Coorg who also tend to go of in a Tauriform-CroMagniform fashion.

E. Thurston describes them as one of the comeliest of the asiatic races.

A comment on the physical appearance of the Bunts.
They still retain their manly independence of character, their strong and well developed physique, and they still carry their heads with the same haughty toss as their forefathers did in the stirring fighting days when. As an old proverb had it, "The slain rested in the yard of the slayer". And when every warrior constantly carried his sword and shield. Both men and women of the Bant community are among the comeliest of Asiatic races,the men having high foreheads and well-turned aquiline noses. The Bunts tend to produce very beautiful women and she is just one of the lucky averages among her caste who made it big, I suppose. Her facial structure is not all that spectacular for the Bants, she is more reduced and gracilized. The only thing striking about her is her green eyes and light skin for the most part.
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