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Old 06-07-2012, 10:26 PM   #1

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Default African riots (outside of Africa)
various Negro riots from acorss the globe. I use the term Negro as Black is a rather amingious term








I wonder if there is something inherently more violent, aggressive, feral and and animalistic about the very essence and nature of Negroes, do you see Japanese/Chinese rioting like feral animals wherever they go? No they are usually peaceful law abiding citizens in the host countries they move to.
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Old 06-07-2012, 10:28 PM   #2

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various Negro riots from acorss the globe. I use the term Negro as Black is a rather amingious term








I wonder if there is something inherently more violent, aggressive, feral and and animalistic about the very essence and nature of Negroes, do you see Japanese/Chinese rioting like feral animals wherever they go? No they are usually peaceful law abiding citizens in the host countries they move to.
Another stupid thread . All ethnic groups make riots , it's common among uneducated peoples by the way .
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Old 06-07-2012, 10:31 PM   #3

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Yes the Japanese are a peaceful people.

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Old 06-07-2012, 10:38 PM   #4

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LMAO!!! C'mon man you can troll better than that...
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Old 06-07-2012, 10:46 PM   #5

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Another stupid thread . All ethnic groups make riots , it's common among uneducated peoples by the way .
It's not a stupid Thread. The question is perfectly legitimate and is, as I understand, are CERTAIN ethnic groups more inclined toward violent riots? And if it is so, why? Questions to which your simplistic reply does not answer.
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Old 06-08-2012, 05:19 AM   #6

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they even invaded china
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Old 06-08-2012, 05:23 AM   #7

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they even invaded china
Are you ignorant ?

China and african countries has make a deal , they sent the same number of african to china , than chinese to africa . But the numbers of chinese in africa is 4 times higher than africans in china . And a large parts of black in China are students . I was thinked anybody knew that , I mean it's always in the paper those kind of business between africa and china .

By the way , you talk about invasion, but hasn't you invaded New Caledonia and Australia

---------- Post added 2012-06-07 at 23:27 ----------

Yes the Japanese are a peaceful people.

I don't like to say things like that . Japanese culture seems to be built on the lack of empathy and pity toward the others .

I've read many things about what Japanese culture did and it's like if that culture has no soul
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Old 06-08-2012, 05:29 AM   #8

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Are you ignorant ?

China and african countries has make a deal , they sent the same number of african to china , than chinese to africa . But the numbers of chinese in africa is 4 times higher than africans in china . And a large parts of black in China are students . I was thinked anybody knew that , I mean it's always in the paper those kind of business between africa and china .

By the way , you talk about invasion, but hasn't you invaded New Caledonia and Australia
am I in australia or New Caledonia right now ? no i'm in france in negroland, oops paris what should be my land but which is not anymore. and it's funny because chinese can go in africa but in return african can go to china which is the case with france and african countries.
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Old 06-08-2012, 05:37 AM   #9

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am I in australia or New Caledonia right now ? no i'm in france in negroland, oops paris what should be my land but which is not anymore.
Paris is a white town . I wonder where you lives in Paris if it's very full of black peoples . By the way !

Blacks in France , made the same thing than your portuguese ancestor, they are immigrants who came here because they were invited by the government . And many of them are the same thing as you : descendant of immigrant .

You are a traitor, if you don't consider France anymore your country because they are black peoples in , that mean you don't deserve to be french .

Also it's strange all your thread are for complain about blacks . I wonder if a black rape you or something like that, because your hate-affair with them is creepy

---------- Post added 2012-06-07 at 23:39 ----------

and it's funny because chinese can go in africa but in return african can go to china which is the case with france and african countries.
Africa has lot of french communities . And the number of french who immigrate to africa is higher each years . You don't know that because you are ignorant I guess .
Myself I have a lot of family and relatives who currently lives in Africa . And majority of peoples I know has the same .
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Old 06-08-2012, 05:52 AM   #10

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Paris is a white town . I wonder where you lives in Paris if it's very full of black peoples . By the way !

Blacks in France , made the same thing than your portuguese ancestor, they are immigrants who came here because they were invited by the government . And many of them are the same thing as you : descendant of immigrant .
bullshit !!! north african and blacks came to france and the government regularize them ,that's all , he didn't pay them the boat or the plane . and by saying "same thing as you : descendant of immigrant so all immigrant" means that all migrants are the same shit for you ? I rather think that there is a huge difference between a swedish and a black ,but it doesn't seem that it's the case for you.
You are a traitor, if you don't consider France anymore your country because they are black peoples in , that mean you don't deserve to be french .
who are you to say that ? HItler ?
Also it's strange all your thread are for complain about blacks . I wonder if a black rape you or something like that, because your hate-affair with them is creepy
lol what a liar you are, i didn't make any thread to complain about blacks

by the what do you think of the independence war of algerie ?

---------- Post added 2012-06-08 at 08:54 ----------

Africa has lot of french communities . And the number of french who immigrate to africa is higher each years . You don't know that because you are ignorant I guess .
Myself I have a lot of family and relatives who currently lives in Africa . And majority of peoples I know has the same .
from where do you get that, your ass ?
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Old 06-08-2012, 05:57 AM   #11

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bullshit !!! north african and blacks came to france and the government regularize them ,that's all , he didn't pay them the boat or the plane . and by saying "same thing as you : descendant of immigrant so all immigrant" means that all migrants are the same shit for you ? I rather think that there is a huge difference between a swedish and a black ,but it doesn't seem that it's the case for you.
Hahaa Ignorant , you forgot majority of them came here during the 30 glorieuses, because whites peoples was so occupied to climb the social classes, they didnt wanted anymore to make degrading job . After the second waves of immigration was during the 70's and 80s because of the "regroupement familial" .
All imigrants are the same thing because they are immigrants, and I would prefer to receive more black from former french colonies than swedish, because they has the same former history than us , and also almost same mentality . But for know that you must travel and learn about their culture .

who are you to say that ? HItler ?

lol what a liar you are, i didn't make any thread to complain about blacks :sarcastic:

by the what do you think of the independence war of algerie ?
It's you who talk like Hitler because you believe you are superior to other , but no , you are just the same than others ?

About Algerie , they deserve to be independant , it's their business i don't care . But they are some former french colonies in my opinion who should still be french
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:16 AM   #12

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Hahaa Ignorant , you forgot majority of them came here during the 30 glorieuses, because whites peoples was so occupied to climb the social classes, they didnt wanted anymore to make degrading job . After the second waves of immigration was during the 70's and 80s because of the "regroupement familial" .
All imigrants are the same thing because they are immigrants, and I would prefer to receive more black from former french colonies than swedish, because they has the same former history than us , and also almost same mentality . But for know that you must travel and learn about their culture .
lol that is a myth spreading by the media and ignorant people like you ,with the development of the transportation and the increase of the population in formers colony , people migrated more and in always in higer numbers from their shitholes to the great and rich country made by the white( and start to invade asian one now) , french companies just took the opportunity to hire them because they were less expansive but if they hadn't been there,employee and workman would have been paid much more which would had been resulted to less inequality like in it's the case in Germany where mass immigration came after france .

It's you who talk like Hitler because you believe you are superior to other , but no , you are just the same than others ?
I don't believe i'm superior to others ,i just believe white are in average superior to blacks. and you can see this in real life :blacks in ghetto ,white high in the society .there can be some exception but that is generally the case.

About Algerie , they deserve to be independant , it's their business i don't care . But they are some former french colonies in my opinion who should still be french
so you approve all the violence there were with the liberation of algerie ?
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:23 AM   #13

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lol that is a myth spreading by the media and ignorant people like you ,with the development of the transportation and the increase of the population in formers colony , people migrated more and in always in higer numbers from their shitholes to the great and rich country made by the white , french companies just took the opportunity to hire them because they were less expansive but if they hadn't been there,employee and workman would have been paid much more which would had been resulted to less inequality like in it's the case in Germany where mass immigration came after france .
It's not a myth it's the basis of the program of history lol , anybody know that .
Lol the thing you say about the devolopment of transportation is a non sense lol . Just open history books , they are proof, also De Gaulle invited peoples for the former french colonies to settle in France , anybody know that lol .

I don't believe i'm superior to others ,i just believe white are in average superior to blacks. and you can see this in real life :blacks in ghetto ,white high in the society .there can be some exception but that is generally the case.
Lol you pass to much times in anthro forum . Whites peoples are the same than others peoples, they just has more access to things for success . Black/white/asian are the same . You know How I know that ? Because I see everyday peoples of all colors and they all behave the same and are smart the same . They are dumb and ignorant when they are from the lowest class, and smart when they are from priviledge class . If you think whites are superior in average, come in my hometown Calais who is full of uneducated whites and ghetto whites who deal drugs , make street fight...

so you approve all the violence there were with the liberation of algerie ?
I approve nothing, it's not my business . french peoples who lived in alegeria during that era treat algerian like animal , so they deserve what happened to them .
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:28 AM   #14

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Yes the Japanese are a peaceful people.

aren't these the people that Killed Thousands of South East Asians??
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:33 AM   #15

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aren't these the people that Killed Thousands of South East Asians??
Japanese are that peaceful people, that are hated by everyone in East Asia.
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:53 AM   #16

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aren't these the people that Killed Thousands of South East Asians??
they killed 100 of thousands of chinese not south east asians. I watched a documentary about jews who escaped germany and landed in china. Nearly all of them admitted that the chinese had it far worse than the Jews in germany did.

The chinese were used as sword-practice, rape, pathegen test subjects, and were generally humiliated on a daily basis.

the japanese military personal who committed these horrific acts are honored in the yakasune shrine, and the japanese nationaist movement even takes pride in what happened. They even said they would do it agian if given the chance. But, somehow, white people are the bad guys?

However, east asia has never really tried to colonize south east asia. the chinese, i guess, are Invaders of sorts, but it wouldn't call them conquerers. The chinese are simply not warlike people.
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:56 AM   #17

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Japanese made that to women during WW2 , because they considered their women too pure , and other women inferior.

It's disguting.
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Old 06-08-2012, 07:07 AM   #18

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they killed 100 of thousands of chinese not south east asians.
Lol, they Killed lots of Malaysians, Indonesians, Viets and other nationalities too.
read up.
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Old 06-08-2012, 07:18 AM   #19

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detroit riot - 1967 - started with the cops trying to shut down an illegal bar in a negro neighborhood, ended with negros burning down half the city and initiating the biggest white flight in america, end result being the city of detoilet it is today.
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Old 06-08-2012, 07:29 AM   #20

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Ok stop talking about the Japanese, no one denies they were extremely barbarous during the war. I meant the Japanese and other east Asian immigrants in America, Canada and the UK, I meant they respect their host countries while Negroes don't. Germans were also a rather barabous people during the war, but you never see German immigrants going on rioting,raping looting sprees. You never see German-Americans flash-mobbing, murdering and raping their way around DA HOOD or rioting and raping their way around Marrbella. I find there is something primeval, aggressive and animalstic about the very nature of many Africans.

*The term Black is absurd as Sri Lankans and Southern Indians have the same skin tone as many African Americans.
*hamitic Eritreans and Somalians are not predominately of Negro origin even though they have the same skin tone. They are also crude aggressive and corse, but in a very distinct more middle eastern-African hybrid kind of way.

* Up untill the 18-19th century people of Mediterranean appereance were refferd to as black in England
* Up until the 1970s anyone with dark skin was refferd to as Black in Britain,
* In Australia natives are refferd to as Black
* In India Southern Indians are called Black

This debate is about Negroes, not about people with Black or Blackish skin.
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