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Is it safe to assume Indian and Chinese men have been with women of all backgrounds?
So India and China are the two most populated countries in the world. Both countries have well over a Billion people and millions of their own people living abroad.
Now in the US Indian and Chinese males have supposedly a tough time when they try to date and marry out of their own group. Despite that, can we safely assume that there is nearly every type of interracial couple out there which involves an Indian or Chinese man with a woman from outside their background? Like can we assume that somewhere out there, Indian and Chinese men are sleeping with, dating, screwing, and marrying Black, White, Latin, and Middle Eastern women? Note: I didn't write this. |
I've never seen any of them. As a rule, people will strive to date up the race ladder, and avoid dating down. Since both Asians and Indians are very race conscious, you will not see them pursuing races below them in the hierarchy. This means that Chinese will primarily pursue White women (in case they don't go for fellow Chinese) and Indians will pursue anything with lighter skintone, depending on their own level of "whiteness".
In Peru I see chinese guys with any kind of girl (my cousin was dating one for example). About Indian guys I don't know since they don't exist in Latin America. I know some Indian member of anthro fora used to date a peruvian girl.
I have seen Chinese_white couples,I have seen Indian female-white male couples but I have never seen Indian male-white female couple
I know of two Indians (originally from the country of India) who dated European blondes for about 1-2 years before settling with Indian wives. The Indian wives they eventually took came from marriage arrangements; these types of marriages are still common in Non-Western cultures today. Although both were modern Indian guys, (with post graduate masters degrees in engineering and stuff) they still opted to finally settle down with Indian wives - out of an arranged setting.
I don’t mean the mail-order type. Within their community they can arrange for pretty decent Indian ladies to be wed to. (And I mean PRETTY decent).But it is quite a complex process for the groom and the grooms parents or the relatives representing him to have to go to the parents of the lady and try to see first if the man and the woman can match. I mean this involves are all kinds of selection processes that include questions such as to how fair the Indian girl is as well as the education status of the groom, and questions like " has he ever been back to the Indian Continent?" and how strong are his/her Indian cultural roots plus some kind of Hindu Astrology matching and so forth. But when they match them, the marriage will usually last . So I personally respect the way they do things. It may be strange for some, but it usually works for them. Indians are a culturally proud people. I think the issue for these guys to eventually go Indian rather than stay with the blondes was that there is more security and comfort when marrying into their own culture. Because in some cultures, when you marry a person, you marry into the whole extended family. And therefore a woman who is to become a wife has to be very compatible with the cultural and extended family scenario that she is getting herself into. These men wanted to bring home a wife that could fit into their cultural circle. I mean like speak a bit of their language and stuff like that. With an Indian lady you can have Biriyani and Tosai (Indian foods) all home cooked, but with other non Indian women you have to get it from the closest Indian restaurant. That may sound like a small deal but if an Indian mans parents are at home with them when this happens, this is a huge blunder – and the retaliatory gossip that can arise from within the local Indian community about a wife that can’t do basic Indian cultural stuff - like cook a simple Indian meal, would be of tsunami proportions. These are things that people from other cultures that are different do not really get to appreciate about Indians and other like cultures. And the women they got in the arrangement were absolute beauties. I'd say prettier than the blondes they had earlier dated. (no offense intended) |
Don't know if other South Asians (Pakistanis, Bangladeshi's, Sri Lankans) count in the 'Indian' category, but from my personal, limited (not that much of Asians - especially South Asians - in Belgium) experience, I've seen :
Chinese guy - White girl, Indian guy - White girl & Indian guy - Middle Eastern/Arab girl. |
in canada indian & chinese men both generally go for white women over anybody else. There is more 2nd or 3rd generation chinese guys I've find in relationships with white women over their 2nd/3rd generation indian male counterparts. but if U where to compare recent indians & chinese men coming to canada, then of these its mainly the indian fob guys that are slightly more desperate to get with white women. maybe i am generalizing abit but most of these indian/chinese men + white women couples I seen are either equally matched when it comes to looks, or the indian/chinese men are sightly better looking than their white female partners. U more likely to see a good looking white women with a less attractive black guy for example than see a good looking white girl with less attractive south/east asian guy.
After white women Indian guys are more likely to be with black women, then maybe Middle Eastern women after that and finally the least common coupling of the 3 is between latin american women & indian men. on the other hand chinese men being in an interracial relationship with any women outside of white women is extremely quite rare thing to find. |
this is unfair since the majority of people on this forum are whites so there gonna pick white! Bias bastards
I've seen them all. Add that option if you can.
EDIT- You all don't get out much do you? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/laugh.gif |
Do you think they'd have a relationship with a Hindu/Buddhist who doesn't even believe in Abraham's God?Do you think horny Hindus would have a GF who has to stay a virgin? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/laugh.gif |
Closest I've seen is Vietnamese/white.
I didn't see any of them but there aren't many indians here. But I saw spaniard boy-chinese girl, but pretty rare too.
I believe this topic has been done before. Without trying to offend, I will tell you what I personally see (I live in an area with substantial amounts of those groups):
I have never in my life seen Chinese male and non-Chinese or non-Oriental female couple. Chinese males are, for whatever reasons, not seen as attractive by non-Chinese females. LatinAmerican women here in the US tend to view them as somewhat strange and/or nerdy, even unmasculine. I've heard this complaint from Asian males themselves, specifically from a Vietnamese co-student I knew who noticed the non-attraction other women had towards East Asian males. As for Indian males, its mostly the same scenario with the addition of 'Hindu' stereotypes by LatinAmerican women in particular. Afram women, white Americans, etc. generally are not attracted to them, and believe me I've seen alot of trying on their part (Indian males). In the very few instances I've seen Indian males with non-Indian females (maybe 2 or 3 times), its usually very non-fobby Americanized ones who are more, uhm, 'westernized' with a different sort of attitude hard to explain online. There's one in my gym who was raised in the Bronx, I thought he was Cuban at first. |
I am not sure if this forum has multiple choice votings like other message boards do but if I had that choice I would vote for all of them.
In traveling abroad to Europe, Asia, and Latin America I have seen Indian and Chinese (specifically Chinese or East Asian) males with all types of wives, girlfriends, and lovers. This topic is of my interest on this particular message board because where I went to high school, Indian and Chinese men (moreso Indian than Chinese) had a reputation of being "beta" or "undesirable". I remember my high school teammates picking on nerdy Indian and nerdy Chinese kids. While the boys studied hard and set themselves up for the future, the girls often dated out and were wild in large numbers (I went to high school in Los Angeles). I did not bully any of the Asian kids or anyone in general but when I dated a Half Indian half White girl (British father and Punjabi mother), she often complained about Indian men lacking charm and the "build". A Chinese girl my friend was dating said negative things about Chinese males as well. Back then my view was that such behavior is only common in Los Angeles since the city is full of superficial individuals but apparently it is a huge deal online. Another forum I post on (Wallstreetoasis) sometimes gets Indian and Asian users asking if girls outside of their own ethnic groups want them. Since I was the good student in high school I managed to earn admissions to a respectable university. In my time there I would say Indian and East Asian men earn a good reputation with the ladies. One time we had a student from England who was Indian, his accent won so many girls over. Another case we had was this Americanized Chinese guy who had so much charm that he basically dated all types of girls, mostly Blonde White women but he tried all flavors. I hope the bold on this site works like that in others. But this is a message to all Indian and Chinese men who post threads about women loving or hating them because of race. Don't worry. There are all types of couples out there in this world. I have seen all of the couples listed more than once in my lifetime. Apparently the American bias against Asian men in general has not stopped any of those men from trying. You will run into women who will turn you down solely for being Asian or Indian but those women are in the minority in most advanced places. I am a non-frequent poster here but this topic alone made me post a reply. A man's confidence, looks, career, and swagger will do him good with the ladies, race can be overcome easily. To all those who think I am BS'ing, please get off the computer and travel the world a bit more, all types of those couples exist. |
The only time I have seen Indian men marry Black women is if they were West Indians, the closest thing I know is an FOB Indian who dated a Black/White mix. As for Chinese men I have seen them date across all spectrum. Indian guy with Black girl and Chinese guy with Black girl from what I have seen tend to be rare. I have seen them date other races and even each other's races (Chinese men marrying Indian women and vice verse) over Black women. Black ladies are just not popular with Asian men in general, hearing it from them and seeing it in real life. Quote:
Seen countless ladies say they won't sleep with a Mexican, they did it. Talked to countless White women who said they would never date or marry an Asian or "Arab" (aka Indian in their eyes), surprisingly a good number of them ended up doing it. Go up to a guy in the US and ask him if he would date an Afghan lady, stereotypes will come to mind. He sees a fine looking Afghan lady, he will chase after her at all costs. Stereotypes are one thing, your saying may work in online dating but in real life, that all dies down. |
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