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Old 11-27-2010, 09:23 AM   #1

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Default Are Asian parents the best parents a kid can ask for?
here in the US, you guys are aware of the stereotypes on how they are super strict and all that but look at it this way

Asian Americans on average make the highest salary (even more than Whites) and go to to the top colleges, Asians are 5 percent of the population yet make up large percentages at the top universities and Asians have even been dubbed the title of model minority. Pretty soon Asian people will run the world (lol bye bye White people, your women will be getting screwed by us now xD) and I want to ask this.

Do you think that Asian parents are generally the best parents a kid can have?

I mean the kid ends up at a top university, he ends up having a good career and everything.
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Old 11-27-2010, 09:49 AM   #2

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Dude,Im indonesian and Im a welfare baby,and Im going to a cheap ass community college in the ghetto.

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 21:52 ----------

And Im on financial Aid on top of that,so your stereotyping can fuck itself in the butt
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:03 AM   #3

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Dude,Im indonesian and Im a welfare baby,and Im going to a cheap ass community college in the ghetto.

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 21:52 ----------

And Im on financial Aid on top of that,so your stereotyping can fuck itself in the butt
generally when people talk about successful Asians they are talking more so about Chinese, Koreans and Japanese, East Asians basically, they aren't talking about Filipinos, Indonesians or Southeast Asians, hate to break it to ya!
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:05 AM   #4

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Oh lol.HAHA.You do know South Asians,are even MORE succesfull than East Asians in general?

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 22:06 ----------

Thats the whole problem with the Asian label,I puts together people who have nothing in common into a composite blob,just like "Latino"
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:32 AM   #5

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generally when people talk about successful Asians they are talking more so about Chinese, Koreans and Japanese, East Asians basically, they aren't talking about Filipinos, Indonesians or Southeast Asians, hate to break it to ya!
Actually filipino americans earn most out of all asian american families.

---------- Post added 2010-11-27 at 11:34 ----------

Median Household Income: 2004.[34]fig.13 Ethnicity Household Income
Indians $88,538[35]
Filipinos $75,146[36]
Chinese $69,037[37]
Japanese $64,197[38]
Koreans $53,025[39]
Total US Population $44,684

---------- Post added 2010-11-27 at 11:35 ----------

Filipino Americans have some of the highest educational attainment rates in the United States with 47.9% of all Filipino Americans over the age of 25 having a Bachelor's degree, which correlates with rates observed in other Asian American subgroups.[34]fig.11 The recent wave of Filipino professionals filling the education, healthcare, and information technology shortages in the United States also accounts for the high educational attainment rates.
Educational Attainment: 2004 (Percent of Population 25 and Older)[34]fig.11 Ethnicity High School Graduation Rate Bachelor's Degree or More
Asian Indians 90.2% 67.9%
Filipinos 90.8% 47.9%
Chinese 80.8% 50.2%
Japanese 93.4% 43.7%
Koreans 90.2% 50.8%
Total US Population 83.9% 27.0%

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Old 11-27-2010, 10:38 AM   #6

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Yea,I was about to say the same thing.Poorest Asians would probably be Cambodians,Laos,Hmong,some of the Indonesians ive met including myself.I know im not alone...
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:45 AM   #7

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One reason why asian americans earn more than other races is mainly because most asian americans live in the richest state California as well in Hawaii another rich state.
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:52 AM   #8

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Theres plenty of poor ass illegal aliens in California too,not to mention bums,pyschos,gangstas,etc.Californias not all rich.

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 22:52 ----------

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Old 11-27-2010, 10:53 AM   #9

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Theres plenty of poor ass illegal aliens in California too,not to mention bums,pyschos,gangstas,etc.Californias not all rich.

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 22:52 ----------

True and 90% of those are mexicans.
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:54 AM   #10

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Gangstas-yes,bums and psychos-crackas
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:21 AM   #11

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My best friends are Asian and I find their parents to be way too oppressive. Kids need boundaries but also the freedom to develop their own thoughts and opinions, which I don't think Asian parents to well enough.
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:23 AM   #12

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My best friends are Asian and I find their parents to be way too oppressive. Kids need boundaries but also the freedom to develop their own thoughts and opinions, which I don't think Asian parents to well enough.
I see White parents doing that and little billy ends up doing some CRAZYAZZ $hit
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:24 AM   #13

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White kids these days are S P O I L E D
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:49 AM   #14

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Strict parenting turns boy to gay and girl into hoe. Proof attached.
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Old 11-27-2010, 12:08 PM   #15

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Asian parents are the best because they put so much emphasis on education and guiding their children toward great careers. That's why we are so successful in America, because while the spoiled suburban white kids are going out, partying and trying different drugs, the ghetto black and hispanic kids joining gangs dealing drugs, and kids of every other race dating from an early age, we're are forced to study hard, do community service and getting high SAT scores so we can get into Ivy league colleges. We might be somewhat oppressed during our teenage years but we're smart enough to know that getting good grades and graduating from a top school will certainly pay off soon enough when it lands us a great career and place us firmly in the upper middle class to upper class. Everything pays off in the end once we graduate from Harvard/Princeton/Columbia etc. etc., the equally educated and smart girls will naturally gravitate to us and we'll be driving bimmers and living in wealthy neigbhorhoods where we can start our own family and make sure our kids will grow up and be even more successful than we are. Sometimes Asian parents use tough love and might spank their kids but when the kids get older they will thank the older generation. I don't think parenting can get any better than Asian parents.
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Old 11-27-2010, 12:15 PM   #16

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Strict parenting turns boy to gay and girl into hoe. Proof attached.

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Old 11-27-2010, 12:17 PM   #17

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My best friends are Asian and I find their parents to be way too oppressive. Kids need boundaries but also the freedom to develop their own thoughts and opinions, which I don't think Asian parents to well enough.
Well they can have their freedom but if my 16 year old son wants to be a rapper or my 16 year old daughter wants to be an import model, I'd spank the shit outta them lmao. Also if they want a car they need work and buy their own car, and pay for it including insurance on their own. White kids are waaaay too spoiled these days and I will make sure my child develops that Asian work ethic so he can succeed in life.
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Old 11-27-2010, 12:40 PM   #18

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quite a long statement about the benefits of having Asian parents
When I posted this thread I had my oppositions but I hoped someone would say them for me. Well my turn then.

I go to Columbia and a lot of Asian kids here come from well, Asian countries, not that many Asian American kids here.

On top of that, many Asian guys will not be getting the highly educated and smart girls. Believe me, the people here at the Ivies are very racist in that regard, the White girls here may suck on a black cawk for a while but when it comes to marriage a large majority of them end up marrying Whites, Asian guys are not even on their list in most cases. In fact, EVEN THE ASIAN GIRLS here go for White guys.

Second, Asian kids LACK independence. I have seen many who don't live on their own, they live with their moms and dad even when they go to college. Mom and dad are in the same town as them and rarely let them move away far. The lack of independence skills means they cannot balance well, a lot of them cannot do things American kids can like work, focus on grades and balance that out with social life. Why? Strict parents.

Another thing, Asian kids LACK tolerance for failure and that is good except a lot of them go emo when they get their first F, believe me, in college at something you will get your first F. It isn't uncommon for them to hang themselves from a ceiling fan for getting a bad grade on an exam.

Another point. Going to an Ivy, ESPECIALLY for your undergrad in no way shape or form guarantees success. In fact it is so competitive you need to be a hyper competitive blue whale in this ocean in order to survive and put up a good resume for grad school. Yea it is tough to flunk out of an Ivy but very easy to get overlooked and washed away with the competition.

Thing is, Asian kids end up lacking social skills, independent skills (living on your own and working and balancing it all out) and other skills useful in life in trade for academic skills. It is pretty easy to make All A's compared to other kids when you don't have to work and fend for yourself. Then AGAIN, that can be a good thing.

This thread is dry, I would like more debate
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Old 11-27-2010, 01:17 PM   #19

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When I posted this thread I had my oppositions but I hoped someone would say them for me. Well my turn then.

I go to Columbia and a lot of Asian kids here come from well, Asian countries, not that many Asian American kids here.

On top of that, many Asian guys will not be getting the highly educated and smart girls. Believe me, the people here at the Ivies are very racist in that regard, the White girls here may suck on a black cawk for a while but when it comes to marriage a large majority of them end up marrying Whites, Asian guys are not even on their list in most cases. In fact, EVEN THE ASIAN GIRLS here go for White guys.

Second, Asian kids LACK independence. I have seen many who don't live on their own, they live with their moms and dad even when they go to college. Mom and dad are in the same town as them and rarely let them move away far. The lack of independence skills means they cannot balance well, a lot of them cannot do things American kids can like work, focus on grades and balance that out with social life. Why? Strict parents.

Another thing, Asian kids LACK tolerance for failure and that is good except a lot of them go emo when they get their first F, believe me, in college at something you will get your first F. It isn't uncommon for them to hang themselves from a ceiling fan for getting a bad grade on an exam.

Another point. Going to an Ivy, ESPECIALLY for your undergrad in no way shape or form guarantees success. In fact it is so competitive you need to be a hyper competitive blue whale in this ocean in order to survive and put up a good resume for grad school. Yea it is tough to flunk out of an Ivy but very easy to get overlooked and washed away with the competition.

Thing is, Asian kids end up lacking social skills, independent skills (living on your own and working and balancing it all out) and other skills useful in life in trade for academic skills. It is pretty easy to make All A's compared to other kids when you don't have to work and fend for yourself. Then AGAIN, that can be a good thing.

This thread is dry, I would like more debate
Well I was speaking from a 1.5 generation Asian American point of view. I know its def. harder for international kids or Asians that migrated here more recently because they have a hard time adjusting to American culture. But from a strictly Asian American point of view, I would disagree with you that Asian guys have a tough time getting with Asian girls in college, at least in the Northeast. I've met Asian girls, usually from NYC that prefer Asian guys over all other guys, including white guys. I think you are over generalizing when you say Asian girls only want go for white guys in college. I went to University of Rochester, I know its not an Ivy but its still a top 35 school(same rank and NYU) and from my experience Asian girls did NOT favor white guys over Asian guys. Also I've also seen a good share of Asian guys, usually ones that join white frats, get with white girls. In addition Asian guys that join Asian or multicultural fraternities have no problems getting with sorority girls from Asian or multicultural sororites. I've also observed the same thing at Rutgers, albeit a lower ranked state school, when I took some classes there. Asian American guys there generally don't have a major problem with dating. Bottomline is that Asian guys are not disadvantaged because they Asian. The ones that have problems with dating are the onces that lack confidence, not because of their race, and I don't think that correlates with Asian parenting. If you lack confidence and assertiveness and not a Brad Pitt look alike, you will fail at dating regardless of what race you are.

The lack of independence I think its partly true, but I've never heard of Asian parents making their kids live at home instead of campus. Then again I went to school in the middle of nowhere. But if I were to hazard a guess as to why some Asian parents do that, its because of financial reasons and they can't afford the board which is so freaking expensive for Ivies. They want to use that money to buy a house so their family can have some property to pass on to their kids.

I will disagree with the lack of tolerance for failure. Recent suicides or homicides in my school have all been white kids who are science majors or who were hazed badly while pledging a frat. We've never in our history had an incidence where an Asian kid kill himself or did anything stupid like that.

Going to a top school of course does not guarantee success, but because Asian kids have better work ethnics than other ethnicities, they are LESS likely to drop out or fail at their major. Of course its hyper competitive in this job market right now and its tough to find a job. HOWEVER, the beauty about this country is that playing field is even for all races. Its not like whites are having an easier time finding or job or anything unless they're family has serious connections.
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Old 11-27-2010, 01:21 PM   #20

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So what happens if I don't want to sit on a desk the whole day and earn tons of money? Asian parents are a good thing if you are a jew, since I don't care about money and I'd rather to have a friend more than a manager I'd go for latino folks.
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