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Old 09-10-2010, 06:07 AM   #1

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Default Roosh's Totem Pole of Race Attractiveness

The Totem Pole Of Race Attractiveness
By Roosh

Before I started traveling I was reluctant to believe some races of men are more highly desired by women than others. Growing up in multi-cultural DC, I’d see white guys, black guys, and Latinos all getting with reasonable-looking girls in the clubs. I did notice that Asian guys only got with Asian girls, but otherwise I believed that for the most part all men are created equal.

I was a little naive.

After having lived abroad for more than 18 months, I see there is a very clear totem poll of male desirability. I used to think that my game was all that I needed to outperform any man, but unfortunately many foreign girls are so crazy about certain physical features that I have to work like a mule in some areas of the world.

Before you call me a racist for sharing these thoughts, keep in mind that this isn’t what I think is desirable, but what I’ve observed others to find attractive.

Let’s start with the ranking for men, from most desirable to least desirable. If you placed a handsome representative from each category in a lineup and let the world’s women pick their favorite, here’s who would get the most votes:

1. European men with darker, sultry features from countries like Spain, Italy, Portugal, and France
2. Northern European men with light features from countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, and Norway
3. Western men with medium features from countries like England, United States, Australia, Canada, and Ireland
4. Middle Eastern men with darker but slightly rougher features from countries like Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Iran, and Algeria
5. Latino men from countries like Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and ones in Central America
6. Arab men from countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
7. African men
8. Southeast Asian men from countries like Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia
9. Indian men
10. Asian men from countries like Korea, China, Taiwan

Where do we place men that don’t exactly fall within an category? In many cases there is some mixing and matching. Israeli men would probably fare better than your average Middle Eastern man. German and Russian men would go a notch above Western men. And Colombian, Argentine, and Brazilian men would hover around the Western and Middle Eastern categories. Personally I’d put myself mostly in category four (I have a big Turkish face and a Chewbacca complexion). I don’t feel my background affecting my pussy-getting ability unless I’m hanging out with a guy in one of the first two categories.

An interesting group is African-American men. Their African ancestry suggests they would be viewed slightly unfavorably, but thanks to cultural forces that display then as cool, progressive, and dangerous, they do better than Latino men. They can thank MTV and Hollywood.

I cannot answer the why to this list. I don’t know why Asian and Indian men are not highly desired the world over. It’s true that those guys on the bottom of the list have to work much harder than guys at the top, but that’s life. Count your blessings that you’re a man, where appearance issues can be overcome with things like game, status, lifestyle, and gimmicks. One of my best friends is an Indian man with some status and he consistently dates cute white girls, so I know it’s not a death sentence.

How about if we did the list for women? It’d be similar to the mens list but with a couple changes:

1. Northern European women (+1 movement)
2. European women (-1)
3. Western women (no change)
4. Latina women (+1)
5. Middle Eastern women (-1)
6. Southeast Asian women (+2)
7. Asian women (+3)
8. Arab women (-2)
9. Indian women (no change)
10. African women (-3)

Northern European women take the top spot (men are crazy for fair features). There was some shuffling in the bottom half of the list where Asian women got a healthy boost at the expense of Arab, Indian, and African women. Like with the men, Colombian, Argentine, and Brazilian women would be placed around categories three and four.

Why are Asian women viewed more favorably than their male counterparts? It’s because they are seen as submissive and compliant, qualities that make for a good partner. Plus Asian genetic features are more pleasing on the feminine form. And how about African-American women—do they see a boost like with African-American men? I don’t see that. Media portrayals have not been kind to them—they are shown to be combative and promiscuous. There are some exceptions to their perception (Ethiopian women fare rather well in being desired by men), but unless the African girl has a shade like Halle Berry or Tyra Banks, she will have trouble competing with other women higher on the list.

A good yard stick is the mail order bride industry. What countries do men want to purchase women from? Asian countries, Slavic countries, and some Latin countries. You do not see mail order brides coming out of Egypt, India, or Africa. These women who are at the bottom of the list are at a severe disadvantage. They can pretty themselves to land a quality man in their category, but it will be very hard for them to upgrade unless they possess exceptional beauty or lower their standards (e.g. Indian girl dating a pasty white nerd). Again, life isn’t fair.

You can use knowledge of the first list to find countries you’ll be well-received in—simply visit a place where the local man is several rungs lower than yourself. Religion may be factor (no one gets laid in Arab countries unless they pay for it), but if you’re in the middle of the list you may want to try Africa or Asia before you blow your wad in Spain or Italy. Call it pussy arbitrage.

One final note is to keep in mind that scarcity can increase your value. An Indian or Asian man in Denmark won’t do as bad as you might think due to how exotic he would be. (Partly for this reason black guys have found themselves quite a niche in places like Sweden and Germany.) If I go to Finland or Iceland I know my darker features will help get my foot in the door with many curious women, but I’m not going to kid myself—I’ll still need game to seal the deal. Do you agree with Roosh's ranking? What would your ranking be, according to your experience (not taste)? Do you think the ranking changes according to the country?
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Old 09-10-2010, 06:20 AM   #2

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This guy sounds like a douche, but his ranking for men is fairly close to my personal tastes. I guess this would be my "list". I have a strong preference for Western European looks, be they Northern or Southern, overall but I like wogs and Latinos too.

1. Western men with medium features from countries like England, United States, Australia, Canada, and Ireland
2. European with darker, sultry features
3. Northern European with light features
4. Middle Eastern/Latino (tie)
5. Arabs
6. Indians
7. Africans (but particularly New Worlders)
8. Southeast Asians
9. East Asians
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Old 09-10-2010, 06:20 AM   #3

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How the heck are asian women 7th?
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Old 09-10-2010, 06:30 AM   #4

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I disagree with that list. Indians and Chinese people born in the US who are fully Americanized, highly educated and upper middle class definitely rank higher than Hispanics, African American, and Southeast Asians. Theres a study of APA(asian/pacific islanders americans) that showed 36% of young APA men and 45% of APA women married white partners.

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Old 09-10-2010, 07:05 AM   #5

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I second the suprise that Asian women are 7th, Asian women are at least as desirable as Latina women, if not more so.
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:14 AM   #6

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I second the suprise that Asian women are 7th, Asian women are at least as desirable as Latina women, if not more so.
I don't know. I think Latina women are all around more desired on average, and then there are Asian women fetishist (mostly European males). This is a highly subjective topic and hard to prove or disprove. For example here in NJ, Asian women are highly desired here and there, with others not liking them at all. Latinas women are more generally desired across the board with few not liking them at all.

As far as for me personally, I guess I'd fit somewhere along the slots reserved for Brazilians. I am likely sometype of tri-racial/mulatto, so I exhibit physical attributes in a couple of categories. Personally, I am surprised when women from far off places consider my looks appealing since I'd guess I look very foreign to them.
*no conceit*
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:20 AM   #7

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I agree with most of this list. Naturally, I suppose, as it says that we wogs are the best.

Also it reinforces what I believe in that black women are the least attractive.

Old 09-10-2010, 07:22 AM   #8

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...It's his personal taste... -_-
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:24 AM   #9

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So? There is no black and white truth in any form of attractiveness, but that doesn't mean that we can't reach a consensus.
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:40 AM   #10

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So? There is no black and white truth in any form of attractiveness, but that doesn't mean that we can't reach a consensus.
Reach a consensus on what? Why should anyone tell anyone else what everyone 'should' be attracted to? If there's no 'black and white truth' to attractiveness, why try and forge one? Plus many of these so called consensuses are only an issue with Western countries who ignore billions of other people with magazines stating the '100 most beautiful women that ever lived'.
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:45 AM   #11

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It's not what they should be attracted to. You're black, and feel free to find blacks attractive, it's only natural. However, every culture from whites to East Asians has, for centuries considered blacks to be the lowest on the totem pole. That's not to say that individual freedom should be taken away in favor of groupthink...

But more rather that hearing diverse points of view on the subject and finding out what is the most common viewpoint would be a net gain for everyone, so that we can further understand human nature.

There's nothing wrong with being attracted to, or not attracted to one look or another... but why attempt to dismiss this individual by stating "That's just his opinion!"

Obviously. Attractiveness doesn't exist in the literal sense. It's strictly a matter of superficial human preference.
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:46 AM   #12

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So? There is no black and white truth in any form of attractiveness, but that doesn't mean that we can't reach a consensus.
There's beautiful people in every single ethnicity on the planet, you should be glad we live in America where all of that is on display and there's so much to choose from.
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:49 AM   #13

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I'm not disputing that.

But there are many people who aren't as open-minded as yourself and refuse to procreate with or date certain groups. The views expressed in the OP are not scientific and are not factual, but they express a viewpoint that is common in society... that someone's race makes them more or less preferable for romantic pursuit.
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:59 AM   #14

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Thats what you call aversive racism in social psychology lol
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:00 AM   #15

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It's not what they should be attracted to. You're black, and feel free to find blacks attractive, it's only natural. However, every culture from whites to East Asians has, for centuries considered blacks to be the lowest on the totem pole. That's not to say that individual freedom should be taken away in favor of groupthink...

But more rather that hearing diverse points of view on the subject and finding out what is the most common viewpoint would be a net gain for everyone, so that we can further understand human nature.

There's nothing wrong with being attracted to, or not attracted to one look or another... but why attempt to dismiss this individual by stating "That's just his opinion!"

Obviously. Attractiveness doesn't exist in the literal sense. It's strictly a matter of superficial human preference.
And I say that the conclusion will not hold everybody's collective opinions. There's no point covering the human race in a large generalisation of what they may find attractive when different cultures have different outlooks, how would this then relate to human nature when the reason why something is found attractive in different cultures varies? Anyway, I still stand by saying that that is the person opinion, after all they didn't even consult anyone.
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:13 AM   #16

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I find anyone who talks about "game" annoying.

One thing I like to point out is that ME women did best on online dating. I think you'd all recall that article I posted way back when this forum began.

---------- Post added 2010-09-10 at 00:15 ----------

And I say that the conclusion will not hold everybody's collective opinions. There's no point covering the human race in a large generalisation of what they may find attractive when different cultures have different outlooks, how would this then relate to human nature when the reason why something is found attractive in different cultures varies? Anyway, I still stand by saying that that is the person opinion, after all they didn't even consult anyone.
Fair women and darker men preferences is pretty standard across the globe. OF course that is within context.
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:22 AM   #17

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Fair women and darker men preferences is pretty standard across the globe. OF course that is within context.
This statement makes more sense than saying the world prefers Northern European women over Asians, even though every cultural group of the globe hasn't been looked into when saying that.
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:33 AM   #18

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w/ regards to guys getting women in clubs/bars, it doesn't matter how the guy looks (unless if he is horribly ugly), all that matters is that the he has game. or to put it in better words, has the ability to engage women on their level and beyond, with confidence and indifference. for guys, having game trumps looks, almost every time. for women, looks, while important, are less important than personality and fun.

unfortunately for east asians, we come last in game (this is why we're rated last), because really, asian cultural values are not compatible with "the game." we are taught not to be aggressive and not to have the attitude of "take what we want," and thus most of us try to be inoffensive, rather passive, and to blend in w/ the crowd. this of course, is the least successful strategy to attract women. that's why for east asians, we not only have to fight against societal stereotypes, but also values that we have been raised in. not only that, dating is highly discouraged by asian parents until the college years, and by that time, other races are already light years ahead of us in the dating game.

IMHO that list (for guys at least), is pretty much bs, because it's not so much a reflection of attractiveness in terms of looks, as it is in terms of social value. whites tend to come up top because they tend to be free of the cultural baggage that characterize a lot of other races. most women prefer white guys not because the way they look, because of the way they act, the clubbing/bargoing types of white guys, at least.
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:39 AM   #19

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Here is my list:

1) All the bitches.

Da Anodyne don't hate. Da Anodyne loves ALL the ladies. I be big pimpin'.
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Old 09-10-2010, 09:10 AM   #20

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Hottest men = Black/Mulatto/Triracial Men and 'Windmill'

It should be forbidden for a man to look this saucy

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