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Old 03-24-2011, 11:27 AM   #1

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Default Which ethnicities do you tell jokes about?
I've noticed that a lot of countries or regions have jokes about people from a particular part of the world. For example, in America, they make fun of Polish people or "Polacks"

As in many cultures, jokes about certain groups usually play on stupidity, as is the case with the classical Polish joke. But of course, they can play on other stereotypes For example:

"Why don't they have ice cubes in Poland?"
"Someone lost the recipe"

However these joke could just as easily be told about any ethnic group, as long as the person understands that the joke is reflecive of stupidity. For example, the Russians tell Chukchi jokes, and the Turks tell Laz jokes incorporating the sterotypical Laz, "Temel".

A Chukchi joke:

Чукча поступает в Литературный институт. В приемной комиссии его спрашивают, какие его любимые писатели, какие произведения он читал. Он объясняет, что ничего не читал: «Чукча не читатель, чукча писатель».

A Chukchi comes into the Literary Institute. The selection committee asked him what his favorite writers are, what works he has read. He explains that he did not read: "Chukchi not reader, Chukchi writer."
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:33 AM   #2

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OH this will end in the "Fiery Pits of Mordor".

I know some but i prefer to no be in the people's ignore list-
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:38 AM   #3

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OH this will end in the "Fiery Pits of Mordor".

I know some but i prefer to no be in the people's ignore list-
I hope this won't turn into a joke-telling contest, or a mud slinging contest. Rather, it should be a discussion of oral humoristic traditions and perception of ethnicity around the world.

One thing I noticed is that Russians can be quite self-deprecating, whereas Americans never tell jokes about themselves and always think they're #1.
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:52 AM   #4

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Jews and the Irish are my favourite targets, but anyone really- Blacks, Pakis, Orientals, Scousers (they are a different ethnicity as far as I'm concerned lol), Gypos, continental Europeans.

Why are synagouges round
So the Jews can't hide in the corner when the collection plate comes round.

Jesus was born on Christmas, killed on Good Friday and he rose on Easter- just in time for half price Easter eggs, typical fucking Jew.

What do you call a handsome Paki? Asif (may not get that one if you live in a country with few to no Pakis)

What do you get when you cross breed a Mexican and a Black? Someone too lazy to steal.

I could go on forever, I have a database in my head of racist jokes. I love dispensing them just to watch politically correct assholes cringe.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:05 PM   #5

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Old 03-24-2011, 12:13 PM   #6

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Some Irish jokes, especially the ones told by the Irish about themselves are pretty witty:

"O'Malley hasn't kissed his wife for twenty years, but he will kill any man who does."
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:17 PM   #7

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peruvians or bolivians..
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:18 PM   #8

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I've noticed that a lot of countries or regions have jokes about people from a particular part of the world. For example, in America, they make fun of Polish people or "Polacks"
Puerto Ricans
Generic East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, etc. doesn't really matter, they get the same stereotypes here.)

Where I live, there are very few WASPS... and we find them boring. Our diversity is one of our better aspects, and we all make jokes about each-other.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:23 PM   #9

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The aryan as the inferior race.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:23 PM   #10

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We don't really tell jokes about foreigners. The most targeted ones here the the people from the region where both my parents are from.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:53 PM   #11

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Hahaha some of the jokes really made me laugh speccialy that one of the mexican crossed breed with black hahahaha-

Here in Mexico we make jokes about Gringos, Argentineans, Spaniards(Galicians), Black dudes, jewish and of course ourselves.

An old jewish geezer is very sick at he hospitan and unfotunately he is in his last moments on earth and all his relatives and sons are by his side.

The diying old man half concious started to wisper calling for his sons: "Oooh Moshe, are you by my side???"..yes dad im here. repied the son......"ooohhhh shlomo are you here by my side?????"...yes dad Im here aswell replied the other son......ooohhhh David, are you here by my side too???......yes dad im here with you we love you....."and your sister Martha? where is she boys???". Im here too dad all of us are here with you...replied the sister.

Suddenly the very sick dying old man seemed to recover strenght out of who knows where and shouted at them as a mad man: Damn it, if all of you are here who the fuck is taking care of our damned Store!!!!!!!.....hahahaha.


Manolo is going to take a shower and asks his wife if she bougth some shampoo. The lady answers him that the shampoo already is inside the shower room.... Manolo replies: Yes I have seen you already bought one shampoo but the label says this is for dry hair and I have already got mine wet!!!!!....hahahahaha

---------- Post added 2011-03-24 at 00:15 ----------

A gringo was told his wife was cheating on him with his best friend.... then quickly he took his "Ar15" went out and shot his dog!!!!.

A gallego went to the United States to sped his holydays... at his coming back he arrived to Spain with a big TV set... at the airport he was asked why the heck he bought a TV set and brought that from the US if there were the same TV sets on sale at galician stores...he gladly replied: "Yes there are the same TV sets here but I like best the TV shows of the US!!!!! hahahahahaha...

Two mexican Compadres met at the cantina to drink some tequila shoots.....while drinking one of them with a big chukle told his compadre: "Compadre....guess what happened to me????...My wife left me and has gone with my my best friend!!!... the other compadre surprised cause the guy was happy asked him: "Compadre why are you so happy!!! You best "friend" has taken away your wife from you??? so then that fckr isn't your best friend compadre!!!! .... The happy guy answered: believe me compadre if he has taken away my wife from me....HE IS MY BEST FRIEND!!!!....hahahahaha
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Old 03-24-2011, 02:47 PM   #12

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jews.thats the punchline.
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:26 PM   #13

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I thought Polish jokes were popular in USA in fifties or so, are they still?

edit. to the thread starter- next time you "write" an article make sure the source is better hidden or just quote it, otherwise it looks a little bit non- professional rip-off.
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Old 03-24-2011, 04:14 PM   #14

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Russians and Estonians
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:02 PM   #15

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I thought Polish jokes were popular in USA in fifties or so, are they still?
Here, at least.

Polish is a synonym for retarded. Poles do things backwards, etc.

How do you get a one-armed polack out of a tree? Wave.

Even Poles will tell polack jokes. A friend of mine used to sing "If you're Polish and you know it, stamp your feet", and then clap his hands.
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:07 PM   #16

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Russians, Estonians, Jews.
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:12 PM   #17

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and the Turks tell Laz jokes incorporating the sterotypical Laz, "Temel".
With 'Laz' we refer to all the Turks living in the Black Sea coast of Turkey, not specific the ethnic Laz. Most Turks don't even know about the ethnic Laz.
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:12 PM   #18

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Finns, Russians
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:13 PM   #19

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Russians tell jokes about Chukchies, Jews, Ukranians, Estonians, Finns. Here is a wikipedia article about Russian jokes


Estonians and Finns are depicted as having no sense of humour and being stubborn, taciturn and especially slow. The Estonian accent, especially its sing-song tune and the lack of genders in grammar, forms part of the humour. Their common usage of long vowels and consonants both in speech and orthography (e.g. words such as Tallinn, Saaremaa) also led to the stereotype of being slow in speech, thinking and action. In the everyday life a person may be derisively named a "hot Estonian fellow" (or, in similar spirit, a "hot-tempered Finnish bloke", a phrase popularized by the 1995 Russian comedy Peculiarities of National Hunt) to emphasize tardiness or lack of temperament. Indeed, Estonians play a similar role in Soviet humor to that of Finns in Scandinavian jokes.

Finnish political scientist Ilmari Susiluoto, also an author of three books on Russian humor, writes that Finns and Russians understand each other's humor. "Being included in a Russian anecdote is a privilege that Danes or Dutchmen have not attained. These nations are too boring and unvaried to rise into the consciousness of a large country. But the funny and slightly silly, stubborn Finns, the Chukhnas do."[7]
An Estonian stands by a railway track. Another Estonian passes by on a handcar, pushing the pump up and down. The first one asks: "Iis iitt a llonngg wwayy ttoo Ttallinn?" — "Nnoot ttoo llonngg." He gets on the car and joins pushing the pump up and down. After two hours of silent pumping the first Estonian asks again: "Iis iitt a llonngg wwayy ttoo Ttallinn?" — "Nnooow iiitt iiiis llonngg wwayy."
A special offer from Estonian mobile phone providers: the first two hours of a call are free.
"I told some Estonian blokes that they're slow." / "What did they reply?" / "Nothing, but they beat me up the following day. "

Finns share with Chukchi their ability to withstand cold:
At -10 degrees Celsius, heating is switched on in British homes, while Finns change into a long-sleeved shirt. At -20 Austrians fly to Malaga, while Finns celebrate midsummer. At -200 hell freezes over and Finland wins the Eurovision Song Contest. At -273 absolute zero temperature is reached, all atom movement ceases. The Finns shrug and say: "Perkele, a bit chilly today, isn't it?"[7]. (This joke predates the event, deemed impossible, of Finland actually winning the contest, in 2006.)
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:19 PM   #20

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Much, much better than the more respected Finnish bands.
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