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Old 02-08-2011, 09:33 AM   #1

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Default Asians Dominate Intel Science Talent Search

Intel Science Talent Search, a program of Society for Science & the Public, is America's oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition. Every year, roughly 1,600 U.S. high school seniors enter the Intel Science Talent Search with original science projects. Forty finalists, representing the best and brightest young scientific minds in America, go on to compete for over USD 1.25 million in awards and scholarships.

The Finalists this year:


Of the 40 finalists 17 are east asians (overwhelmingly chinese-americans) and 10 are south asians (all indian-americans it looks like). So asian-americans who constitute just 5% of the american population produced 67.5% of the finalists in this competition that rewards creativity and innovation in research. Quite remarkable.
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Old 02-08-2011, 09:36 AM   #2

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that is! and dont chinese people put mad msg in their food? and there still smarter then all the other races lmao.
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Old 02-08-2011, 09:55 AM   #3

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well i guess that wouldnt matter since all the junk food in amerca has msg added anyway lol
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Old 02-09-2011, 08:55 AM   #4

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Maybe it is because the Asians who come to the US are already well off in their country. When they come here they work professional White collar jobs rather than blue collar jobs like Latino immigrants.
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Old 02-09-2011, 10:01 AM   #5

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Maybe it is because the Asians who come to the US are already well off in their country. When they come here they work professional White collar jobs rather than blue collar jobs like Latino immigrants.
Yeah but well off by Asian standards means your lower class by American standards. Also American companies don't respect degree from even top Asian schools so the immigrants still have to work hard to get where they are.
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Old 02-10-2011, 07:42 AM   #6

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Yeah but well off by Asian standards means your lower class by American standards. Also American companies don't respect degree from even top Asian schools so the immigrants still have to work hard to get where they are.
True but most don't face the disadvantages Blacks and Hispanics in the US have to face.
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Old 02-10-2011, 01:42 PM   #7

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True but most don't face the disadvantages Blacks and Hispanics in the US have to face.
You assume a strictly environmental explanation when in fact the explanation could be genetic.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:12 PM   #8

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You assume a strictly environmental explanation when in fact the explanation could be genetic.
Indeed. I have a South Asian segment and I'm a physics student.

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Old 02-11-2011, 05:44 AM   #9

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You assume a strictly environmental explanation when in fact the explanation could be genetic.
Environment in many cases determines IQ as well as genetics. The rich are more likely to raise better kids because their kids can get mind stimulating exercises which include playing the violin at an earlier age and getting books to read. The poor are more likely to be raised in an environment where education is not valued that much at all.

Brain drain effect, the Asians who come to America tend to be the best and brightest in their own country while other immigrants (especially Latinos) come here for blue collar work.

If it is entirely genetic then you should be able to explain the whole gang scene on the west coast with Cambodian immigrants and other Southeast Asians.

Also getting into a top university has more so to do with privileged than it does with being bright. I go to a university ranked top 20 by US World News and Report (some users even know which one it is) and most kids who go here came from stable backgrounds.
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Old 02-11-2011, 04:49 PM   #10

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Environment in many cases determines IQ as well as genetics. The rich are more likely to raise better kids because their kids can get mind stimulating exercises which include playing the violin at an earlier age and getting books to read. The poor are more likely to be raised in an environment where education is not valued that much at all.
Twin and cross-racial adoption studies have shown otherwise, that genetics and not environment are the primary cause.

There has been little to no drop in the gap in the IQ differences between blacks and whites in the US since tests were given in the early 1900s. Further it was found that the IQs of quadroons > mullatos > 1/4 blacks > pure blacks even when they lived in the same segregated neighborhoods, just as to be expected if intelligence is primarily genetic.

Here's a rather long though recent article discussing how IQ tests separate for environment and innate intelligence.
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Old 02-11-2011, 10:20 PM   #11

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The liberal Blue States led by California and New York produced 30 of the 40 finalists, while the conservative Red states led by Texas produced only 8, 5 of whom are asians. Two finalists (both asians) came from the swing/purple state of Florida.

The Old America aka "Real America" of Sarah Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Stormfront, Vdare, Amren, WND et al if it were allowed to secede from the Union would be substantially inferior to the New America in GDP, intellectual vigor, technology, science, arts etc etc. Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Hollywood, the Ivy League etc all lie in the liberal Blue States.
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Old 02-12-2011, 02:32 PM   #12

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It can be surprising that quarter-negro indians can do science, but not too surprising if you know that indians that indian higher castes have naga/mongoloid maternal heritage, which is M mtdna.

---------- Post added 2011-02-12 at 07:36 ----------

American society itself is utter corrupted carcass, because it is built upon resources robbed by wars. Without immigrants from culturally conservative countries like East Asia or even caste farm India the US will be pretty dead.
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Old 02-13-2011, 05:29 AM   #13

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It can be surprising that quarter-negro indians can do science, but not too surprising if you know that indians that indian higher castes have naga/mongoloid maternal heritage
Don't flatter yourself too much you ignorant retard. What's surprising is that a blithering idiot like you can actually use a computer.

Much of your culture, from Buddhism to Kung Fu, came from India. You would still be using the chinese abacus to count if not for the Indian Numeral System. Your ancient scholars risked their lives traveling for months over the Silk Route to reach India, the Holy Land, in order to learn authentic buddhism from the source, collect scriptures and bring them back to China to be translated.

As if it wasn't offensive enough that nordicists have been claiming to be aryans since the mid-19th century now we have mongoloid racists claiming that they were the wives of those wannabe aryans. So with a european paternal lineage and a mongoloid maternal lineage we end up with these brahmin children?
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Old 02-13-2011, 06:13 AM   #14

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I've met many smart African-Americans and many succesful ones in the real professional world.

I think intelligence and getting into a good school is only partially genetic, and a lot more environmental. I think genetically we're all about the same. But like jgamibi said, many asians who immigrate to America come from well off families in Asia or families that are financially stable, and they have in their family history succesful professionals to look up to especially their parents. They also encourage their children to study hard and do well in academics since getting to a good school is important, and getting a good job afterward. Asians are also family oriented people, so the children grow up in a very stable environment. Asian culture prides education and wealth, and they compete with one another. Many Asians are financially supported through college, and don't have to work part-time to pay for their tuition, boarding, and school materials.

Whereas some asians and especially southeast asians who do not come from well off backgrounds can sometimes struggle academically. Asian immigration to the U.S. comes in different forms, but most come as professionals or business people, and not as low skilled laborers such as many of the latinos, although there are many latino professionals and businesspersons that do migrate to the U.S.. Latinos could do just as well as asians or any other group, if they were economically better off. In fact, in the last 20 years the latino population in college and graduate schools have increased significantly which coincides with their increase economic status, being more socially and politically organized, and partly helped by the U.S. government. There are many Latino small businessowners especially in the restaurant field. The same is true with african-americans. Their ancestors came as slaves in the Americas, and only in the past 4 decades have they received full social equality. But they have to create a culture that works for them, and that's not easy to do. They don't have a lot of role models within their community as compared to other cultures, so they are starting from the beginning.
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Old 02-13-2011, 06:38 AM   #15

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I think intelligence and getting into a good school is only partially genetic, and a lot more environmental.
Exactly : in my college, amongts the brightest guys there are Africans, not 'local ones' (born and breed in Belgium), but foreign students from Africa, and, yeah, it all has to do with the environment ; when you know that even in bad conditions they gave stars to science (end of the 19th century they produced a genius like George Washington Carver), or even looking at their history (I've read a lot about 'Islamic civilisations' and, between the 12th and 16th centuries, the intellectual epicenter of the Muslim world was the Mali empire, and especially Timbuktu), I can't believe that Black peoples aren't able to have a rational view of their world, and produce knowledge.
And if they are not over-reprezented in intellecutal categories in the West, it's because, contrarly to Asian immigrants, they socially belong to the lumpenproletariat.
And there is a great website about - a lot of - Black inventors :

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Old 02-13-2011, 09:04 AM   #16

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As if it wasn't offensive enough that nordicists have been claiming to be aryans since the mid-19th century now we have mongoloid racists claiming that they were the wives of those wannabe aryans. So with a european paternal lineage and a mongoloid maternal lineage we end up with these brahmin children? Mtdna M is one of major ancient mongoloid female lineages, it proves before the aryans and dravidian,
india was inhabited by austronesian type mongoloid people, whose female population was represented
by mtdna M. Male austronesians were killed by invading aryans and females were carried off. The episode
of aryans massacring and raping naga women is describbed in Mahabharata, ancient naga people
might be the origin of mtdna M. Just need to consider what naga people looked like? They were not
caucasoids for sure. Nordicism is a more a joke than an insult, same with afrocentrism.
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Old 03-17-2011, 01:11 AM   #17

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Well guess what, the winners have been announced and the top three are all non-asians. There are three east asians in the top ten. The kid who won, Evan O’Dorney, is really something special. He previously won a Gold Medal in the International Math Olympiad and the National Spelling Bee. He is only 17. And home schooled by his mom.

The top five and their pics:

1. Evan O’Dorney

2. Michelle Hackman

3. Matthew Miller

4. Madeleine Ball

5. Selena Li
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Old 03-17-2011, 01:27 AM   #18

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I believe it is more likely that people are in the lower-classes because they are less intelligent and not the other way around. This does not apply to the third world of course, where everyone is in poverty. There are exceptions to every rule though.
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Old 03-17-2011, 01:42 AM   #19

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I believe it is more likely that people are in the lower-classes because they are less intelligent and not the other way around.
Not really. Jews were ghetto dwellers in Europe for centuries. Was that because they were dumber than gentiles? Were the lowly serfs of Russia, mostly blonds probably, congenitally less intelligent than the russian aristocracy? And on and on...
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Old 03-17-2011, 01:53 AM   #20

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Not really. Jews were ghetto dwellers in Europe for centuries. Was that because they were dumber than gentiles? Erm, are you trying to imply that living in a European ghetto pre-enlightenment means that they were of a lower socio-economic class than most? I honestly can't follow your reasoning on that one.

Were the lowly serfs of Russia, mostly blonds probably, congenitally less intelligent than the russian aristocracy? Probably, yeah.
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