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Old 12-17-2010, 09:14 PM   #1

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Default Muslims and Leftards biggest threat to Jews
The most targeted victim in muslim neighborhoods in Western Europe is not a regular native...ordinary Swedes, Danes, French etc...sure some muslim youths shout "fucking French" and so. But its more dangerous to be a jew and especially dress like one.

Recently I heard on swedish tv that a Jewish Centre in Los Angeles warns jews to visit Malmö, on the southern tip of Sweden.

And here's an article from Pia Kjärsgård, leader of Danish People Party.

It describes Nörrebro, an immigrant "ghetto" in Copenhagen, and focus this time on the jews situation.


Pia Kjærsgaards letter - 26 july 2010
Who may come to Nørrebro?

Some quotes

The ideal PC picture of Nørrebro is not true for jewish residents either. ”Davids star is banned in Nørrebro”, jews tells about violence against them. Not from christian danes – because in the case one (the society) would have done something against the problem long time ago - but from muslim youths. ”You shall die, fucking jew”, Søren from Roskilde got to hear in a nightclub in Nørrebro. I don't have time to translate all from danish, but I would like to add something even more interesting from the article.

It is right in order to hunt jews. No one defends them - not even the Danish Left because they hate Israels existance In other European cities where muslim immigration has been massive, jews are fleeing. Like Malmö, Sweden. And Antwerpen, Belgium, where they have run trade for centuries. Jews are not being expelled by the natives, like before, but by the ”new europeans” with muslim background. The leftards in Denmark make excuses for these actions because they understand the muslims frustration because of the conflict in Middle East.

So much for the lefts usual anti-racism and view about everyone's equal value in other words.
I also recall an older article reporting from a protest against Israel, where swedish left activists shout "death to the Jews" (sounds very left, right?).

Muslims, along with their bitches left-activists are the new threat for Jews in modern Western Europe - not far right activists.

Persecution again. But from different groups this time. This shocked the European Union so much in 2003 that they first did not want to reveal it. They made a study about Antisemitism in Europe and they found that the biggest perpetrators was not what they had expected.

I hope America will protect its jews from this European madness.
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Old 12-17-2010, 09:47 PM   #2

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And yet there are people saying that the immgiration that has happened in Europe/North America in the last 5 decades is part of a Jewish plan to get rid of the Jews' greatest enemy: the white man. They fail to consider that ever since the creation of Israel the Jews' (if there's such a monolithic thing) greatest enemy is the Muslim/Arab (read previous parentheses). If anything, replacing the populaton of North America and Europe with Muslims will create more states that are hostile to Israel.

These conspiracy theories that I mentioned don't make any sense when you think them through (another one was that Jews are for communism and Jews are for Israel. Yet the Soviet Union was one of Israel's greatest enemies, funding the Arab states. What, a Jewish Civil War was happening during the Cold War?).
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Old 12-17-2010, 10:00 PM   #3

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So much for the lefts usual anti-racism and view about everyone's equal value in other words.
I also recall an older article reporting from a protest against Israel, where swedish left activists shout "death to the Jews" (sounds very left, right?).
Yup. Anti-racist my ass.
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Old 12-17-2010, 10:07 PM   #4

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And yet there are people saying that the immgiration that has happened in Europe/North America in the last 5 decades is part of a Jewish plan to get rid of the Jews' greatest enemy: the white man. They fail to consider that ever since the creation of Israel the Jews' (if there's such a monolithic thing) greatest enemy is the Muslim/Arab (read previous parentheses). If anything, replacing the populaton of North America and Europe with Muslims will create more states that are hostile to Israel.

These conspiracy theories that I mentioned don't make any sense when you think them through (another one was that Jews are for communism and Jews are for Israel. Yet the Soviet Union was one of Israel's greatest enemies, funding the Arab states. What, a Jewish Civil War was happening during the Cold War?).
The Jews are not for or against any ideology. They are only looking out for what is best for their collective at a given moment. If this happens to be Communism, then Jews will be Communist. If it happens to be "Neoliberalism" then that is what the Jews will support.

And like all degenerative parasites, they instinctively work for the destruction of the host society. If this society is Muslim/Christian/Hindu or White/Black/Asian does not matter to them. Nor does it matter if the downfall of that society will lead to their own destruction in the process. This is simply their instincts and they can't help doing what they do.

I can't possibly explain it as clearly and logically as Dr. Pierce:

And so I don't want you just to take my word for this very important conclusion about the nature of the Jews as a uniquely hostile and dangerous group. I want you to study the facts. I want you to think about the evidence and reach your own conclusion. But I don't want you to stop short of a conclusion because of fear, because of brainwashing. I want you to overcome your fear and examine the evidence objectively.

I will make a few more observations about this conclusion and its implications now, however. Let me tell you, it really is the key to understanding many other things: the history of the Jews in Europe -- and elsewhere -- for example. Why were the Jews always picked on and persecuted far more than any other group? Why did everyone else always hate them? Why have they been kicked out of virtually every country in Europe during the past thousand years: out of England and Spain and Portugal and France and Sweden and Germany and a dozen other countries and told never to come back, only to sneak back in and then be kicked out again? The Jews will tell you that it was Christian bigotry. But Christian bigotry cannot explain why the Egyptians threw them out of Egypt more than a thousand years before Christ, and it cannot explain why the pagan Greeks and Romans hated them. I used to wonder about these things. And even after I began to suspect that the socially and racially destructive activities of the Jews were planned and deliberate, I didn't know why. It didn't make sense to me that the Jews would deliberately seek to destroy a society in which they were riding high -- that they would deliberately drill holes in the bottom of a boat in which they were passengers. I couldn't figure it out -- until I understood the nature of the Jews.

And that nature really is unique. At some time far back in the prehistoric period, certainly more than 3,000 years ago, the Jews developed a unique mode of survival as predators and parasites. Whereas other races, other tribes, sought either to live alone among their own kind -- or to conquer other tribes militarily and take their land or require them to pay tribute -- the Jews sought to invade the territory of other races by stealth and then to subvert them, to undermine their morale, to break down the order and structure in their societies as a concomitant to controlling them and exploiting them.

In the beginning, thousands of years ago, this may have been only a novel plan for gaining control of a particular neighbor, but eventually it developed into a way of life. It became part of their religion, and eventually it got into their genes. I believe that today they really can't help themselves. And as I said before, you do need to think carefully about this. You need to study the facts. It's difficult for many people to understand the Jews because they really are different from every other ethnic group.

One aspect of the Jewish problem which adds to the difficulty many people have in coming to grips with it is that the Jews are not just a scheming and sinister kehillah of adult male media bosses. They are a complete community, with women and children and many members on the fringes: part-Jews, dissidents, and so on -- even a few anti-Jewish Jews. There are approximately six million Jews in the United States, by their own count, and they can't all be film studio owners or newspaper publishers or promoters of "rap" music or Hollywood scriptwriters. Most of them live and work in a way which gives them relatively little personal opportunity for damaging our society. They are simply teachers and businessmen and merchants and lawyers and doctors, earning a living more or less like everyone else -- but not quite.

You must back off a bit in order to see the forest rather than just the trees. The essential thing about the forest is that it is destroying our world. It is a parasitic forest. It is injecting spiritual and cultural poison into our civilization and into the life of our people and sucking up nutrients to enrich itself and grow even more destructive. Perhaps only 10 per cent of the trees in this Jewish forest have roots deep enough to inject their poison into us, and the other 90 per cent play only supporting roles of one sort or another. It is still the whole forest which is our problem. If the forest were not here we would not have had to endure the curse of Bolshevism. If the forest were not here America would not be growing darker and more degenerate by the year. It is the whole forest, not just a few of the most poisonous trees in it, which must be uprooted and removed from our soil if we are to become healthy again.

The essential point again is this: not every Jew has a leading role in promoting the evils which are destroying us, and not every person is a Jew who is collaborating with the leading Jews who are promoting evil, but it is only because the Jews as a whole are among us that the evils they always promote are overwhelming us. If the Jews were not present we could overcome the evil men of our own race. The evil men of our own race may seek their own profit at the expense of the rest of us, but they do not seek to destroy our race. Only the Jews seek that. http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs9910c.html

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Old 12-18-2010, 02:35 AM   #5

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The Jews are not for or against any ideology. They are only looking out for what is best for their collective at a given moment. If this happens to be Communism, then Jews will be Communist. If it happens to be "Neoliberalism" then that is what the Jews will support.

And like all degenerative parasites, they instinctively work for the destruction of the host society. If this society is Muslim/Christian/Hindu or White/Black/Asian does not matter to them. Nor does it matter if the downfall of that society will lead to their own destruction in the process. This is simply their instincts and they can't help doing what they do.

I can't possibly explain it as clearly and logically as Dr. Pierce:



I don't agree with Pierce on this front. However I have heard that Jews have a higher rate of psychopathy than the average, but then again so do certain other ethnic groups so it's not specifically Jewish. I wouldn't be surprised if their historic conditions had nurtured a certain tribalistic way of seeing the world and a different strategy for conquering societies.

Parasite is obviously a very emotive word, and I think it is beneath Dr. Pierce's intelligence to call them this.

I don't think every single Jew on the planet collaborates in some great conspiracy, I think that the majority of those leading the movement toward a new world order (not in the sense of a conspiracy but in the sense of globalisation) are Jews.

I'm skeptical of statistics like the '1 in 8 Jews are Mossad Sayanim' but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of diaspora Jews lend a hand to the Mossad, certainly more than the number of Brits who assist MI6 or the number of Americans who help out the CIA- but probably no more than the number of Palestinians who help out Hamas.

The times make the man- and apparently they also make the race.
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Old 12-18-2010, 06:43 AM   #6

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The irony of it all is that many Muslims are `rightards`
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Old 12-18-2010, 09:55 AM   #7

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The irony of it all is that many Muslims are `rightards`
Yeah I find that funny too. Considering the people who usually suck up to Muslims are the left, and then they also suck up to queers and feminists. lol
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Old 12-18-2010, 09:58 AM   #8

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Leftists support anything that is counter-productive. Hence their cheerleading for far-right Muslims who agree with them on nothing except for their self-hatred.

The best thing we could do is disband our militaries and give billions to Israel, since they're the only ones with the balls to do what needs to be done.
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Old 12-18-2010, 01:45 PM   #9

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Yeah I find that funny too. Considering the people who usually suck up to Muslims are the left, and then they also suck up to queers and feminists. lol
Gays and feminists are mostly on the left. I don't have a problem with them
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Old 12-18-2010, 08:22 PM   #10

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The best thing we could do is disband our militaries and give billions to Israel, since they're the only ones with the balls to do what needs to be done.
WTF? What needs to be done exactly? And I think they receive billions already from the long suffering taxpayer.
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Old 12-18-2010, 08:35 PM   #11

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Pia Kjærsgaards letter - 26 july 2010
Who may come to Nørrebro?
Aaargh! It's about time so to Morten Messerschmidt to assume the leadership of DF. He confirmed publicly that he sang the first verse of Das Lied der Deutschen (Deutschland, Deutschland Über Alles)!
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Old 12-18-2010, 08:37 PM   #12

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Consider his surname.
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Old 12-18-2010, 09:46 PM   #13

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We have nothing to do in Yourope in the first place.
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Old 12-18-2010, 11:49 PM   #14

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Gays and feminists are mostly on the left. I don't have a problem with them
I have a problem with the feminists who act all slutty and thing women should screw around like men do. They're setting women back 500 years. Why don't these "feminists" fight for more important and worthy causes for women like equal pay for equal work?

Queers... need to keep that shit in the bedroom. Why do gay people feel the need to broadcast the fact that they're gay to the world? I don't tell people who I'm fucking.
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Old 12-19-2010, 01:07 AM   #15

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WTF? What needs to be done exactly? And I think they receive billions already from the long suffering taxpayer.
Bomb the Iranians, deport or kill everyone in Hamas, etc.
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Old 12-19-2010, 01:14 AM   #16

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sure some muslim youths shout "fucking French".

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Old 12-19-2010, 02:06 AM   #17

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I have a problem with the feminists who act all slutty and thing women should screw around like men do. They're setting women back 500 years. Why don't these "feminists" fight for more important and worthy causes for women like equal pay for equal work?
It's their life, I guess it's up to them if they want to act slutty.

Queers... need to keep that shit in the bedroom. Why do gay people feel the need to broadcast the fact that they're gay to the world? I don't tell people who I'm fucking. Most of them don't want to broadcast it. It's just small minority
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Old 12-19-2010, 02:09 AM   #18

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Bomb the Iranians, deport or kill everyone in Hamas, etc.
Why kill when we can manipulate?
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Old 12-19-2010, 02:11 AM   #19

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The only good radical muzzie is a dead radical muzzie.
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Old 12-19-2010, 02:26 AM   #20

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Bomb the Iranians, deport or kill everyone in Hamas, etc.
Why? What business is it of ours what goes on between the Jews and the Muslims? Plus from a diplomatic standpoint doesn't the radicalisation of even more Muslims concern you? Also the economic impact- vital oil supply. Americans moan about paying $4 a gallon (try the $8-9 we pay) how would they feel about the price of a gallon of petrol when oil's at $350-400 a barrel- which it would be if America bombed Iran?

---------- Post added 2010-12-18 at 19:28 ----------

The only good radical muzzie is a dead radical muzzie.
How about radical Zionists?

P.S. I agree. If someone wants to see all non-Muslims dead or converted it's better we kill them before they can kill us but I don't think radical Muslims are the only threat.
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