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Old 12-02-2010, 07:56 AM   #1

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Default White whining and the failure of europeans to propagate
Why do some white people spend so much time whining and blaming non-whites for what, in essence is the failure of europeans to self-propagate? It is clear that the demographics of Europe show an aging, self-centered population that can't produce enough offspring to replace and sustain itself. Germany, for example, lacks a sufficient native population to support its own economy and must import foreigners to support that nations needs. Frustrated by powerlessness and the fear of self-extinction, some uneducated europeans turn to violent and radical racial ideology as a crutch to compensate for their own personal failures. Instead of working to accomplish personal achievement, these white people espouse an ideology that attempts to claim the greatness of other european historical figures as if it inures to the benefit of those whose lives are abject failures. They attempt to espouse a racial hierarchy that puts europeans at the top and are angered by the fact that other races as well members of their own white race refuse to acknowledge or adhere to such self-destructive ideology.

Wouldn't it be more productive for these individuals to find personal success through hard work and pass that on to their own progeny created through consensual relationships instead of attempting to direct a self-destructive philosophy towards others who will certainly refuse and ignore it?
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Old 12-02-2010, 08:12 AM   #2

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What self-destructive ideology is this you are talking about?
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Old 12-02-2010, 08:33 AM   #3

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Why do some white people spend so much time whining and blaming non-whites for what, in essence is the failure of europeans to self-propagate?
We're not "failing" to propagate, we are systematically discouraged from doing so by the system (economy, culture, media, government).

It is clear that the demographics of Europe show an aging, self-centered population that can't produce enough offspring to replace and sustain itself. Germany, for example, lacks a sufficient native population to support its own economy and must import foreigners to support that nations needs. For the most part this isn't actually true. There is only very little need for immigration, in economic terms. Most immigration is low-tier and useless. All it does is lower wages, strain the social system and turn certain areas into third-world crapholes.

Frustrated by powerlessness and the fear of self-extinction, some uneducated europeans turn to violent and radical racial ideology as a crutch to compensate for their own personal failures. Complete nonsense. Whenever it's about race, people start talking about "personal failures". Kinda reminds me of all those unfounded theories "proving" that antisemitism is a psychological pathology. You can't solve an ethnic demographic problem yourself. How do you suppose a single person shits out enough babies to stabilize a nation of 60 million? Let's hear it.

Instead of working to accomplish personal achievement, these white people espouse an ideology that attempts to claim the greatness of other european historical figures as if it inures to the benefit of those whose lives are abject failures. Most nationalist movements are of a political activism nature, they're not book or history clubs. There is nothing keeping someone from being a nationalist and being successful. You just won't see those people marching the streets, because doing so is currently social suicide.

They attempt to espouse a racial hierarchy that puts europeans at the top and are angered by the fact that other races as well members of their own white race refuse to acknowledge or adhere to such self-destructive ideology. This isn't true at all. All we want is to preserve ourselves in our own nation and retain and assert our dominance and hegemony. The only thing self-destructive is the system we are currently in, which calls itself democracy.

Wouldn't it be more productive for these individuals to find personal success through hard work and pass that on to their own progeny created through consensual relationships That's not productive at all. You don't affect social change by having sex, I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept. Your suggestions are akin to telling Soviet citizens that they can best defeat the Communist system by sitting at home and crushing matchsticks that they imagine to be Communist leaders. It does not sound like a feasible strategy, at all.

instead of attempting to direct a self-destructive philosophy towards others who will certainly refuse and ignore it? Nationalism isn't self-destructive, it's preservationist. Liberal democracy and global capitalism on the other hand, are self-destructive.

Your whole post seems to be targeted at White supremacism which really is just a minor fringe movement that is mostly concerned with posting an abundance of racial IQ studies on internet forums, pitting them up against each other, and whoever posts the most studies wins. However, studies published by Jews are a minus one each, so look out for those Greenbergs, Leikovitzs and Shlomos.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:42 AM   #4

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Clearly this typical american doesn't understand that the more developed a society is the less time it takes,in general, to make tens of kids per family,unlike undeveloped Africa who is at least 100 years behind in social mentality on making kids(besides many other thing). Fact is that life in the WORKING western world is expensive and you have to provide for the children,rather than making 20 kids and abuse and mistreat them like primitives world wide are doing. Most of the civilized/intellectual people prefer to make around 2 good ones and raise them properly.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:15 AM   #5

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What self-destructive ideology is this you are talking about?
Well, let's take a look at it:

I said,
Clearly this typical american doesn't understand that the more developed a society is the less time it takes,in general, to make tens of kids per family,unlike undeveloped Africa who is at least 100 years behind in social mentality on making kids(besides many other thing). Fact is that life in the WORKING western world is expensive and you have to provide for the children,rather than making 20 kids and abuse and mistreat them like primitives world wide are doing. Most of the civilized/intellectual people prefer to make around 2 good ones and raise them properly.
I'm afraid you make no sense. If a developed society takes less time "to make tens of kids per family" as you state, your society should be sufficiently reproducing to sustain itself. I am not African but rather the descendant of Africans (as well as Scandinavians and Native Americans) but I would guess an African would say that if Africans are so far behind in social mentality with regard to making kids that perhaps being closer to nature (and being less developed) is preferred as it results in the robust growth of the population as opposed to the dying population seen in Europe. Perhaps there are African ways that Europeans would do well to learn. Why is life in "working western world" so expensive that it results in your population declining? It is because you cherish "things" over "family?" If so, you shouldn't be surprised or upset when you've reaped what you've sown. You are old people with no kids and lots of things.

Certainly the abuse and mistreatment of kids is not exclusive to non-european countries. One of the greatest horrors I have ever heard of on the planet surrounds the abuse of a daughter by her father, Austrian man named Josef Fritzl.
Fritzl imprisoned his daughter in a basement for 24 years and fathered 7 kids by her. No other continent has registered such a horror but Europe has. Who are the real primitives in that case?
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Old 12-02-2010, 12:52 PM   #6

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Why do some white people spend so much time whining and blaming non-whites for what, in essence is the failure of europeans to self-propagate? It is clear that the demographics of Europe show an aging, self-centered population that can't produce enough offspring to replace and sustain itself. Germany, for example, lacks a sufficient native population to support its own economy and must import foreigners to support that nations needs. Frustrated by powerlessness and the fear of self-extinction, some uneducated europeans turn to violent and radical racial ideology as a crutch to compensate for their own personal failures. Instead of working to accomplish personal achievement, these white people espouse an ideology that attempts to claim the greatness of other european historical figures as if it inures to the benefit of those whose lives are abject failures. They attempt to espouse a racial hierarchy that puts europeans at the top and are angered by the fact that other races as well members of their own white race refuse to acknowledge or adhere to such self-destructive ideology.

Wouldn't it be more productive for these individuals to find personal success through hard work and pass that on to their own progeny created through consensual relationships instead of attempting to direct a self-destructive philosophy towards others who will certainly refuse and ignore it?
Just because it's anti-black doesn't mean it's "self-destructive"; you are describing ideologies based on your own point of view (how it would affect your race) rather than looking at it how they view it.

Also, it's not that Europeans can't produce enough offspring; it's that they're too comfortable to do so and it's not necessarily a bad thing because this planet is already overpopulated as it is. The problem here is all the Negroids and Mongoloids overpopulating the planet and exterminating valuable animals (tigers and other cats) as a consequence of their own need for territory. That's the real significant problem of our time; Europeans not having enough offspring isn't even an issue.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:05 PM   #7

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Is because this so called liberals prefer to have dogs and i-pads instead of kids. They call themselves more intelligent, but they still don't understand that the only reason we live in this world is to spread our genes as much as we can, I you don't do that you are a failure of nature.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:46 PM   #8

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The problem here is all the Negroids and Mongoloids overpopulating the planet and exterminating valuable animals (tigers and other cats) as a consequence of their own need for territory.
Aren't caucasiods doing the same also? I think all the human species are responsible for it.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:52 PM   #9

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I guess North America had alot of species before the europeans arrived and made them extinct by building up monster cities. The big problem is that people in Africa and India got none food and developing countries got little food. The ones eating all food are the americans and europeans. They eat 10 times more than any other population. Also they waste more energy than any other population. And remember there used to be lions in Europe before the europeans killed them off. Not to be racist or antyhing. Blaming africans is just so wrong. Africa got all exotic animals still there living almost the same way they have been living for the last million years.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:54 PM   #10

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Blaming africans is just so wrong. Africa got all exotic animals still there living almost the same way they have been living for the last million years.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:08 PM   #11

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I don't have problem with Non-Whites.
Biggest problem of modern European societies is that is now bad thing to be labeled as a "racist",it is exactly the reason why Whites are afraid to stand up for their rights.

Other big problem are Governments who are encouraging immigration by giving the immigrants more and more rights. Why ? Because someone will make the impression that Government is a racist if a Black Person,who came from the southern Africa does not have the same rights as a for example,German, descendant of a Junker Family,who's family spent at least 4 centuries in Germany.That is totally wrong. Every nation has a right for an National Country. You wont find Hyenas among Wolves,these are basic concepts of nature.

Also,about immigration.No Immigrants can do a job which Europeans are not able. Immigration gave absolutely no benefit to any European country.They just introduced Non-White Way of Culture to fellow Europeans,and when they tried to prove their right for their own land,they were labeled as a racist.
White man must realize that "Being Racist" is actually code for being "Pro-White",code for a man who's race is on the edge of extinction,and the time of political correctness is over from the time they started to burn our cities,abuse social help,attack us in our own countries and steal our land.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:09 PM   #12

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europeans propagate slow because they have something called education and family planning
something that immigrants need to get some of so they wont breed like rats.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:11 PM   #13

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europeans propagate slow because they have something called education and family planning
Yes,because white man wont make 6 kids and then beg on the streets in order to feed them.Main difference between us and you.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:30 PM   #14

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europeans propagate slow because they have something called education and family planning
something that immigrants need to get some of so they wont breed like rats.
We all need both.

---------- Post added 2010-12-02 at 11:31 ----------

Yes,because white man wont make 6 kids and then beg on the streets in order to feed them.Main difference between us and you.
Correction some of us,maybe there are euros also who do what you have stated above.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:38 PM   #15

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Yes,because white man wont make 6 kids and then beg on the streets in order to feed them.Main difference between us and you.
well u are no better than the illegal immigrants coz uneducated neo-nazi bums also progpagate just like rats like them
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:45 PM   #16
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Other big problem are Governments who are encouraging immigration by giving the immigrants more and more rights. Why ? Because someone will make the impression that Government is a racist if a Black Person,who came from the southern Africa does not have the same rights as a for example,German, descendant of a Junker Family,who's family spent at least 4 centuries in Germany.That is totally wrong. Every nation has a right for an National Country. You wont find Hyenas among Wolves,these are basic concepts of nature.
they should have the same right if they are legal citizens in an European country like the natives, there should not be any difference in threatment or anyhing, because that would be discrimination.

Also,about immigration.No Immigrants can do a job which Europeans are not able. Immigration gave absolutely no benefit to any European country.They just introduced Non-White Way of Culture to fellow Europeans,and when they tried to prove their right for their own land,they were labeled as a racist. it is up for europeans to preserve their culture, and there are way to preserve it besides kiking non-euros out.
White man must realize that "Being Racist" is actually code for being "Pro-White",code for a man who's race is on the edge of extinction,and the time of political correctness is over from the time they started to burn our cities,abuse social help,attack us in our own countries and steal our land. What edge of extintion?There are million of whites and euros around the wolrd, in what dimension are you living in, no, white man must realize that Xenophobia is not the way to preserve someone culture and heritage.
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Old 12-02-2010, 10:59 PM   #17

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I reject your reality… and substitute my own,nanananana-na
There is nothing natural about making dozens of kids unless it's a survival strategy or some kind of overabundance of resources and few people. The western countries are already crowded with people,making more kids would only result in vast poverty and starvation like in parts of India. Besides that raising a child properly is above making lots of kids in any normal person's mind,I've seen cases of low income idiots that made 8-9 kids and then bitched on TV that they have no possibility to raise them=FAIL. And for your case of isolated weirdos that lock their children in houses I can say that it's not a common thing,unlike african kid-soldiers,Africa the most devilish and primitive continent uses kids in mass numbers as killer soldiers(and drugs them),yay.
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:09 PM   #18

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well u are no better than the illegal immigrants coz uneducated neo-nazi bums also progpagate just like rats like them
Yeah that is true. Coming from someone who used to hang around with such people (I have changed now), I know a lot of them reproduce like cockroaches... and I am less than impressed at the fact that 30% of my paycheck will support them when they grow up.
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:11 PM   #19

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Africa the most devilish and primitive continent uses kids in mass numbers as killer soldiers(and drugs them),yay.
And Europe is the most Godly and civilied society.

---------- Post added 2010-12-02 at 12:14 ----------

children also could make the best soldiers as they would do what an adult tell them to do and are easy to use, adults tend to question decisions of their bosses, that is why they use this method, I don't like it or think i't is correct, but for them it is useful, is a very good way to create killing soldiers.
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:15 PM   #20

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And Europe is the most Godly and civilied society.
It sure is,without Europe there wouldn't be freedom from slavery or basic human rights http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univers...f_Human_Rights ,not that non-europeans bother with those anyway. Europa> .......... everything else.

children also could make the best soldiers as they would do what an adult tell them to do and are easy to use, adults tend to question decisions of their bosses, that is why they use this method, I don't like it or think i't is correct, but for them it is useful, is a very good way to create killing soldiers.
The rest of what you said confirms africans are inhumans.
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