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Old 11-26-2010, 08:02 PM   #21

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Sure it does. I even think that most White people prefer products or companies that treat their employees right, don't destroy the environment, etc.

I think that if a company has a lot of non-white workers that sort of makes their products disreputable. Because of the values that are implied.
It's all about culture and education. I can assure you a "non-white" person born and raised here and with a college degree will have the same values as a local with the same conditions. An immigrant fresh from Africa will have a different mindset of course.
As for destroying the environment and treating the employees right i don't get what that has to do with having white or non-white people working for a company.
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:32 PM   #22

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And as a White person, I believe anyway, you have a duty to "do the right thing.
I think that fairness is a White value.
This is why White people will give Blacks and Asians an equal chance.
There seems to be a contradiction here. You are saying that Whites are fair and would give Blacks and Asians an equal chance, yet you being White are not being fair by not giving them an equal chance.

So either

- You are not White
- White people are not fair
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:40 PM   #23

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It's all about culture and education. I can assure you a "non-white" person born and raised here and with a college degree will have the same values as a local with the same conditions. An immigrant fresh from Africa will have a different mindset of course.
As for destroying the environment and treating the employees right i don't get what that has to do with having white or non-white people working for a company.
You mean like with people from Africa that come and get college educations in the West, and then adopt these liberal-democratic values and bring them back to their home countries? People like Charles Taylor?

'Cuz race is only skin deep...
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:45 PM   #24

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You mean like with people from Africa that come and get college educations in the West, and then adopt these liberal-democratic values and bring them back to their home countries? People like Charles Taylor?

'Cuz race is only skin deep...
I don't know who Charles Taylor is.
I meant people born and raised in the west as opossed to newly arrived immigrants. The first ones have the same education and values as locals.
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:49 PM   #25

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I would assume that they are both qualified of course. I am not talking about promoting a White retard over a Black rocket scientist, I think that's obvious.

Sure, I would probably reward a non-white that did exceptionally well, but I would not promote him to have a position above White people. This has nothing to do with skin tone, but with fundamental racial differences that reflect in one's values.
I wasn't talking about promoting a white retard over a black genius. Of course you wouldn't promote a retard over smart individual (no-one in their right mind would) I'm was talking about individuals doing their jobs right; all are qualified for a promotion but let say the non-whites are more qualified than the whites but you wouldn't promote them based on the fact that are non-whites. That's what i didn't get. You've clarified things....To tell the truth, you are right this is a racial differences. Maybe the fact that i'm a non-white, i'll never get it cause for example: some of the stuff you said i Personally saw something wrong with it especially the part i bolded. Since i do not feel like arguing, i won't get into details why i think it's wrong

Take fairness as an example. I think that fairness is a White value. Among White people not being fair is considered disreputable. This is why White people will give Blacks and Asians an equal chance. Non-whites will consider it outright stupid not to take all the advantages they can get. That's why you will never see Blacks or Asians giving anybody any chances at all.
Fairness isn't a white value. Fairness is anybody value. I do not know how blacks or asians or non-whites you've met but the part i bolded is actually a generalization. I've seen and heard of non-whites giving people an equal chance before and it's not just people of their own race. Heck i actually know someone who did exactly that. One of my friend literally gave up her scholarship to someone who desperately needed it more than she did.
You know you are contradicting yourself here right?

Unfortunately, I can agree that a lot of White people that hold superior positions have adopted a non-white/Jewish way - what you call "abusing their power". White business has originally not been run that way.
Hold up. Aren't Jews white?

Why does it look wrong? Because White people are simply more valuable than non-whites. Not only are they more rare, but also finer as a race. It's like comparing a common digital watch with a rare mechanical watch. Sure the digital one may keep better time and be more sturdy, but the mechanical watch is too fine and exclusive to miss out on.

And why would I personally not promote Whites over non-whites? It's very hypocritical to complain over Whites being preferred when you would do the very same with your own race if it was objectively more valuable and rare.[COLOR="Silver"]
Okay the part about whites being a rare race makes absolutely no sense to me but like you said the concept might just be a racial difference hence the reason I'm not grasping it.
BTW. No i wouldn't do the same to my own race. If i see someone of my own race doing or thinking the same you are. I would question them the same way I'm questioning you. Personally i see something wrong with this type of thinking especially in this day of age where inequality is something society is trying to diminish.
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:52 PM   #26

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There seems to be a contradiction here. You are saying that Whites are fair and would give Blacks and Asians an equal chance, yet you being White are not being fair by not giving them an equal chance.

So either

- You are not White
- White people are not fair
Of course I'm not White. I'm Russian. And Russians aren't White. White people will actually believe nonsense like that everybody should be treated equally. You don't see Russians thinking that Blacks should have the same rights as Russians, do you now? In America, there were even White people that voted for a Negro president!


There are even Black people that realize they shouldn't have a Black president.

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 15:21 ----------

Fairness isn't a white value. Fairness is anybody value. I do not know how blacks or asians or non-whites you've met but the part i bolded is actually a generalization. I've seen and heard of non-whites giving people an equal chance before and it's not just people of their own race. Heck i actually know someone who did exactly that. One of my friend literally gave up her scholarship to someone who desperately needed it more than she did.
You know you are contradicting yourself here right?
So you mean that Asians/Latinos would give "equal opportunity" to other races in their countries? Like that China/Japan/Mexico for example would have affirmative action programs, housing, health care and welfare for Black people that showed up in their countries?

Or if Black people ran the show, like in South Africa, they would make sure to give White people a fair chance?

You will have to excuse me if I'm a little bit skeptical.

Hold up. Aren't Jews white?
No. Jews are Semitic. And the eternal enemy of all White people everywhere.

Okay the part about whites being a rare race makes absolutely no sense to me but like you said the concept might just be a racial difference hence the reason I'm not grasping it.
BTW. No i wouldn't do the same to my own race. If i see someone of my own race doing or thinking the same you are. I would question them the same way I'm questioning you. Personally i see something wrong with this type of thinking especially in this day of age where inequality is something society is trying to diminish.
On a global level, White people are rare and exotic. There are many Asians, Indians, Blacks and Latinos, but comparatively few White people. This makes White people objectively more valuable than non-white people. So it has nothing to do with my own personal opinion. History has shown that White people possess a distinct psychological and spiritual make-up, and this makes them especially suited for certain tasks. You could make the argument that White people are unusually creative and organized. This could make them more suitable for leadership roles for example.

If there were no racial differences, then there would be no inequalities to diminish in the first place. If races are fundamentally different no amount of social engineering is going to change that. We must also ask who is trying to diminish these differences. It most certainly isn't Black people, as they seem to show little interest in changing their fundamental conditions. It most certainly isn't Asians or Latinos that are trying to make the races equal. If it was up to them, Black people would be deported to Madagascar. That leaves us with our old friends the Jews, that are consciously attempting to destroy the White race through forced integration with non-whites.
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:32 PM   #27

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No. Jews are Semitic. And the eternal enemy of all White people everywhere
Not all...Many of them are Turkic Khazars(Eurasians aka Caucasoid+Mong. hybrids)...
Check Arthur Koestler's "Thirteenth Tribe" book...If Saami admixed Scandinavians or Americans with some Native American in their blood are whites,Jews are white aswell.

But of course there are "semitic looking" Jews...e.g Adam Sandler or Noam Chomsky.
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:39 PM   #28

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Not all...Many of them are Turkic Khazars(Eurasians aka Caucasoid+Mong. hybrids)...
Check Arthur Koestler's "Thirteenth Tribe" book...If Saami admixed Scandinavians or Americans with some Native American in their blood are whites,Jews are white aswell.

But of course there are "semitic looking" Jews...e.g Adam Sandler or Noam Chomsky.
No. Jews can never be White, with the rare exception of "Edeljuden". Whites with non-white admixture are as a rule (one drop...) not White. The exception being, in my humble opinion, if they demonstrate that they possess the White spirit.
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:41 PM   #29

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No. Jews can never be White, with the rare exception of "Edeljuden". Whites with non-white admixture are as a rule (one drop...) not White. The exception being, in my humble opinion, if they demonstrate that they possess the White spirit.

Kim Besinger has Amerindian ancestry. Are you claiming she aint white?
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:44 PM   #30

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No. Jews can never be White.
Are you claiming that this Brazilian Jew is not White?


If you didnt know she is a Jew, you would call her a "sistah"
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:46 PM   #31

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Kim Besinger has Amerindian ancestry. Are you claiming she aint white?
It really depends on how she acts. But I would say that she isn't. Look at how she usually plays the role of very sexual women. That's simply not a White feature.
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:48 PM   #32

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It really depends on how she acts. But I would say that she isn't. Look at how she usually plays the role of very sexual women. That's simply not a White feature.

Are you claiming that Marilyn Monroe was not White??
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:49 PM   #33

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Are you claiming that this Brazilian Jew is not White?


If you didnt know she is a Jew, you would call her a "sistah"
I wouldn't say so. It would mainly be her behavior that would give her away. Not so much the looks in this case. Although the leopard and the hair contributes. Compare with this one:
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:52 PM   #34

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Are you claiming that Marilyn Monroe was not White??
I don't think Marilyn Monroe herself was very sexual, because that's simply NOT a White racial characteristic. But she was presented as such because that is the Jewish mans imagined image of the "Shiksa" - the White woman.
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:53 PM   #35

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I wouldn't say so. It would mainly be her behavior that would give her away. Not so much the looks in this case. Although the leopard and the hair contributes. Compare with this one:
Ugly woman. I prefer Monroe.

And European women usually get very drunk in parties and have sex with many men. Do not pretend that they are less sexual than other humans, please

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Old 11-26-2010, 09:54 PM   #36

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because that's simply NOT a White racial characteristic.
And who are you to decribe a white characteristic, do whites have to live by a specific characteristic?

---------- Post added 2010-11-26 at 10:56 ----------

I wouldn't say so. It would mainly be her behavior that would give her away. Not so much the looks in this case. Although the leopard and the hair contributes. Compare with this one:
No one have to behave a way to be classfied as a race.
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Old 11-26-2010, 09:57 PM   #37

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Ugly woman. I prefer Monroe.

And European women usually get very drunk in parties and have sex with many men. Do not pretend that they are less sexual than other humans, please

That doesn't make them the sex-vixens you imagine them to be. You see, for White women it's not actually about having sex and enjoying it. It's about getting sexual attention - which is not the same as getting actual sex. By non-white standards White women are quite... frigid.
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:00 PM   #38

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That doesn't make them the sex-vixens you imagine them to be. You see, for White women it's not actually about having sex and enjoying it. It's about getting sexual attention - which is not the same as getting actual sex. By non-white standards White women are quite... frigid.
Now I see she knows all about white women, hilarious.
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:01 PM   #39

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Of course I'm not White. I'm Russian. And Russians aren't White. White people will actually believe nonsense like that everybody should be treated equally. You don't see Russians thinking that Blacks should have the same rights as Russians, do you now? In America, there were even White people that voted for a Negro president!
But you said you were white? Decide already whether you are or aren't.
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:01 PM   #40

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By non-white standards White women are quite... frigid.

Those European girls in Ibiza do not seem frigid to me
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