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Old 10-24-2010, 08:28 AM   #1

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Default Why do black people commit so much crime?
In London black people commit the majority of violence crimes, I'm sure it's a similar story in Paris and in some American cities black people commit 80% of all violent crimes despite often only accounting for 30% of the population.

The problem is I think black people are less culturally developed than white people, only a relatively short time ago African savages were roaming the savanah attacking, pillaging and raping each other with barbarity unimaginable add to the mix their parctice of voodo and witch doctor stuff and you have your result.

I think black people are only a quater to half way through the civilisation process, they have only recently come from a barbaric, backward culture and way of existance and deep down they still think and reason based on the laws of the jungle and the savannah.

You can take the black man out of the jungle but you will never take the jungle out of the black man.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:44 AM   #2

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Because those black-Brits usually come from 3rd world countries that have lack of education, they are used to stealing or killing to survive.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:47 AM   #3

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Africans don't commit a lot of crimes:


Outside of warzones (which most of Africa is not) and South Africa, crime rate is relatively low...speaking of violent crime (rape and murder) other shit varies so much between nations it is hardly comparable, that is even true within the West...

Actually the most violent area in the UK is not where there are the most blacks. It is Scotland.


As far as murder Finland and Portugal are close behind...not many blacks in any of those places either.

Are Scots still just Celtic Savages, never fully "Romanized"?


What about those pseudo-Asian Fins? Civilized?

---------- Post added 2010-10-23 at 20:49 ----------

Maybe I should act like the Slavic male posters and overreact to this thread in a way that demonstrates my insecurity and low self esteem.

Nah, on second thoughts, I will ignore this nonsense...yeah...
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:50 AM   #4

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Old 10-24-2010, 08:51 AM   #5

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Africans don't commit a lot of crimes:


Outside of warzones (which most of Africa is not) and South Africa, crime rate is relatively low...speaking of violent crime (rape and murder) other shit varies so much between nations it is hardly comparable, that is even true within the West...

Actually the most violent area in the UK is not where there are the most blacks. It is Scotland.


As far as murder Finland and Portugal are close behind...not many blacks in any of those places either.

Are Scots still just Celtic Savages, never fully "Romanized"?


What about those pseudo-Asian Fins? Civilized?
Those datas are pretty much correct. But I have to be very honest with all of you in something, and that is that in the US cases all Afram / black neighborhoods I being around are plagued with hight crime rates, bad infrastructure and hight unemployment.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:56 AM   #6

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They are the least accomplished race. Why didnt they evolve pass the stone age is beyond my comprehension. That's why I vehemently oppose multculturalism and interracial relationships: we are not physically nor mentally equal.

"But Zabersus, then how come they can breed and have children together?"

I answer that question with one of my own:

How come donkeys and horses can breed? Or dogs of different races for that matter?

There is more than it meets the eye. The PC MSM (Political Correct Mainstream Media) has done a marvelous job in brainwashing the population into a self-hating pack of sheeps, leading them into thinking that we are all the same, and anyone who opposes this premise is quickly demonized and deemed a racist/bigot/nationalist/etc.

Good to know that people in Europe and the U.S are starting to realize this. The sooner the better.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:57 AM   #7

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* FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population.

* FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. NOTE: Some have claimed that black crime is high because 'racist' cops target blacks for arrest and 'racist' judges heap convictions on innocent blacks; but statistics belie this: Three of the cities highest in crime are Washington DC, New Orleans and Detroit; and yet the government of all these cities is in black hands (or was in black hands at the time of the writing of this essay); so clearly the cause of high crime in these cities is not 'racial targeting of blacks'. More generally, black crime is high WHEREVER you go; and it would be the world's most absurd conspiracy theory to suppose that the across-the-board high crime rates for blacks originated in a collusion of whites in every city and burg in the nation to target blacks and/or cook the books.

* FACT: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (ie, committed BY blacks AGAINST whites).

* FACT: There are 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.

* FACT: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (That means that blacks commit VASTLY MORE hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!)

* FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient Egyptians were not black -- their sculptures, portraits and mummies all clearly show Caucasian features. Second note: Critics commonly claim that blacks score low on IQ tests because such tests are culturally biased. In fact, however, as black Prof Walter Williams has pointed out, blacks actually do BETTER on tests that are culturally biased.

* FACT: The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr took his instructions from a Jewish communist, plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and was an adulterous womanizer who spent the evening prior to his assassination in bed with two white women. Yet King is the only single American to be honored with a national holiday.

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Old 10-24-2010, 08:57 AM   #8

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Those datas are pretty much correct. But I have to be very honest with all of you in something, and that is that in the US cases all Afram / black neighborhoods I being around are plagued with hight crime rates, bad infrastructure and hight unemployment.
YOu ever been here??

In any case, most blacks don't live in all black neighborhoods, so you are finding the poorest and more ignorant, you put a lot of people who have a "Western culture" in those areas together, what do you expect? Same is true of HIspanic "barriors".

Most blacks are middle class, never been to jail for anything, and work everyday, and they don't live in ghettos.

If you want to find a predominately black area that is not "ghetto" then come to Washington D.C. metro area:

for example:

Prince George's County Maryland:

It does have a ghetto area close to DC, but if you cross interstate 295, it is still mostly black but not poor


* 62.70% African American
* 27.04% White
* 7.12% Hispanic or Latino
* 3.87% Asian
* 3.38% Other races
* 2.61% Two or More of any race
* 0.35% Native American
* 0.06% Pacific Islander
The median income for a household in the county in 2008 was $71,696,[14] and the median income for a family was $81,908. The 2008 mean income for a family in the county was $94,360. As of 2000, males had a median income of $38,904 versus $35,718 for females. The 2008 per capita income for the county was $23,360. About 4.70% of families and 7.40% of the population were below the poverty line, including 9.2% of those under age 18 and 7.1% of those age 65 or over. Prince George's County is the 70th most affluent county in the United States by median income for families and the most affluent county in the United States with an African-American majority. Almost 38.8% of all households in Prince Georges County, earned over $100,000 in 2008.[15]
you will see all black neighborhoods with people with BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus, etc in every drive way, with huge homes.

There are also areas like this in L.A. and Atlanta, I've seen them.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:58 AM   #9

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alot of "Black" girls are nice...especially these from Antillean region are hot & sweet. I think it's mostly guys , children of 3rd world countries migrants , without education , and who copy black americans or latinos when they aren't even newworlders they think they can do dictature in their disctrints WTF!
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:59 AM   #10

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Are those for the UK? Nope. Stay on topic.
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:04 AM   #11

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If you want to find a predominately black area that is not "ghetto" then come to Washington D.C. metro area:

for example:

Prince George's County Maryland:

It does have a ghetto area close to DC, but if you cross interstate 295, it is still mostly black but not poor


you will see all black neighborhoods with people with BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus, etc in every drive way, with huge homes.

There are also areas like this in L.A. and Atlanta, I've seen them.
You're using one off examples that do not paint a complete or accurate picture. Black people have the lowest average income of all racial groups in the US.

In terms of race, Asian-Americans households had the highest median household income of $57,518, European-American households ranked second with $48,977, Hispanic or Latino households ranked third with $34,241. African American or Black households had the lowest median household income of all races with $30,134 So much for those BMWs and Lexus's.
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:04 AM   #12

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YOu ever been here??

In any case, most blacks don't live in all black neighborhoods, so you are finding the poorest and more ignorant, you put a lot of people who have a "Western culture" in those areas together, what do you expect? Same is true of HIspanic "barriors".

Most blacks are middle class, never been to jail for anything, and work everyday, and they don't live in ghettos.

If you want to find a predominately black area that is not "ghetto" then come to Washington D.C. metro area:

Yes I 'm in America as it clearly states in my profile. I being to just about everywhere in the whole eastern coast of this country from Miami all the way up to NEw York, the New England interior, and Mid-Atlantic as well. The city where I live is pred. Hispanic and most crimes are committed by blacks as I check in local news and newspapers , In fact I was almost assaulted twice this year alone by a gang a aframs while walking to work, I had to change my transportation methods so now my friend takes me in her car .
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:05 AM   #13

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Most blacks in America live like this, can't speak for the UK:

Yes I 'm in America as it clearly states in my profile. I being to just about everywhere in the whole eastern coast of this country from Miami all the way up to NEw York, and the New England interior, and Mid-Atlantic as well. The city where I live is pred. Hispanic and most crimes are committed by blacks, In fact I was almost assaulted twice this year alone by a gang a aframs twice while going to work, I had to change my transportation so now my friend takes me in her car .
While that is unfortunate. If they are or not, what I'm saying to you is simply that most blacks don't live in the areas you described, because most blacks are not poor. Crime in the U.S. the majority of it is isolated in poor or very close around poor areas, most crime is also not random. A small percentage of blacks commit these crimes. So lets not try to say 40 million blacks are doing all this crime...that's nonsense, it is really less than 5%...I bare statistics justifying exactly what I'm saying...

Since most blacks don't live in ghettos, they live in integrated neighborhoods, what you notice is the mass of poor people living in one area. Most blacks are not represented by that population, you don't notice the 80% of blacks who live mixed in with whites, Hispanics, and Asians. you notice the bad part of town where the lowest 20% live and say that is "how black people live in these neighborhoods"...

I don't know any black people who have ever lived in ghettos who are my age, and I"m not special.

Stats bear this out, since most blacks don't live in poverty in America, they aren't living in ghettos.
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:11 AM   #14

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Most blacks in America live like this, can't speak for the UK:

You are talking about a small minority within a minority...

African Americans are also far more charitable than any groups in the U.S.


In any case, if most blacks were robbing, killing, and raping in the U.S.

Since there are 40 million, that would not be called "Crime" it would be called "civil war".

The U.S. has 2 million people in jail, it is true that a little less than half of them are indeed black.

However that is less than a million out of 40 million.

Most blacks aren't doing what you say...they just work and mind their business.

---------- Post added 2010-10-23 at 21:08 ----------

If they are or not, what I'm saying to you is simply that most blacks don't live in the areas you described, because most blacks are not poor. Crime in the U.S. the majority of it is isolated in poor or very close around poor areas, most crime is also not random. A small percentage of blacks commit these crimes. So lets not try to say 40 million blacks are doing all this crime...that's nonsense, it is really less than 5%...I bare statistics justifying exactly what I'm saying...
Correct. Big cities such as Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, Miami (the north-east and north-west) have large black communities and that's where probably the most crimes by blacks are committed because of poverty and condition on how there family raised them, while in other cities and small towns many are committed by whites or a mixed group of people more for reasons of drugs then anything. I also believe that some rap songs are bad influence in society.
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Old 10-24-2010, 12:42 PM   #15

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As far as murder Finland and Portugal are close behind...not many blacks in any of those places either.
I'm not disagreeing with your post overall, but you should visit Lisbon.
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Old 10-24-2010, 02:10 PM   #16

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here are some pictures of some of the most famous serial killers that are destroying the world....i guess they must be "black" with pale skin & straight hair
damn those niggers...

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Old 10-24-2010, 03:50 PM   #17

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* fact: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population.

* fact: This means that blacks commit nine times the crimes of whites. (that's not 9% -- it's 900%!) it means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, nine of every ten criminals would be black. Note: Some have claimed that black crime is high because 'racist' cops target blacks for arrest and 'racist' judges heap convictions on innocent blacks; but statistics belie this: Three of the cities highest in crime are washington dc, new orleans and detroit; and yet the government of all these cities is in black hands (or was in black hands at the time of the writing of this essay); so clearly the cause of high crime in these cities is not 'racial targeting of blacks'. More generally, black crime is high wherever you go; and it would be the world's most absurd conspiracy theory to suppose that the across-the-board high crime rates for blacks originated in a collusion of whites in every city and burg in the nation to target blacks and/or cook the books.

* fact: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (ie, committed by blacks against whites).

* fact: There are 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the us, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.

* fact: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (that means that blacks commit vastly more hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!)

* fact: The average white iq is 100; the average american black iq is 85; the average african black iq is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient egyptians were not black -- their sculptures, portraits and mummies all clearly show caucasian features. Second note: Critics commonly claim that blacks score low on iq tests because such tests are culturally biased. In fact, however, as black prof walter williams has pointed out, blacks actually do better on tests that are culturally biased.

* fact: The reverend dr martin luther king jr took his instructions from a jewish communist, plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and was an adulterous womanizer who spent the evening prior to his assassination in bed with two white women. Yet king is the only single american to be honored with a national holiday.

fact: 100% of the kidnappings of little kids and raping and murder them are done by white men.
99.99 of the child molesters that go to asia for sex are white males....
-99.999 percent of serial killer are white men
-in recent history white men have probaly caused the most death both directly and indirectly in the world
fact: The priest who child molest are 99.99% white men
corporate fraud which accounts for the BIGGEST lump of money being stolen IS done by white males
72% of all users are white FUELING THE DRUG WARS AROUND THE WORLD
guess what race has contributed the most to global warming? hmmmm
etc etc...
We can do facts all night...so as we can see we can find anything on anybody
And if we compare just fact number 1 to the things you listed black thugs don't sound so bad to me
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Old 10-24-2010, 03:52 PM   #18

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here are some pictures of some of the most famous serial killers that are destroying the world....i guess they must be "black" with pale skin & straight hair
damn those niggers...

Whatever, serial killers may seem to be the most heinous of criminals but in reality they only represent a small minority of criminals and crime overall. The title of this thread is "why do black people commit so much crime." Your post is therefore logically invalid since even if the majority of serial killers are white blacks still commit more crime than whites. I feel sorry for all you fools falling for the liberal pied pipers in this thread denying racial differences and attribute it all to socioeconomic causes only is indeed foolish. There are intractable differences between the human races.
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Old 10-24-2010, 03:55 PM   #19

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We can do facts all night...
Yet you post no sources of these alleged "facts", you're thus no different from DogHouse.
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Old 10-24-2010, 03:56 PM   #20

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There are intractable differences between the human races
^^ yep, and it just so happens that "whites" kill the most, im glad you acknowledge that, i applaud you for your understanding.
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