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Old 10-26-2010, 12:47 PM   #21

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I agree.

As for that argument, the answer to it is cause and effect.

Piss people off and they're likely to react negatively.

I don't care about your (not you - rhetorical 'you') personal problems. You chose to come out when you did, which is fine, and now you have. Now you control your actions from this point forward. If you choose to be a flamboyant stereotype, expect to experience much more intolerance than you otherwise would.
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Old 10-26-2010, 12:50 PM   #22

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I agree.

As for that argument, the answer to it is cause and effect.

Piss people off and they're likely to react negatively.

I don't care about your (not you - rhetorical 'you') personal problems. You chose to come out when you did, which is fine, and now you have. Now you control your actions from this point forward. If you choose to be a flamboyant stereotype, expect to experience much more intolerance than you otherwise would.
That's how I feel, too. Some say that's how they really are but I'd think if someone was truly over-the-top acting like the opposite sex and felt that's who they really were, they're transgendered and not simply homosexual. Although going with that, not all crossdressers are transsexual but they just do it for fun.

I also think the transsexual cause is separate from gay/lesbian struggles but it's often combined.
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Old 10-26-2010, 12:51 PM   #23

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Even if homosexuality is genetic and has a biological trigger, it does not make you an obnoxious person. No-one is born a douchebag. Personal accountability is just rare nowadays.
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Old 10-26-2010, 12:58 PM   #24

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Homosexuality is like Autism. It's not completely genetic, so nobody is born gay. There are numerous cases where IDENTICAL twins have different sexual orientations.

(I think you can spot the beautiful, but sadly, lesbian)

So if can't predict homosexuality on genes alone, where does it come from? WELL, they've discovered that certain chemicals make little boys play less masculine games

If a simple chemical can alter whether a boy wants to braid his mama's hair instead of rough-house or play w/Hot Wheels cars, then we've got a problem. Might not make them gay, but who knows what else might be emasculating little tykes into big Bruno's (Sasha Cohen)

Homosexuality is like Autism because there has been no genetic component found, but gays start exhibiting gay tendencies at a relatively young age. The environmental causes of this are both cultural and likely chemical. Just like how Africans in the US are ALSO giving birth to Autistic children--something unheard of in Africa.

Africans don't have whatever chemicals floating around that is exponentially increasing the Autism rate in the US. Equally, since Africans don't naturally have those phthalates (and whatever else we haven't discovered) they're left with a cultural transmission of homosexuality from the Wicked White West. Africans reject this deviancy because they don't have gay chemicals flowing through their bodies like Americans and Europeans.

Give Africans better trade terms, so that our economies can grow. When our economies grow, we too will engage in whatever environmental behavior that makes your kids Autistic--like vaccinations. We will also engage in cultural excess and buy chemical laced toys from China to make our kids strong and gay. When we are all rich, effeminate, and Autistic like the West you won't have to worry about excessive population growth. You see investment in Africa is investment in a gay, non-Malthusian world.
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Old 10-26-2010, 12:59 PM   #25

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Even if homosexuality is genetic and has a biological trigger, it does not make you an obnoxious person. No-one is born a douchebag. Personal accountability is just rare nowadays.
I don't know what I believe causes homosexuality - I know I don't think it's a choice, unless someone is one of those types who just needs the thrill of trying something new, or if they're one of those "oh i've had SUCH bad luck with the opposite sex, time to try my luck with the same sex!" type of people. In that case, it is. But I think that there is another cause.

But I agree. I'd even argue that a great deal of homophobia comes from a dislike of the stereotypical behaviors as much as disapproval of a sexually alternative life. Either way if I ever do come to the conclusion that women just don't satisfy me, I will not turn into this;
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:00 PM   #26

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I don't hate gay people, but I do hate those gay people.

If I ever met Harvey Fierstein or Divine I would likely have had to resist the urge to punch them in the face.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:02 PM   #27

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I don't understand how being attracted to the same sex makes some men want to put on booty shorts, overdone makeup, and a wig and prance around like a fairy. I've been into guys, and I never did these things.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:03 PM   #28

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Did you play with dolls and try on your mother's clothes?

They did.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:06 PM   #29

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Did you play with dolls and try on your mother's clothes?

They did.
No. I love shopping and dressing up but that's different.

As far as I am concerned, what you just described is not a gay man, but a transsexual which is entirely different. In that case, according to latest research, the brain does not match the body it is in.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:08 PM   #30

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Too much gray area.

Was Chastity Bono ever really a lesbian? She was a lesbian for decades, but now she decides she's transgendered and thus had a sex change. Now she can no longer date lesbians, as no lesbian would want to date someone with no breasts and a penis.

The Africans are lucky to not have to deal with this nonsense. While their record on gay rights leaves a bit to be desired, maybe they're better off.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:11 PM   #31

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Too much gray area.

Was Chastity Bono ever really a lesbian? She was a lesbian for decades, but now she decides she's transgendered and thus had a sex change. Now she can no longer date lesbians, as no lesbian would want to date someone with no breasts and a penis.

The Africans are lucky to not have to deal with this nonsense. While their record on gay rights leaves a bit to be desired, maybe they're better off.
I don't believe that there are no or fewer homosexuals in Africa, I just think their culture is so unaccepting of it that any life-valuing homosexual African would do their best to hide it.
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Old 10-26-2010, 01:23 PM   #32

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The question posed by that is whether that's better or worse for society as a whole.
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Old 10-26-2010, 06:17 PM   #33

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"Homophobia"? A mere euphemism for rampant heterophobia...
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Old 10-26-2010, 06:47 PM   #34

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Never really understood gay hate myself - perhaps if a religion says it's unacceptable that makes people intolerant overall? I just can't see myself caring about somebody else's sex life to literally hate a person. Sometimes it's a little funny and weird when some gays "over do it" that is, "acting" like an extreme version of the opposite sex (feminine males, or butch females), but big deal.
People who hate tend to be insecure about themselves. And no, this is not just a cliché, but a proven fact. Homophobes are usually the ones who think about gays and gay sex the most. They can´t get it out of their heads and this makes them hate.
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Old 10-26-2010, 07:40 PM   #35

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Much of Africa is Muslim, that may have something to do with it. Islamic countries tend to view homosexuality very unfavorably.
Uganda is thinking about a law to execute homosexuals,, and they are overwhelmingly Christian, but for a small Muslim minority in the north.

I do not know of a black country on earth that the average person cares for homosexuals.

Caribbean blacks are notoriously homophobic. Much of the music down there is about killing and beating "bouty man" and "chichi man" (gays).

I forgot which island, but about 10 years ago there was some gay group from the U.S. that had some event in the Caribbean, and some men were walking holding hands on the beach, and local blacks started throwing rocks at them, telling them to go home..."

In reality, most people outside the West don't like homosexuals, consider them deviants, etc.

In East Asia, as in China, it was illegal until about 10-15 years ago, you would be locked in a mental institution for gay acts. Today it is not illegal but most Chinese I know think it is still a mental disorder.

Japanese think similar, although homosexuality has been legal (maybe forever) but if you ask most people they will say it is "nasty" and "sick"...however I have not heard of gays being assaulted. There is a gay area in Tokyo (1-Chome)...

Africans are only special in their extreme threats of violence against gays.

---------- Post added 2010-10-26 at 07:49 ----------

Homosexuality is like Autism. It's not completely genetic, so nobody is born gay. There are numerous cases where IDENTICAL twins have different sexual orientations.

(I think you can spot the beautiful, but sadly, lesbian)

So if can't predict homosexuality on genes alone, where does it come from? WELL, they've discovered that certain chemicals make little boys play less masculine games

If a simple chemical can alter whether a boy wants to braid his mama's hair instead of rough-house or play w/Hot Wheels cars, then we've got a problem. Might not make them gay, but who knows what else might be emasculating little tykes into big Bruno's (Sasha Cohen)

Homosexuality is like Autism because there has been no genetic component found, but gays start exhibiting gay tendencies at a relatively young age. The environmental causes of this are both cultural and likely chemical. Just like how Africans in the US are ALSO giving birth to Autistic children--something unheard of in Africa.

Africans don't have whatever chemicals floating around that is exponentially increasing the Autism rate in the US. Equally, since Africans don't naturally have those phthalates (and whatever else we haven't discovered) they're left with a cultural transmission of homosexuality from the Wicked White West. Africans reject this deviancy because they don't have gay chemicals flowing through their bodies like Americans and Europeans.

Give Africans better trade terms, so that our economies can grow. When our economies grow, we too will engage in whatever environmental behavior that makes your kids Autistic--like vaccinations. We will also engage in cultural excess and buy chemical laced toys from China to make our kids strong and gay. When we are all rich, effeminate, and Autistic like the West you won't have to worry about excessive population growth. You see investment in Africa is investment in a gay, non-Malthusian world.
Well some people think it is not "genetic" per se, but rather a birth defect.

Gays don't like this research actually, because they fear that if you can "predict" homosexuality you can "cure it" or most likely if you can't cure it, the woman is highly likely to have an abortion.

Most people, regardless of what they say in public don't want gay children. Most people (at least in the West) tolerate their gay children, because they love them, but if they had a choice before they were born, over half those gay children would have been aborted, I'm certain of it.

Gays consider this some type of "genocide" or something...
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Old 10-26-2010, 08:25 PM   #36

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The way I see it, is that the more male gays the more girls available for me and other straight guys .
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Old 10-26-2010, 08:35 PM   #37

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People who hate tend to be insecure about themselves. And no, this is not just a cliché, but a proven fact. Homophobes are usually the ones who think about gays and gay sex the most. They can´t get it out of their heads and this makes them hate.
Yeah right, Hitler who hated and killed Jews was also insecure

Homophobes? WTF does that even mean in English?

Perhaps people wouldn't be bothered by queers if there wasn't so much pressure from the TV, every second show deals with homosexual subjects in one or other way.

I'm not seeing anyone applauding when some guy gets a girlfriend, but whole society is almost giving some fucking faggot a medal when he comes out of closet.

I'm not seeing heterosexual people parading around and showing pride on being heterosexual, or whipping each other in leather pants on main streets of big cities...
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Old 10-26-2010, 08:58 PM   #38

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Christian Africans are just as bad, watch this:
Haha, I was going to post this. Hilarious.
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Old 10-26-2010, 09:20 PM   #39

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Yeah right, Hitler who hated and killed Jews was also insecure

Homophobes? WTF does that even mean in English?

Perhaps people wouldn't be bothered by queers if there wasn't so much pressure from the TV, every second show deals with homosexual subjects in one or other way.

I'm not seeing anyone applauding when some guy gets a girlfriend, but whole society is almost giving some fucking faggot a medal when he comes out of closet.

I'm not seeing heterosexual people parading around and showing pride on being heterosexual, or whipping each other in leather pants on main streets of big cities...
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Old 10-26-2010, 10:18 PM   #40

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There are a number of reasons why people are homophobic. Homophobic people often hate gays because they feel that homosexuality poses a threat to the traditional family and structure of society, but for others it's more than that. Other times it's due to religion which ties into what I just said, other times it's just due to ignorance and thinking your way is the only right way. Rarely though, closet homosexuals put on a homophobic act to throw people off from figuring their sexuality out, other times they may be self-hating. But these are only examples of the reasons people I know have hated gays, I am sure there are others.
In today's world, or at least the western world, a "homophobe" is merely someone who rejects the homosexualist agenda, regardless of the content of their opinions.

IMO what many Africans-Christian, Muslim, followers of traditional African religions, etc.-reject are overt expressions of homosexuality and homosexual identity, complete with demands for rights and pride parades common in modern western countries. These things are seen correctly as profoundly un-African, though homosexuality and homosexual behavior are common throughout the world including Africa.

Africans may express their outrage to these things by referencing the Abrahamic monotheistic religions they embrace, which makes it easier to shift the blame for their “homophobia” onto Arabs (Muslims) or Europeans.

I doubt much of the opposition to and even violence against homosexuals in some African countries is engendered by a desire to suppress or counter homosexual tendencies; very few of these Africans are in the closet or on the down low IMO. The modern expression of homosexual behavior many of us tolerate in western liberal societies invokes a viscerally negative reaction in some Africans and other non-western people.

Perhaps similar reactions to homosexuality were not uncommon in Europe before European societies became more tolerant of openly homosexual people and homosexual identity. Given time maybe Africans will learn to restrain themselves from engaging in violence against these people or discriminating against them, and gay pride parades will be common place throughout the continent.

Caribbean blacks are notoriously homophobic. Much of the music down there is about killing and beating "bouty man" and "chichi man" (gays).

I forgot which island, but about 10 years ago there was some gay group from the U.S. that had some event in the Caribbean, and some men were walking holding hands on the beach, and local blacks started throwing rocks at them, telling them to go home..." AFAIK, most Anglophone Caribbean countries are not too fond of homosexuals. Jamaica, however, is notoriously and violently hostile to gays. I have cousins who regaled me with stories about throwing stones at suspected "batty men" when they were in primary school.

Not too sure about the Dutch, French (including Haiti), or Spanish Caribbean. I'd assume they are less hostile. Curacao is supposed to be a major destination for vacationing homosexuals.
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