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Old 10-14-2010, 07:47 PM   #1

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Default Permanent Racial Separation
What is your race? and would you like it if different races are to be separated and left on their own devise?

I am east asian, I think this should be decided by majority, how many indo-europeans, blacks,east and american indians, arabs, semites want permanent racial separation? My opinion is to hear your opinion. If you do not want it, and why? I you want to also why?
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Old 10-14-2010, 08:25 PM   #2

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Separating races just do so is nonsense. Someone maybe will want to separate from immigrants in his country or criminals who unlucky are different skin colour, but I say it doesn't matter. If someone wants to separate from immigrants or criminals than skin colour is not involved, he want just to get rid of worse elements of working class or underclass who occasionally are different race. Personally I don't give a shit who is living next to me. Or who I cross down the street. As long as he minds his own business and don't get on my nerves he can be Asian, Arab, Hispanic or even Green.

Or maybe someone wants racial separation due to physical attraction thing. Than I want to be surrounded by Alpines, Dinarics, Pontids, Meds. Sounds stupid, isn't it?
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Old 10-14-2010, 09:25 PM   #3

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Separating races just do so is nonsense. Someone maybe will want to separate from immigrants in his country or criminals who unlucky are different skin colour, but I say it doesn't matter. If someone wants to separate from immigrants or criminals than skin colour is not involved, he want just to get rid of worse elements of working class or underclass who occasionally are different race. Personally I don't give a shit who is living next to me. Or who I cross down the street. As long as he minds his own business and don't get on my nerves he can be Asian, Arab, Hispanic or even Green.

Or maybe someone wants racial separation due to physical attraction thing. Than I want to be surrounded by Alpines, Dinarics, Pontids, Meds. Sounds stupid, isn't it?
The major immigrant countries are western countries and their colonies, the force that is pushing multiculturalism is formidable, and
multiculturalism has also caused permanent change to the native cultures including the west itself. The legacy of global multiculturalism
will affect us deeply, I am not against it or backing it, my stand about it is depending on its outcome. The outcome of multiculturalism
is in your own hands, in fact, I hate racism. Racism can be tuned to harmonious racial communal cooperation if people from differential
racial background can open-mindedly appreciate their common new heritage. Yet Multicultualism is not without price, people need to take
reponsibility for its side-effect otherwise corruption, and hate shall grip the legacy of multiculturalism and turn it into a hell like todays India:
Whoever will be left will turn against each other. With almost 4-5 billion people will be living under western power in the future, not to
mention the possible more damages on global natural environment! This will not be nice picture to look at, therefore I pose this question.
The fact is, if europeans and all immigrants do not support this common heritage togather, your descendents all will be lowly slaves. The west
has just entered into a stage of no return, the immigrants share no less great responsibility than indo-europeans in the future of humanity.

Therefore, appreciate each other, or just die.
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Old 10-14-2010, 09:56 PM   #4

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Permenent separation is impractical and just stupid, however, I do wish immigration could be brought down to a much lower rate than it is now. I have no problem with qualified professionals immigrating to the UK, but the vast majority of immigrants are low-skilled, probably below average IQ menial workers. The UK does not need these people.

Japan has the system that I think is most ideal, they pretty much only ever take skilled immigrants in. The least skilled people they take in are a few Filipina nurses, and nurses are still far more qualified than some toilet scrubber or burger flipper than the UK takes. Hell, you have to have a degree to even teach English in Japan.
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Old 10-14-2010, 10:13 PM   #5

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I don't feel any reason to go into detail, but I find the thought silly. There's no real reason for "permanent" segregation (in my country at least), which I assume would be government-forced. Yes Immigration should have restraints, I'm not one of the real political heads here, but it's hilarious that people are opposed to multi-racial communities imho.

Even considering many people self segregate to a degree (this is not always the case, nor does it need to be), I see no reason to forcibly do such. I have lived comfortably with other races my whole life, and believe it or not, I wouldn't change it. Unlike the majority here, I'm sure, I actually enjoy diversity.
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Old 10-14-2010, 10:17 PM   #6

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Permenent separation is impractical and just stupid, however, I do wish immigration could be brought down to a much lower rate than it is now. I have no problem with qualified professionals immigrating to the UK, but the vast majority of immigrants are low-skilled, probably below average IQ menial workers. The UK does not need these people.

Japan has the system that I think is most ideal, they pretty much only ever take skilled immigrants in. The least skilled people they take in are a few Filipina nurses, and nurses are still far more qualified than some toilet scrubber or burger flipper than the UK takes. Hell, you have to have a degree to even teach English in Japan.
actually if you only bring in skilled immigrants, you will have the situation in Switzerland, where people complain there are too many Germans "stealing" their jobs and land...most Germans come there to be professors, doctors, engineers, etc.

Folks are never happy...

Japan is also changing its immigration policy, slowly...


The issue is they don't know how to do it...it will be a long time. I think when they finally do it it will be better than what Europe has done, because they will definitely think through it for many years.
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Old 10-14-2010, 10:23 PM   #7

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Permenent separation is impractical and just stupid, however, I do wish immigration could be brought down to a much lower rate than it is now. I have no problem with qualified professionals immigrating to the UK, but the vast majority of immigrants are low-skilled, probably below average IQ menial workers. The UK does not need these people.

Japan has the system that I think is most ideal, they pretty much only ever take skilled immigrants in. The least skilled people they take in are a few Filipina nurses, and nurses are still far more qualified than some toilet scrubber or burger flipper than the UK takes. Hell, you have to have a degree to even teach English in Japan.
Agreed, the west should not flood their own countries with unqualified immigrants, I am equally alarmed as those white racists, because slaves countries are always bent on destroying all the others.

I am also against humanist aides to the the developping countries, humanist aides is useless only help them creat more incapable populations.

Where are the voices of blacks? mexicans? muslims? asians in the US and Europe? I want t hear you voice, do you love to be in a european countries or not? Just a simple question.

---------- Post added 2010-10-14 at 14:44 ----------

I don't feel any reason to go into detail, but I find the thought silly. There's no real reason for "permanent" segregation (in my country at least), which I assume would be government-forced. Yes Immigration should have restraints, I'm not one of the real political heads here, but it's hilarious that people are opposed to multi-racial communities imho.

Even considering many people self segregate to a degree (this is not always the case, nor does it need to be), I see no reason to forcibly do such. I have lived comfortably with other races my whole life, and believe it or not, I wouldn't change it. Unlike the majority here, I'm sure, I actually enjoy diversity.
This is the whole point, I hope less violence, crimes, rapes will happen. If people deserve where they are, in Europe or in the colonies, the world will be in balance.
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Old 10-15-2010, 01:46 AM   #8

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I don't know if racial separation is the solution but at least there should abolish the anti-racism laws.
I mean i don't want to be forced by the law to hire a nigger only because he is a minority, racial discrimination to rent in a neighborhood should be allowed, im not racist but i dont like they physical aspect of the niggers (like all people i know) so i don't want to see my landscape contaminated, i like to have neighbors like me.
I will be practical and conservative (no political correct): look what is happening to the gypsies in Europe, the first time the came we dont care, now it is a problem. I dont want to generate the same problem for my grandchildren.
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Old 10-15-2010, 01:50 AM   #9

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I mean i don't want to be forced by the law to hire a nigger only because he is a minority, racial discrimination to rent in a neighborhood should be allowed, im not racist but i dont like they physical aspect of the niggers (like all people i know) so i don't want to see my landscape contaminated, i like to have neighbors like me.
I will be practical and conservative (no political correct): look what is happening to the gypsies in Europe, the first time the came we dont care, now it is a problem. I dont want to generate the same problem for my grandchildren.

spoken like a true Nazi. Sieg Heil!
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:01 AM   #10

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What is your race? and would you like it if different races are to be separated and left on their own devise?

I am east asian, I think this should be decided by majority, how many indo-europeans, blacks,east and american indians, arabs, semites want permanent racial separation? My opinion is to hear your opinion. If you do not want it, and why? I you want to also why?
I believe most people would seperate of their own volition (self-segregation) given a small libertarian government as the terse maxim says : "Birds of a feather flock together" and I believe the odd bird or few odd birds that don't flock generally don't cause any problems. I don't want to force people to do anything(whether to seperate or mix). All we need is small libertarian government and most people would self segregate according to their race. To think otherwise is delusional moonbat liberal nonsense. Only a delusional moonbat liberal would deny such a virtual law of nature (birds of a feather flock together). The majority would decide ultimately by their feet rather than words (talk is cheap).
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:07 AM   #11

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I believe most people would seperate of their own volition (self-segregation) given a small libertarian government as the terse maxim says : "Birds of a feather flock together" and I believe the odd bird or few odd birds that don't flock generally don't cause any problems. I don't want to force people to do anything(whether to seperate or mix). All we need is small libertarian government and most people would self segregate according to their race. To think otherwise is delusional moonbat liberal nonsense. Only a delusional moonbat liberal would deny such a virtual law of nature (birds of a feather flock together). The majority would decide ultimately by their feet rather than words (talk is cheap).
what stops people from self segregating now?

It is not hard to do really.

If I want to be around all blacks most of the time i can move to Southern Maryland, a white guy can move to certain areas of Northern Virginia or more inland...it is not hard to do.
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:10 AM   #12

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spoken like a true Nazi. Sieg Heil!
There is a difference Nazies promoted racial segregation and genocide, I only like to live with my people. The real fascist are the ones promoting racial inclusion or racial segregation. People should be allowed to chose what they want on every individual case.

---------- Post added 2010-10-14 at 18:18 ----------

what stops people from self segregating now?

It is not hard to do really.

If I want to be around all blacks most of the time i can move to Southern Maryland, a white guy can move to certain areas of Northern Virginia or more inland...it is not hard to do.
I have inversions on Real Estate and i clearly know that is banned by the USA law to ask or give information about the race background of a person to rent or buy a house.
If i am not wrong it is the 1866 Civil Rights Law and the precedent of the Jones vs Mayer trial in the 60s. More info check the Fair housing Act.
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:25 AM   #13

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what stops people from self segregating now?

It is not hard to do really.

If I want to be around all blacks most of the time i can move to Southern Maryland, a white guy can move to certain areas of Northern Virginia or more inland...it is not hard to do.
Our 'conservative' tyrants have given us a 'war on drugs' which has eviscerated many of our rights; while our liberal tyrants have given us 'civil rights' which have eviscerated even more rights e.g. freedom of association. Libertarianism is the only way to true freedom. Don't be stupid : big government prevents people from successfully implementing freedom of association as proscribed in the U.S. constitution (especially in places like the workplace). Why should I have to move to bumfuck Northern Virginia ? That isn't self-segregation inasmuch as it is white flight. Also this isn't about me personally but it can be hard for people living in poverty to escape the inner city and liberals force low class whites to mix while they (liberals) live in all white, expensive, enclaves with only a token amount of minorities. Big liberal government (which we currently have) actually enforces racial mixing to various degrees. The easiest way to prove me right is just to implement libertarianism and watch it happen. I know I am right so I have no qualms about watching it unfold since I am confident that is what would happen. Libertarianism (classical liberalism) was the dominant political outlook of the founding fathers anyway. This neo-liberal trash is alien to the West and is actually anti-western (no wonder the Jews are the masters of white gentile liberals since Jews are alien to the West).
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Old 10-15-2010, 05:14 AM   #14

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People is self segregated now, in real life most of people stay with their own kin, even in multicultural cities like London interracial marriage is rare.
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Old 10-15-2010, 05:24 AM   #15

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People is self segregated now, in real life most of people stay with their own kin, even in multicultural cities like London interracial marriage is rare.
That's not exactly true, although generally true.

In London probably half of blacks marry out (and we are not even talking about dating).

Look at these stats from the British government:


Black carribean
male - 29%
female - 20%

Black African
male - 18%
female - 15%

Other Black
male - 48%
female - 34%

That's quite high, I imagine in London it is higher, this is national for England and Wales only.
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Old 10-15-2010, 05:33 AM   #16

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The United States is a multicultural society so I don't think we fit in your scheme. Americans overwhelmingly DON'T want to live somewhere else and we understand that the people in our nation came from somewhere else.
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Old 10-15-2010, 05:51 AM   #17

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"Most people would segregate themselves according to race"?

Of course not.

Most people would and do segregate themselves according to their tastes/ideology/personality etc. I really doubt a fascist white guy would be a friend of a leftist white guy only because they share the same race.

It is prohibited "to ask or give information about the race background of a person to rent or buy a house" because you are making money at the cost of providing a service to society.
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Old 10-15-2010, 06:04 AM   #18

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It is prohibited "to ask or give information about the race background of a person to rent or buy a house" because you are making money at the cost of providing a service to society.
That is a Fascist statement, government shouldn't involve in trade between particulars. Maybe in a "1984" world but not in the free world. Also it is not a service to the society, it is a service to a particular.
That kind of laws are the ones that generate the worse kind of racism, People should not be forced to live with or without someone only because the Government wants.
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Old 10-15-2010, 06:08 AM   #19

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That is a Fascist statement, government shouldn't involve in trade between particulars. Maybe in a "1984" world but not in the free world. Also it is not a service to the society, it is a service to a particular.
That kind of laws are the ones that generate the worse kind of racism, People should not be forced to live with or without someone only because the Government wants.
there is no force involved. You don't have to sell your home to someone you don't want. please show me a law in any Western nation that demands that you must sell property to a specific race of people.

I can wait.
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Old 10-15-2010, 06:20 AM   #20

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1.-Of course trades must be regulated by the law. "Free world"? Regulations prevent injustice and frauds. Imagine the disaster it would be if trades weren't regulated.

2.-You aren't forced to rent/sell a house to a black guy if you don't want to.
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