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Old 09-19-2010, 12:39 AM   #1

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Default What Finns think of Estonians?
Finally! A country Finland can look down upon. While Norway looks down on Sweden, Sweden looks down on Finland, and Finland finally looks down on Estonia. (and Estonia looks down on, Latvia?) Humble Finland bashfully gazes at its own shoes when addressing countries of the world – but with their southerly neighbors, Finland stares at Estonia’s shoes.

If Finland’s borders supposedly look like a maiden, then Estonia clearly is a turd falling from her gown. When Finns think of Estonia they think: cheap alcohol, prostitution, illegal immigration, shifty workers, poverty, booze cruises, liberal business policies, drugs…oh wait, that’s a list of “My Favorite Things”. Ooops.

With only 80km’s between both capitals, the aquatic train tracks separate wealthier Finland from its younger, poorer brother. But Finland has more in common with Estonia than any other country: They both share a dark history with Russia. They both share the same common fucked up language family – Finnish is closer to Estonian than any other language.

Dating a Estonian girl is a step down in Finland’s class system. It’s not as bad as let’s say, dating an Asian girl, or God forbid, a Russian girl. It falls somewhere between English girls and Polish girls. (haha, ENGLAND!) And what’s it like for an Estonian guy to date a Finnish girl? I couldn’t tell you, it’s never happened.

I call Estonia’s capital, Tallinn, “the Disney World of Finland!” as it’s the Finns’ favorite tourist spot. Finns take a booze cruise to Tallinn to buy cheap liquor, get wasted, visit brothels, and cause amok amongst Tallinn’s beautiful Old Town. Finnish beer is exported to Estonia, just to be imported by the Finns at a cheaper price. And while in their drunken stupor, Finns get robbed, cheated, and beaten up – They retreat home calling Estonia, “dangerous and unsafe!”. Just like Disney World.

While Finns remains stagnant and reminisce of the good ol’ days, Estonia drudges forward. Finland’s days of whipping their little brother may be numbered. But until then, I’m off to Tallinn to get drunk with the boys at the Depeche Mode Bar! See yah later, sobriety! also

According to Finland’s ‘class based marriage system’ who is on top so to speak?
So is it like this in order of preference:
1. Finnish
2. Swedish (other Nordic)
3. Southern European (lets say Spanish Italian)
4. Northern European (French or English or German)
5. European but ex Soviet Bloc (Polish, Hungarian, Czech)
6. South American
7. Ex Russian (Estonia, Latvia etc)
8. African
9. Middle Eastern
10. Asian (not Japanese)

And if the above were true would you say from a class point of view that it would be better to marry an unemployed Finn over a wealthy Asian? Or Perhaps a University educated Estonian over an intellectually challenged Norwegian? Or then from another perspective would it be better to marry a beautiful Asian or an ugly Swede? Or then what about marrying a kind and caring English person over a selfish Nordic? What about marrying a hard-working African over a lazy Italian? http://www.finlandforthought.net/201...-to-the-finns/

Is this true?
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Old 09-19-2010, 12:42 AM   #2

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I think PTG just came in his pants.


Shouldn't the thread title be "what foreigners think Finns think of Estonians", btw?
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Old 09-19-2010, 12:50 AM   #3

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OP is pretty outdated stuff. Finns did have somekind of strange big brother complex towars Estonia in 90's. I dont think its valid anymore.
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Old 09-19-2010, 01:16 AM   #4

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I hope that Finns and Estonians could continue the old good relationship that was broken during several tens of years.
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Old 09-19-2010, 01:20 AM   #5

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The country (actually I only visited the capital city) made a good impression on me. In my opinion they're doing well and Estonian girls are friendly and prettier than average. There's nothing wrong in marrying one. The language sounds nice, what can I say, Tallinn was far better than Moscow. I can't tell about Finns, because I just can't tell them and Estonians apart, but there were quite a few Britons and Americans in Old Town at night.
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Old 09-19-2010, 01:26 AM   #6

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I think PTG just came in his pants.


Shouldn't the thread title be "what foreigners think Finns think of Estonians", btw?
Because Americans know better what we think
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Old 09-19-2010, 02:01 AM   #7

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Finally! A country Finland can look down upon. While Norway looks down on Sweden, Sweden looks down on Finland, and Finland finally looks down on Estonia. (and Estonia looks down on, Latvia?) Humble Finland bashfully gazes at its own shoes when addressing countries of the world – but with their southerly neighbors, Finland stares at Estonia’s shoes.

If Finland’s borders supposedly look like a maiden, then Estonia clearly is a turd falling from her gown. When Finns think of Estonia they think: cheap alcohol, prostitution, illegal immigration, shifty workers, poverty, booze cruises, liberal business policies, drugs…oh wait, that’s a list of “My Favorite Things”. Ooops.

With only 80km’s between both capitals, the aquatic train tracks separate wealthier Finland from its younger, poorer brother. But Finland has more in common with Estonia than any other country: They both share a dark history with Russia. They both share the same common fucked up language family – Finnish is closer to Estonian than any other language.

Dating a Estonian girl is a step down in Finland’s class system. It’s not as bad as let’s say, dating an Asian girl, or God forbid, a Russian girl. It falls somewhere between English girls and Polish girls. (haha, ENGLAND!) And what’s it like for an Estonian guy to date a Finnish girl? I couldn’t tell you, it’s never happened.

I call Estonia’s capital, Tallinn, “the Disney World of Finland!” as it’s the Finns’ favorite tourist spot. Finns take a booze cruise to Tallinn to buy cheap liquor, get wasted, visit brothels, and cause amok amongst Tallinn’s beautiful Old Town. Finnish beer is exported to Estonia, just to be imported by the Finns at a cheaper price. And while in their drunken stupor, Finns get robbed, cheated, and beaten up – They retreat home calling Estonia, “dangerous and unsafe!”. Just like Disney World.

While Finns remains stagnant and reminisce of the good ol’ days, Estonia drudges forward. Finland’s days of whipping their little brother may be numbered. But until then, I’m off to Tallinn to get drunk with the boys at the Depeche Mode Bar! See yah later, sobriety!


According to Finland’s ‘class based marriage system’ who is on top so to speak?
So is it like this in order of preference:
1. Finnish
2. Swedish (other Nordic)
3. Southern European (lets say Spanish Italian)
4. Northern European (French or English or German)
5. European but ex Soviet Bloc (Polish, Hungarian, Czech)
6. South American
7. Ex Russian (Estonia, Latvia etc)
8. African
9. Middle Eastern
10. Asian (not Japanese)

And if the above were true would you say from a class point of view that it would be better to marry an unemployed Finn over a wealthy Asian? Or Perhaps a University educated Estonian over an intellectually challenged Norwegian? Or then from another perspective would it be better to marry a beautiful Asian or an ugly Swede? Or then what about marrying a kind and caring English person over a selfish Nordic? What about marrying a hard-working African over a lazy Italian? None of these countries are looking 'down' to any of the mentioned countries. Especially not in that order. There is no country called 'humble Finland', the last proof WWII and current status.

The list is not what Finns think of Estonia and Estonians.

Train tracks? Gulf of Finland is crossed with ferries and catamarans. Estonia (nor Russia) do not even have modern working railways.

Finns and Estonians share a long history. In our history Estonians have immigrated to Finland. Dating an Estonian is like dating a Finn, prostitutes I encountered in Tallinn, were in fact Russians. Overwhelmingly merchants, taxi drivers cheating are Russians, criminals are Russians.

The title should be 'What others think Finns think of Estonians'.
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Old 09-19-2010, 02:31 AM   #8

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None of these countries are looking 'down' to any of the mentioned countries. Especially not in that order. There is no country called 'humble Finland', the last proof WWII and current status.
Finns have never been humble, perhaps Finnish immigrants are/have been oppressed in America. Small Finnish nation was the backbone of Swedish army during hundreds years, Finns have fought against Russians about 1000 years usually with good success, and never let them convert us to their society, like many other bigger European nations humbly did.
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Old 09-19-2010, 03:54 AM   #9

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Humble Finland In fact they are a bit humble, yes. Or at least in the internet-forums.
Estonian girls are prettier than average. I don´t want to be bigoted, but I think I have to agree.
I can't tell about Finns, because I just can't tell them and Estonians apart, In fact you don´t need very long training, Finns look a bit different.
Estonian guy to date a Finnish girl? I couldn’t tell you, it’s never happened. There is a widespread opinion among Estonians that Finnish women are Scandinavianlike feminists. Estonia is a consevative country, feminism is not popular in Estonia. If we talk about facial traits Finnish women look like all Baltid women i.e look good.
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Old 09-19-2010, 04:33 AM   #10

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In fact they are a bit humble, yes. Or at least in the internet-forums.
HOw do you see it? My opinion was based on the fact tha Finnish peasants were always free on the contrary to the situation in many other Eastern European rural people who were partly peons. Finns have always own their country and been proud peasants. It is a heritage which still lives in Finnish society.
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Old 09-19-2010, 04:55 PM   #11

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Finns have never been humble, perhaps Finnish immigrants are/have been oppressed in America. Small Finnish nation was the backbone of Swedish army during hundreds years, Finns have fought against Russians about 1000 years usually with good success, and never let them convert us to their society, like many other bigger European nations humbly did.
I think that after the Civil War, many of the socialists from Finland fled to America. So the deal with many of the early 20th century Finnish immigrants was actually that they weren't humble, so to say . So as soon as they got to America they started to organise strikes and stuff to better the working conditions and salaries, which led to them having a bad reputation as trouble makers, which meant that people wouldn't hire them.
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Old 09-19-2010, 07:58 PM   #12

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HOw do you see it? .
This humbleness can be seen everywhere.
Btw, you are thanking (sic!)Peterthegreat for his posts? Yes, yes do it, it is so nice. Swedes are gods as you know.
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:11 PM   #13

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This humbleness can be seen everywhere.
Btw, you are thanking (sic!)Peterthegreat for his posts? Yes, yes do it, it is so nice. Swedes are gods as you know.
It is in most cases my bizarre humor, you didn't get it. It is called irony and too challenging for many people. But sometimes, yes - also PTG can be right and need to have thanks. It is not away from me.

---------- Post added 2010-09-19 at 15:16 ----------

I think that after the Civil War, many of the socialists from Finland fled to America. So the deal with many of the early 20th century Finnish immigrants was actually that they weren't humble, so to say . So as soon as they got to America they started to organise strikes and stuff to better the working conditions and salaries, which led to them having a bad reputation as trouble makers, which meant that people wouldn't hire them.
This is true. My opinion about Finnish-American immigrants is based on my own observations. They also agree that they are or have been in America fishy people.
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:18 PM   #14

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I have heard from my grandparents and parents that in 80's and begining of 90's Estonian capitall Tallinn was very poor compared to these days. City was raped by russians and everyone were driving by lada.

In these days Tallinn is nice and modern city. Quality of life in Estonia has increased after the soviet times.
I do know only about Tallinn. I don't know about the rest of Estonia how things has changed there.
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:39 PM   #15

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City was raped by russians and everyone were driving by lada.
In these days Tallinn is nice and modern city. Quality of life in Estonia has increased after the soviet times.
I do know only about Tallinn. I don't know about the rest of Estonia how things has changed there.
Dunno, how were the things before, but yeah my life is nice and modern: I have some fun with russian woman and am driving by audi.
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:44 PM   #16

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Dunno, how were the things before, but yeah my life is nice and modern: I have some fun with russian woman and am driving by audi.
Are there many mixed marriages between ethnic Estonians and Russian speakers nowadays?
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:47 PM   #17

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Does having pictures of attractive white females with black males make you feel better about yourself or something? Perhaps it's a form of escapism?
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:48 PM   #18

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Are there many mixed marriages between ethnic Estonians and Russian speakers nowadays?
Not many.
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Old 09-19-2010, 09:09 PM   #19

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I've met some Estonians in Finland that I've been really impressed with because of their good knowledge in Swedish. Also in their interest and good will to speak it.

Are there many mixed marriages between ethnic Estonians and Russian speakers nowadays?
Not many.
Yes the Estonians are indeed much smarter than the Finland-Swedes. They are eradicating themselves by all the mixed marriages with Finns.
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Old 09-19-2010, 09:21 PM   #20

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Yes the Estonians are indeed much smarter than the Finland-Swedes. They are eradicating themselves by all the mixed marriages with Finns.
It has been only way for you to avoid inbreeding. You are smart people.
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