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#21 |
Volvo makes great cars. I guess you can say that herring is nasty and make fun of Ikea and Abba, but that's pretty weak. If you want to make a serious racial attack on them you talk about their history, which is relatively recent in terms of welfare. What I'm saying is it's possible to attack anyone based on their ethnicity. Admittedly, some easier than others but the possibility is never ruled out. |
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#22 |
Real American, with skin that colour? Just face the truth, you'll always be a low-class nigger and nothing will change that, unless you do a Jacko. ![]() Despite the historic racial issues, I have never heard a white American question the patriotism and nationality of a black American. That has never really been the issue. That is why a black man has also ran the arms forces of United States, been the chief diplomat (Secretary of State (2X), and now president. The only minorities who loyalty and patriotism I have ever seen questioned are Muslims, Asians, and Hispanics. We have been here since the beginning. WTF do you know about the United States besides watching some crack Cheng Long movie like Rumble In the Bronx...get the fuck out of here you 3rd world midget. 笨θοΌζδ½*ε¦...ει*θδ½*ηηε΄!! θΏδΈͺζ··θθ―΄ηηε±γγγLOL |
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#24 |
When I think about insult, this is what it comes to my mind:,00.html I remember these days...they got angry even in various tv programs. |
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#25 |
Indeed it is most acceptable to attack Muslims and least acceptable to attack European Americans or Scandinavians (other than Finns) based on race. I'm yet to see someone launch a racial attack on a Swede on this forum but perhaps that is due to Elias' love for Swedes. ![]() lol if you want to racially patronise them, then yeah you talk about Abba, Ikea, Volvo and condescend their snowy legacy. Often the most effective form of racism is racial patronisation, as opposed to going on a rant. If you want to make a serious racial attack on them you talk about their history, which is relatively recent in terms of welfare. What I'm saying is it's possible to attack anyone based on their ethnicity. Admittedly, some easier than others but the possibility is never ruled out. |
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#26 |
Yes a low class "nigger" is president of the U.S. Black and white Americans give each-other shit, but at the end of the day we trust one-another over foreign fucks any day of the week. |
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#27 |
Yes a low class "nigger" is president of the U.S. Aha, dream some more.
Obama is mixed. Not fully negroid. And do you even know who Rothschild and Rockefeller is? Those guys are the real rulers of America. The jews. Not some... negroid... with no history and culture... WTF do you know about the United States besides watching some crack Cheng Long movie like Rumble In the Bronx...get the fuck out of here you 3rd world midget. Hahahaha! Search in google "Chinese inventions" and then "Negroid inventions". The first thing you will find out is that there are NO any kind of negroid inventions. And who is laughing now, huh? Stupid americans... |
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#28 |
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#29 |
Here it's actually the other way around. Saying anything rascist or relgiously demeaning to anyone other than a Swede is heavily frowned upon. That can get you in all sorts of trouble. And btw most Finns and Swedes get along just fine and are oblivious to either ones genetic makeup. No it's probably not because of Elias at all. I can't speak for all Swedes, but most of my social network would not care at all if anyone tried to insult us racially. We would mostly think that to be a cute and ridiculous attempt to provoke us and go like this. ![]() Maybe, but even that would be a rather futile attempt at trying to insult a Swede. ABBA are still considered to have been musical pioneers at the time. My 1987 Volvo 240 would still be going strong if I wouldn't have smashed it into a Japanese SUV. And IKEA? I've heard they are doing pretty well. That's true, but that is how racial patronisation works. Obviously it's not a great technique to demean someone if you're the minority in that group, but singling out a person with certain aspects that define their nationality can be quite a hurtful thing for many. Give it a try but I don't you will suceed with a racial attack on those grounds. I don't believe making such racial attacks is effective to begin with. Not that I make racial attacks often but when I happen to be provoked to a point where I do, I try not to go on angry rants. Sure guess you are right about that. Just saying Swedes aren't that sensitive. Then again I'm not saying it should be ok for others to exclusively rip on Scandinavians and then cry rascist when we might talk back. Agreed. If everyone is equal, everyone is equal. |
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#31 |
I'm white and I don't get insulted by comedians of other races poking fun at us. It's not hatespeech it's a joke. Plus white comedians make jokes about white people too.
One of my favorite comedians is Russell Peters and his whole routine is ethnic jokes, and he makes fun of everyone: South Asians, whites, blacks, Jews, East Asians, Middle Easterners... everyone. Family Guy also makes fun of a lot of groups, and Seth McFarlane is white. There is a difference between humour and hatespeech. |
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#32 |
I am a real American, who the fuck are you to define who is American? My family has fought in every war since 1812. The first man to die for the revolution was African American. He was the first martyr for the revolution. |
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#33 |
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#34 |
25,000 blacks served in the American Revolutionary War on both sides. At Yorktown, the final battle of the war, the American army was 1/4 black. ---------- Post added 2010-09-14 at 20:48 ---------- LMAO. Real Americans are only Brits, others are just immigrants. Brits build that country, they named it, they civilized it. It fully belongs to Brits and only them. And if you are still did not noticed you are speaking ENGLISH. ENGLISH! Anglo-saxon language. America is totally a British terriotry. |
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#35 |
Benjamin Franklin- "Why increase the sons of Africa by planting them in America, where we have an opportunity, by excluding all blacks and tawneys, of increasing the lovely white and red.β Nations evolve idiot. Could a Catholic be a Prime Minister of the UK 500 years ago? Tony Blair was not a true Prime Minister right? Could person with an obvious Irish name (John Lennon) be called an ENglishman? I've never heard him referred to as an Irishman, although his name is quite clear. Nations change, culture is fluid, not stagnant. Franklin also said Germans were not white. Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion. 24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind. Are people with the last name Bauer real Americans??? We have a lot of them...we have had presidents with GErman and Dutch names were they Americans? Franklin thought they were not only not true Americans but not "white" like him. ![]() You want to keep using 18th century ideas and rational for the 21st century??? As I said if most Americans thought like this Barak Obama could not be president, his father was an African Muslim. I doubt Ben Franklin would have approved...however polls after the election showed most white Americans approved and almost half voted for him. |
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#36 |
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#37 |
Benjamin Franklin- "Why increase the sons of Africa by planting them in America, where we have an opportunity, by excluding all blacks and tawneys, of increasing the lovely white and red.β ![]() Many in Eastern Germany are not "true Volk" because they are really just Germanized Slavs. Maybe Germans should start taking citizenship away from people based on their "GErmanized slav name" and the town they came from" better keep it pure and tribal. LOL How can the profound stratification observed among East-German male lineages and their correlation with surnames be best explained? Although the name 'Germany' appears to imply a homogenous origin of the German people, the country has always been a gateway for migration, mostly from east to west. The best documented wave of migration was that of Eastern Germanic tribes and Slavs, driven by the Huns, that led to the downfall of the Roman Empire. In historic times, two major instances of assimilation of Slavic people into the German nation occurred. Around 950 AD, the German Empire started to put pressure upon the Slavic peoples inhabiting large areas of what was to become, in the mid of the 20th Century, the German Democratic Republic.26 By 1100 AD, after more than 100 years of wars and proselytization, the complete area of contemporary Germany had come under the influence of the German Empire. During the following centuries, most of the non-Germanic tribes (like the Baltic Prussians) completely abandoned their language, and their descendants are today regarded as 'typically German'. Only in a small area, southeast of Berlin, known as the Lausitz, the Slavic-speaking Sorb people maintained their language and culture, and their descendants today represent the only recognized, non-immigrant minority in East Germany. In any case, the names of many cities, including Berlin (meaning 'little swamp'), and some surnames, most notably those of 'typically Prussian' nature like 'von Clausewitz' or 'Virchow', still reflect the Slavic roots of this part of Germany. The second major assimilation of people with Slavic ancestry occurred during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th Century. Thousands of people from Eastern Europe migrated to the West to work in the surging industrial areas of Germany (Silesia, Ruhr-Area). Although they brought their surnames with them, they nevertheless became culturally amalgamated quite rapidly by the German majority. The Halle region is located exactly at the intersection of the Germanic and Slavic spheres of influence of the 10th century, but it is also a traditional mining and chemical industry area (Halle-Leipzig-Bitterfeld) that has attracted Slavic workers during the Industrial Revolution. Both of these factors should have had an impact upon the male-specific genetic structure of the local population where surnames of Germanic and Slavic origin are about equally frequent. In terms of the relative importance of the two historic instances for the observed correlation between Y-STR haplotypes and surname characteristics, it is interesting to note that surnames first occurred in Europe in Venice during the 9th Century. From there, the law of name bearing was adopted in France and Catalonia in the 11th, and in England, and Western and Southern Germany in the 12th Century. In the North and East of Germany, the custom was practised no earlier than the 15th Century and, in some rural regions, surnames became fashionable only in the 18th century, nearly 900 years after their first appearance in Europe.27, 28 Furthermore, surnames frequently changed or became modified until the beginning of the 19th century. Therefore, it appears unlikely that the correlation between surnames and Y-STR haplotypes observed in our study dates back to the Middle Ages, but is more likely to be the result of the immigration of industrial workers in the 19th Century instead. In this respect, Central Europe appears to differ from England and Ireland where patrilineally inherited names are presumed to have a much deeper rooting.14, 15, 16, 17 It seems Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. White Americans recognized the error of their ways when they made the 14th Amendment these men in 1868 were a damn sight smarter than you. Unlike backward tribal Europe, we have long got over our "blood" and live together based on the ideals we all hold as citizens. African Americans don't die for "tribe" neither do whites, they die for the man on their left and right (regardless of race) and to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Get over it, we have evolved beyond you. It's not perfect but it is better than anything Europe can offer, which is why immigrants prefer to come here if they can over Europe. |
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#39 |
Less than half the people in America identify was English LOL... Could person with an obvious Irish name (John Lennon) be called an ENglishman? I've never heard him referred to as an Irishman, although his name is quite clear. Nations change, culture is fluid, not stagnant. Are people with the last name Bauer real Americans??? We have a lot of them...we have had presidents with GErman and Dutch names were they Americans? Franklin thought they were not only not true Americans but not "white" like him. You want to keep using 18th century ideas and rational for the 21st century??? As I said if most Americans thought like this Barak Obama could not be president, his father was an African Muslim. I doubt Ben Franklin would have approved...however polls after the election showed most white Americans approved and almost half voted for him. |
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#40 |
Blair only officially became a Catholic once he left office. That is not only against evolution but the pattern of human history. Or do you think English people are wrong and their ancestors were right and they should try to separate themselves back into Roman, German tribe (whichever they think it was), Celt, Norman, etc? The English are an amalgamation of all those groups, they were not put on earth by God as "English". lol Americans are not English or British, we are a separate nationality just as English are not Saxon (Sachen), Jute, Roman, Angle, Norman, Norwegian Viking, etc. |
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