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Old 06-12-2012, 10:29 PM   #21

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I do agree there are some prejudice from west to east and north to south, but I've seen people in the south and east making derogatory remarks the other way too. I wouldn't necessarily say Germanic-speakers are generally "racist" towards Slavs though. It's more to do with the idea that Eastern Europe is a grey post-Soviet bloc with poverty and low standards of living. Prejudice? Maybe. Racist? I don't think that it is.
yes, I used the word 'racist' in the way we used it nowadays- very wide meaning. Prejudice, fear, distance- maybe those are better words. Obviously, it exists both ways, but western media, governments etc are much more powerfull, like you can see in the case of Euro and racism. Imagine that the tournament was in Netherland and newspapers in Ukraine, Belarus or Poland started writting about it- noone would even notice it, it would be less noticable than a seagul flying around the sea.

During last 100 years or more eastern Europe developed inferiority complex, most of war destruction and especially communism later on, with growing differences between the two parts. There was a lot of this looking up to the West and USA. In 1980 or 1990 whoever came to eastern block from 'the west' was treated like a messenger of freedom and love (very naive, I agree), even if it was a guitar player of a rock band who only takes drugs and shags ladies.
Finally over the last years people faced more and more direct contact, plus internet, after facing patronising attitude got dissappointed, and now they often over-react with resentment or disrespect. Psychologically it is justfied, however its not a good phenomen and potentialy even dangerous.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:32 PM   #22

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Scandinavians and Mediterraneans do not have the same values, culture, religion, cuisine, taste in music, or anything for that matter.
I'm not saying I disagree with you here, but your description of Nordic countries isn't based on reality but exaggerated to make them look bad (from your perspective).

In the south you are more influenced by Christianity, while here Christianity was forced upon us through violence, and at a much later date.

In the south women have had a different position in society than in the north, where women have had a lot of freedom and been associated with natural forces and magic in pagan times.

The irony of your taxation comment is than not only are taxes a southern invention, but taxation and public services and public spending are the most inefficient and costly (euro by euro) in countries like Greece and Italy. Greece has/had a very costly public sector.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:32 PM   #23

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ps I dont think however it is very strong phenomen or applying to most social situations, it is rather existing somewhere in the background, I would not like to demonise it.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:32 PM   #24

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No, it's just not logical. Too many cultural, linguistic, etc differences, there's no single "white culture" (Maybe it exists only in the New World) or "white nationalism", even "European culture" is something nonexistent.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:35 PM   #25

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our women are more attractive
If I was a Greek or Italian I wouldn't go for Northern European (including British and Irish) women. Sure, they can be very pretty ofcourse, but they get so drunk.

I believe a South European woman is less likely than a North European to get drunk like a man when she goes out.

It's unfeminine to be drunk..at least Greeks and Italians should think so.

I go for North European women since they are most similar to my culture.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:38 PM   #26

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So far, only replies have been "no" and a "sort of". People on here don't seem very supportive of the idea. I'd like to hear from people who believe in white unity, though, and have them relate their definition of the concept.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:38 PM   #27

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I'm not saying I disagree with you here, but your description of Nordic countries isn't based on reality but exaggerated to make them look bad (from your perspective).
From my perspective, yes. Secularism, high taxes, gay friendliness, these are alien and unnecessary things. But from a Scandinavian point of view, I'm sure they're considered to be far more normal than they would be in, say, Malta.

In the south you are more influenced by Christianity, while here Christianity was forced upon us through violence, and at a much later date.
This much is true, but in the East they are far more influenced by Christianity, and they became Christenized far later than your ancestors, not to mention the forced atheism for nearly a century under the USSR. It's not that we willingly accepted Christ. It was a minority religion in the Mediterranean (Roman Empire) until the government forced conversion by the sword.

In the south women have had a different position in society than in the north, where women have had a lot of freedom and been associated with natural forces and magic in pagan times.
This much is true... but I'd say that while different, both are equally important roles. In the South, the mother is treated as almost some sort of a demigod, because family is more important than anything.

The irony of your taxation comment is than not only are taxes a southern invention, but taxation and public services and public spending are the most inefficient and costly (euro by euro) in countries like Greece and Italy. Greece has/had a very costly public sector.
This is all true. On the other hand, nearly everything in Europe is, at it's root, a "southern invention", as you put it.

There is no doubt that the Southern countries lack the "protestant work ethic" and industrious nature of, say, Germany, as they're content with living their lazy lives with little stress. It's not a matter of one way of life being better than the other, but rather that they're completely different.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:46 PM   #28

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my mindset is quite "southern" but that's usually the case with far-rightists for some reason.

Breivik (not that I have anything incommon with him) hated his own women. He would also like Sharia Laws me thinks. Actually, he should be happy if Norway became Islamic.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:46 PM   #29

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Armenia, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, whatever. Even if they're Jews or Muslims, we share a lot more in common than gay-loving secular feminazis in Scandinavia that have an 80% tax rate.
Ignorance is one?

Just because I'm tolerant doesn't mean I love gays. But maybe intolerance and all other non progressive "values" and "morals" like being more prone to resort to violence and corruption is that put those countries you mentioned in the same basket and we around the Baltic and North Sea in the other...

So answering Hevneren: white unity no, cultural maybe yes. But ultimately I'm not a racist so I let Asians, Africans, Amerindians, Latinos etc have their pride. As long as pride does not lead to conflict, neo-colonialism, chauvinism, arrogance and exploitation on racial principles.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:48 PM   #30

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Ignorance is one?
Ignorance of what? Sauna etiquette? Not knowing how to castrate an animal using one's teeth? Guilty as charged.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:51 PM   #31

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From my perspective, yes. Secularism, high taxes, gay friendliness, these are alien and unnecessary things. But from a Scandinavian point of view, I'm sure they're considered to be far more normal than they would be in, say, Malta.
I guess what you write illustrates something related to the topic, because as a southerner you have a hard time understanding northern cultures, just as we as northerners have a hard time understanding southern cultures.

When you see secularism and a rejection of Catholicism as godlessness, we see it as emancipation, individualism and freedom as our ancestors once had.

When you see high taxation, you think expensive living and corrupt government, when we see a system that functions (more often than not) and goods and services for every citizen.

When you see acceptance of homosexuality you see the acceptance of sinfulness, when we see the acceptance of other human beings and recognition of their value in society.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:53 PM   #32

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If I was a Greek or Italian I wouldn't go for Northern European (including British and Irish) women. Sure, they can be very pretty ofcourse, but they get so drunk.

I believe a South European woman is less likely than a North European to get drunk like a man when she goes out.

It's unfeminine to be drunk..at least Greeks and Italians should think so.

I go for North European women since they are most similar to my culture.
Most people prefer their "own" women actually, If Greeks and Italians go for northern women it's mostly because of tourism. I have a friend who is half British and another one who is half Norwegian.

Indeed, It would be really strange to see a Greek woman getting drunk like a man.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:56 PM   #33

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I'm not saying I disagree with you here, but your description of Nordic countries isn't based on reality but exaggerated to make them look bad (from your perspective).

In the south you are more influenced by Christianity, while here Christianity was forced upon us through violence, and at a much later date.

In the south women have had a different position in society than in the north, where women have had a lot of freedom and been associated with natural forces and magic in pagan times.

The irony of your taxation comment is than not only are taxes a southern invention, but taxation and public services and public spending are the most inefficient and costly (euro by euro) in countries like Greece and Italy. Greece has/had a very costly public sector.
Christianity here was also imposed by force. There were riots (the Bagaudas) in Galia and Hispania formed mainly by Pagans against the power of the Roman state and church. And the religious councils forbade Pagan worship and even the use of herbal medicines, considered pagan.

And about the woman, depends, pre-Roman societies gave women many rights, but the Romans did not. In Spain always (since Middle Ages) women could vote in municipal assemblies and even be councilors, and the woman did not lose her surname upon marriage, also was transmitted to her son.
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Old 06-12-2012, 10:59 PM   #34

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freedom and love .... take drugs and shags ladies.
Isn't it the same thing?
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:01 PM   #35

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Yes, I am a great fan of racial unity

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Old 06-12-2012, 11:04 PM   #36

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Sauna etiquette? Not knowing how to castrate an animal using one's teeth? Guilty as charged.
It's ironic to see how you emphasize your ignorance in maybe every post.
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:16 PM   #37

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Most people prefer their "own" women actually, If Greeks and Italians go for northern women it's mostly because of tourism. I have a friend who is half British and another one who is half Norwegian.
I agree. Only women from S.Europe and the Balkans for me. Nordic women just don't attract me.

Nordic women.
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:16 PM   #38

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Armenia, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, whatever. Even if they're Jews or Muslims, we share a lot more in common than gay-loving secular feminazis in Scandinavia that have an 80% tax rate.
We? You're an American. You would be as much a tourist as I would in Sicily.
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:17 PM   #39

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No - there isn't even any consensus about what "white" means. I also think that I've got a lot more in common with a Greenlandic kid who has grown up here in a Danish environment than what I have in common with many other so called "white" Europeans, and if the "white" label also extends beyond Europe, then definitely no!
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:19 PM   #40

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Some people in Europe, despite being white, has things more incommon with e.g Japanese people than with Greeks.
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