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erelvenewmeva 06-12-2012 10:03 PM

White Unity?
There's a thread on another forum that asks if you believe in white unity. I've been curious about how different people define this concept, if they believe it exists, but I haven't had much luck in getting a concise definition on the other forum.

What I want to know is whether or not you believe in the concept of white unity, why you believe in white unity, and what you define white unity as. I'm interested in creating a debate on this topic and maybe get a working definition.

UltraSearchs 06-12-2012 10:05 PM

Absolutely not.

One of the most annoying things I found about Stormfront was that they were beholden to that bullshit.

There is no white religion. There is no white language. There is no white culture. There is nothing to "defend" but mythical racial purity.

JamesTornC 06-12-2012 10:06 PM

imo "white unity" just like any social concept based purely on race or ethnicity can work in politics but not in real life. by believing in concepts along these lines you're just setting yourself up for some really unpleasant surprises.

Grarypealumma 06-12-2012 10:06 PM


Absolutely not.

One of the most annoying things I found about Stormfront was that they were beholden to that bullshit.
Why don't you believe in white unity?

Konservir 06-12-2012 10:07 PM

I feel no kinship with people like yourself. No offense intended.

Mediterranean unity, Latin unity, Catholic unity, maybe, but the idea that all white people should work together or some kumbaya shit like that, not interested.

Abarricoss 06-12-2012 10:08 PM


I feel no kinship with people like yourself. No offense intended.
People like myself? You mean Northern Europeans?

Teligacio 06-12-2012 10:09 PM

Baltic Sea area people, more specifically. The British and the Irish, at least there is some relation. England was a Roman colony, the strong Catholicism in Ireland, etc.

BUMbaronos 06-12-2012 10:09 PM

Some "white people" ethnic groups are such historic enemies each to other, that there can't be any unity.

SarkisPioute 06-12-2012 10:09 PM

I am not talking about everyone, but about some trends: western Europeans are too racist towards eastern Europeans. To lesser extend western and northern Europeans are racist towards southern Europeans. Apart from that, there is Germanic hostility to Slavic people and there are internal tensions inside of every sub-group.

eocavrWM 06-12-2012 10:11 PM


I feel no kinship with people like yourself. No offense intended.

Mediterranean unity, Latin unity, Catholic unity, maybe, but the idea that all white people should work together or some kumbaya shit like that, not interested.
are people on the non-European sides of the Mediterranean sea included in that as well?

---------- Post added 2012-06-12 at 14:13 ----------


Baltic Sea area people, more specifically. The British and the Irish, at least there is some relation. England was a Roman colony, the strong Catholicism in Ireland, etc.
what about the French?http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/grin.gif

Karlmarks 06-12-2012 10:13 PM


are people on the non-European sides of the Mediterranean sea included in that as well?

Armenia, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, whatever. Even if they're Jews or Muslims, we share a lot more in common than gay-loving secular feminazis in Scandinavia that have an 80% tax rate.

yxn2dC07 06-12-2012 10:14 PM


satthackacibe 06-12-2012 10:15 PM


I am not talking about everyone, but about some trends: western Europeans are too racist towards eastern Europeans. To lesser extend western and northern Europeans are racist towards southern Europeans. Apart from that, there is Germanic hostility to Slavic people and there are internal tensions inside of every sub-group.
I do agree there are some prejudice from west to east and north to south, but I've seen people in the south and east making derogatory remarks the other way too. I wouldn't necessarily say Germanic-speakers are generally "racist" towards Slavs though. It's more to do with the idea that Eastern Europe is a grey post-Soviet bloc with poverty and low standards of living. Prejudice? Maybe. Racist? I don't think that it is.

WrinnaArraple 06-12-2012 10:17 PM

There is an air of cultural superiority from south-to-north where we are proud that we can tan, our women are more attractive, that our cities are thousands of years old, have better weather, better cuisine, etc.

But I don't think it's ever dehumanizing like some of the north-to-south and west-to-east rhetoric. Hitler had no trouble getting many thousands of recruits from all over the Germanic world.

Kneeniasy 06-12-2012 10:18 PM



Armenia, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, whatever. Even if they're Jews or Muslims, we share a lot more in common than gay-loving secular feminazis in Scandinavia that have an 80% tax rate.
I didn't see anyone trash talking your part of the world. Please don't bring your inferiority complexes and flame wars to this thread.

niemamczasu 06-12-2012 10:18 PM

alfieb, I know you are a bit anti-french (which is natural for Italians and Americans I guess) but still, do you feel close connection to France?

What about Balkan Slavs?

WeestDype 06-12-2012 10:20 PM

I see in terms of colour, but I don't think in terms of colour. I don't know if that makes any sense.

So, for example, if I'm thinking about the impact of some global event I will probably think of how it impacts the English, and think no more of its impact upon a German than of its impact upon a Ghanaian. However, if it came to who I would want my son/daughter to marry, I'd be much happier with him/her marrying a German than a Ghanaian.

Nicihntm 06-12-2012 10:21 PM


I see in terms of colour, but I don't think in terms of colour. I don't know if that makes any sense.

So, for example, if I'm thinking about the impact of some global event I will probably think of how it impacts the English, and think no more of its impact upon a German than of its impact upon a Ghanaian. However, if it came to who I would want my son/daughter to marry, I'd be much happier with him/her marrying a German than a Ghanaian.
So, that's another "no" to white unity, then?

jackie Obrian 06-12-2012 10:22 PM


alfieb, I know you are a bit anti-french (which is natural for Italians and Americans I guess) but still, do you feel close connection to France?

What about Balkan Slavs?
France: Yes and no. Very little. Their language has been perverted about as much as English has (from a Romance standpoint vis-a-vis a Germanic standpoint), they've distanced themselves as much as one can from Catholicism, etc.

When I think of Latin Europe, I see France on the periphery, along with Romania. It's mostly on the peninsulas of Iberia and Italia where Latin culture survives.

As for the Balkans, it depends on the country. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia? Bosnia? Not really.


I didn't see anyone trash talking your part of the world. Please don't bring your inferiority complexes and flame wars to this thread.
That wasn't flaming, it was how I genuinely feel about Northern Europe. There is no kinship. You asked why, and that's why. Scandinavians and Mediterraneans do not have the same values, culture, religion, cuisine, taste in music, or anything for that matter.

Biashpainabix 06-12-2012 10:24 PM


So, that's another "no" to white unity, then?
Depends on your definition, I feel socially closer to other Whites than I do to Blacks. I want Britain to always be "a White country", if possible; so insofar as that evinces me wanting "White unity" I guess I'm a believer, but it doesn't pre-occupy my thoughts.

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