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Usendyduexy 07-07-2012 07:40 PM

Evils like Mara in Buddhism
Hi guys,
I am currently doing an assignment and am going to make a speech about evils in buddhism. Not that buddhism is evil. Just how is evil defined in buddhism. I can only find information about Mara and I dont really know what else. I do need help to understand what kind of evils like mara are there in buddhism. Thank you so much for your help.

GEAntonio 07-07-2012 07:54 PM

Welcome danielnswa !

There's an old thread "Reflections on Mara" which might be helpful to you.


Chapter Nine "Evil" from the Dhammapada might also be worth reading


kind regards


Dynasty 07-07-2012 08:07 PM

Thanks for the link. Are there any other types of evils? other than mara and chapter nine evil from the dhammapada.

mesZibeds 07-07-2012 09:44 PM

Evil in Buddhism seems to be mostly linked to tanha (desire/craving) and harming/violence. Mara is the "tempter" so he relates directly to tanha. Mara is usually understood as a metaphor and not an actually being. Buddhism is also largely about non-harming both physically and verbally etc.

sanddrareyk 07-07-2012 11:29 PM

My understanding of the Buddhist path in whichever of the Traditions one chooses to practice is that it is a specfic type of mind training that leads to the end of sufferings.

"Evil" in this context would be any action that causes suffering for any senient being.

sbrthrds 07-07-2012 11:37 PM


My understanding of the Buddhist path in whichever of the Traditions one chooses to practice is that it is a specfic type of mind training that leads to the end of sufferings.

"Evil" in this context would be any action that causes suffering for any senient being.
I agree 100% with this and in Buddhism it is taught that the source of suffering is tanha.

lasadeykar 07-08-2012 04:37 AM


Just how is evil defined in buddhism.
hi Daniel

this link will define 'evil' ('unskilful') for you (however, the word 'happiness' or 'well-being' are best substituted for 'pleasure')

this link, may also help you, particularly the chapter titled: The meaning of kusala and akusala


element http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/grin.gif

HilaryNidierer 07-08-2012 05:33 AM


I do need help to understand what kind of evils like mara are there in buddhism.
hi Daniel

in buddhism, the word 'mara' means 'killer' and refers to the 'killer' of the spiritual life; the killer of peace; the killer of goodness; etc

the word 'mara' has the same linguistic roots as the word 'marana', which means 'death'

just like in the Bible, Mara or Satan, can be both internal ignorance or an external temptor

for example, in the Book of Job in the Bible, Satan was an angel sent by God to torment & test Job

similarly, it seems in Matthew 4, Satan may have been external, as follows:

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...+4&version=NIV note, Matthew 4 is very similar to the Rajja Sutta, in Buddhism.

generally, in Buddhism, Mara was like an angel that tormented the Buddha & his disciples, as follows:


these links come from sections 4. Mara-samyutta and 5. Bhikkhuni-samyutta at this link

as for Mara being internal ignorance, internal craving & internal attachment, there are many quotes from the scriptures by Dhamma Dhatu, also from the Samyutta Nikaya, at this link

good luck & all the best


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