spaxiaroorbes |
12-02-2012 03:32 AM |
The Paticcasamuppada Line
Nanavira Thera creates the following: "1. The conventional meaning of paticcasamuppāda (of its typical twelve-factored formula, that's to express) obviously has its origins in the Patisambhidāmagga, or maybe in the Abhidhammapitaka. This meaning is fully expounded in the Visuddhimagga.. It may be briefly described thus: avijjā and sankhārā are kamma in the past existence, and their vipāka is vinnāna, nāmarūpa, salāyatana, phassa, and vedanā, in the present existence; tanhā, upādāna, and bhava, are kamma in the present existence, and their vipāka is jāti and jarāmarana in the following existence. "2. This Note will require for granted first, that the reader is acquainted with this conventional meaning, and subsequently, that he's unhappy with it. It's not consequently proposed to come right into a comprehensive discussion of the meaning, but instead to show briefly that discontent with it's not unjustified, and then to outline what could possibly be found to be a far more acceptable approach." A thoroughgoing (and possibly questionable) evaluation ergo develops, that we recommend. http://www.buddhismwithoutboundaries...ilies/love.gif