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Old 09-05-2012, 03:31 PM   #21

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F1boat. That post is below you. Stop with the Fanboy nonsense and point out where anyone has agreed this was a clever thing to do. It was stupid but no big deal. That's all.

As for Lewis personally, I know you have never met him which is why your ignorance can be excused but really????
Point taken. As a human in his personal life he may be the most pleasant man on the planet. As a person who is part of the second most successful team in F1 he, however, isn't. Most annoying driver today by far. At least for me. If it wasn't for McLaren he would not have won anything at all. I think that he has no right to treat them like this.
P.S. I also apologize if someone is insulted from my post, but I still think that this outburst is a serious breach of trust and "a big deal". Christian Horner indicated that "Red Bull" found the tweets useful and he would have punished his drivers, if they have tweeted such info.
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Old 09-05-2012, 03:40 PM   #22

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I wonder if Lewis has been losing fans and ostracizing his crew in the paddock. I'm no longer a fan of Lewis Hamilton because his last outburst, placing sensitive information on a bleepin' Twitter tweet, has got me shaking my head. I did like his personality when he exploded onto the scene in 2007, but 5 years later and that's all gone.

Lewis has been surrounding himself with bad people. I think it's a case of young love in that Nicole S. has Lewis in the palm of her hand. Ever since she's been in the garage Lewis has been erratic, caring more about his reputation by hanging out with big wigs than his racing, and lost to a teammate ever in his F1 career.

The guy is amazingly fast, but his head just isn't in the right place. Lewis' management team is awful too! I'm not too sure as to why Lewis hasn't gone back to his father because Anthony Hamilton really kept the trash outside the door and kept Lewis focused on racing. I want the old Lewis Hamilton back in F1. Today's Lewis is confused, downtrodden, and misdirected.

Can't agree with any of that. I feel we have the old Lewis back and he is in the middle of one of his best seasons to date. He's been error free for most of the season and scored some impressive wins. His Hungary win which was the race before last (not so long ago) was applauded for the way he contolled the race in front of a dominant Kimi. Suddenly he makes a tweet and his whole focus is called into question? Nah, I don't buy that. He may let frustration creep in every now and again but he's only human. I know a lot of you guys have evolved into the new era of F1 wanting PR robots who show zero personality and toe the corporate line just to convince you they are committed to the sport, but I like a driver with passion. Hamilton shows more than any other, and sure he does some silly things, but we all love to talk about him and on his day he's the best driver in the world. McLaren are currently the fastest car on the aero tracks and I hope Jenson and Lewis show in Monza what the car is truly capable of. I know Monza rarely offers anything exciting in terms of racing with it being a sprint, but I feel its a points game now and the Mac boys need to get their heads down and get the job done.
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Old 09-05-2012, 03:46 PM   #23

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Christian Horner indicated that "Red Bull" found the tweets useful and he would have punished his drivers, if they have tweeted such info.
Christian Horner and Martin Whitmarsh have a history of winding each other up and digging each other since 2010. Of course he's going to offer an opinion on this. Horner's opinion to me is lame. The way he publically treated Webber in 2010 shows integrity doesn't run high in that team, so I take everything he say's with a pinch of salt. Horner said the tweet was useful because it stirs the situation and deflects attention away from their own failings. If you wish to believe everything you hear, then thats up to you. Paddy Lowe offered his opinion and he is not a PR player at all, but as an engineer his opinion is ignored by the likes of you. Magazine stuff really isn't it?
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:22 PM   #24

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I've wanted to like this guy, but since his half-arsed Ali G outburst, he just comes over as petulant and self absorbed, IMO. Granted the info he posted might have been innocuous, but I have no doubt commercial-in-confidence issues are just the start of the arse kicking he is going to get from Whitmarsh.
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:27 PM   #25

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I suppose to some Hamilton, Alonso and Vettel just give people excuses with their behaviour not to like them. It depends how you view their personalities. Alonso comes across as a nice guy but Jaime Alguersuari mentioned he was very arrogant in person. Vettel comes across as a nice chap, but some of his outbursts make you realise he's human and can lose it like the Hamilton's of the world. I think as fans we just look too hard to find fault and gone are the days of drivers being accessable and showing their true personalities. Fans are sensitive souls in this day and age.
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:35 PM   #26

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First of all, I think that what Lewis did in twitter is way lamer than what Christian Horner said. Not to mention the reaction of Alex Wurz, which was hillarious. Like it or not Lewis made a pathetic outburst which make him look like a petulant, spoiled brat. But he was always like that IMO and he showed his true colors after the qualifying in Monaco 2007...
Also, just like FamousEccles, I wanted to like the guy, because when I like all top drivers I have only positive emotions from the sport. I am aware that what he does is inspiring, especially for people who are not Caucasians. The attitude however ruins everything. About the excuse that Lewis is "just human" and the others are PR robots. Which others? Kimi, who has a unique attitude and in the same time has never backstabbed his team, not even in 2008? Seb, who is a kid and sometimes still acts like a kid, but have never, ever betrayed Red Bull? Please. To be a human doesn't mean that you have to be an a$$. McLaren made Lewis what he is. They cared for him since he was just another kid racing go-karts. They made him comfortable, even at the expense of the great Fernando Alonso. He has to show some gratitude for them. He would have achieved nothing if he was driving for Force India or Williams, for example.
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:49 PM   #27

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About the excuse that Lewis is "just human" and the others are PR robots. Which others? Kimi, who has a unique attitude and in the same time has never backstabbed his team, not even in 2008? Seb, who is a kid and sometimes still acts like a kid, but have never, ever betrayed Red Bull? Please. To be a human doesn't mean that you have to be an a$$. McLaren made Lewis what he is. They cared for him since he was just another kid racing go-karts. They made him comfortable, even at the expense of the great Fernando Alonso. He has to show some gratitude for them. He would have achieved nothing if he was driving for Force India or Williams, for example.
Err Seb has blamed his team in the past when interviewed and even gone as far to say he would like to drive for Ferrari right in the middle of contract negotiations last year. Like Lewis he was supported from karts by Red Bull and has given his team a headache with stupid things he has said or gestured. Where do we start with Alonso? Blackmail, cheating, and publically accusing his team of supporting his teammate because he was moving to another team? Come on, take the rose tinted specs off and admit these guys all throw the toys out of the pram at times. Seb, Alonso and Hamilton all toe the corporate line for the most part, but sometimes they stray. Lewis posted a pic on twitter. Big bloody deal. He shows his gratitude enough and ironically he got criticized for that. Always saying the 'team had done a great job' and 'thanks to the guys in the team'. It wasn't long ago this was his standard answer and people like you were demanding he show his true feelings. The kid can't win. If we judged you on your posts, do you think you'd have a better reputation than Lewis? Come on
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:50 PM   #28

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There is also this notion Lewis owes everything to McLaren and hasn't given anything back? WTF is that about? He wouldn't be driving for them if he wasn't any good and they didn't feel he was the best driver for the seat.
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Old 09-05-2012, 05:58 PM   #29

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I personally have no memory of Vettel blaming Red Bull for his issues. I'd like to see quote for that, because it is pretty seriou accusation. Seb has problems when losing, but I think that he was always loyal to the team. I knew that he shared his wish one day to drive for Ferrari, but it was a wish for the distant future. To be honest, few drivers would not like to drive for the Scuderia. It is the most iconic team in Formula One, after all.
About Alonso. My impression is that McLaren were not fair to him in 2007. The team supported Lewis to the extent that Ron Dennis said in Fuji (or in China - I am not sure) that they (McLaren) were basically racing Alonso. This is not huge surpise for me, because Alain Prost also though that McLaren were biased and supported Senna against him in 1989. So they have a history about that.
About my reputation, I am just a forum user and I am not paid millions of cash each year. However, as a translator of books which sometimes are yet to be released I know that some materials just shouldn't be leaked in public and I would never do so.
About your second post. Yes Lewis have drove well for McLaren... sometimes. He won them the 2008 WDC, which was nice. However, my personal opinion is that if the team have supported Fred they would have won both championships in 2007 and 2008. They were sentimental and wanted their kid to succeed. Even if only for that Hamilton should be grateful to them. And if the team now prefers Jenson, for which I find no solid evidence, he should probably ask himself why that is so. Certanly leaking secret data in public will not help his cause.
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Old 09-05-2012, 06:21 PM   #30

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F1 : No wedge between McLaren Formula 1 team and Hamilton says team boss
F1SA noticed that McLaren's media focus of the Belgian Grand Prix weekend was conspicuously slanted in favour of pole and race winner Jenson Button.
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Old 09-05-2012, 06:42 PM   #31

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Even with a statement like this from the team, you'll always get those who interpret it differently.
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Old 09-05-2012, 06:46 PM   #32

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F1boat, you appear to be prepared to cut Vettel and Alonso some slack but not Hamilton. All drivers throw toys out of the pram from time to time, whether in public or private. We hear some but not all so to make judgements based on limited info is perhaps not fair on any of them.

Yes, Lewis was a bit daft to Tweet what he did but no major damage done, and perhaps some lessons to be learned. Twitter is a great way for the likes of Hamilton to engage with fans directly but there can be pitfalls with instant communication. Don't Tweet when drunk of angry!!

Followers of @LewisHamilton may be aware of this and earlier Tweets about his Aunt's illness leading up to Spa. (Not an excuse, but perhaps a partial explanation)

F1SA noticed that McLaren's media focus of the Belgian Grand Prix weekend was conspicuously slanted in favour of pole and race winner Jenson Button.
Well if F1SA "noticed" then it must be true
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Old 09-05-2012, 07:14 PM   #33

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Even with a statement like this from the team, you'll always get those who interpret it differently.
'Tweet embarrassing for Lewis' | Planet F1 | Formula One News
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Old 09-05-2012, 07:14 PM   #34

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F1boat, you appear to be prepared to cut Vettel and Alonso some slack but not Hamilton. All drivers throw toys out of the pram from time to time
But not all of them leak team's data in public
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Old 09-05-2012, 07:37 PM   #35

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Not sure why you quoted this and put a at the end in response to me?
Whats your point? Of course the tweet was embarrassing for Lewis, who said it wan't?
But not all of them leak team's data in public
No, we know what Alonso does with data don't we? lol Sort of makes the twitter thing look tiny in comparison but as Arrows said, you won't cut Hamilton any slack but will happily do it for the others.

Seriously though, why do you appear biased by not being able to cut one driver a bit of slack, but excuse the drivers you like more? Perhaps you could explain that? None of them are angels and the've all made mistakes and I see no reason to hate them other such trivial things. The stuff in the past always get dragged up in times like this because nobody
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Old 09-05-2012, 08:00 PM   #36

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Errrr, isn't that called celebrating/concentrating on the positives?

I don't suppose Lotus spent too much bigging up Grojean's ban did they....?
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Old 09-05-2012, 09:00 PM   #37

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"I've known Lewis since he was 11 years old. He's someone who has grown up in the team, he's grown up in the glow of public criticism. Some things he has learned, some things he is yet to learn."

Sounds good on the surface , but what does Lewis hear when this is all said , in front of the world ?
He hears "We made you ." .
He hears "You're still a kid ." .
He hears "You can't handle all this and you need us more than we need you ."

"He is a deep and soulful individual, but he is going through a difficult time. I predict he is going to bounce back and we will see a different Lewis Hamilton in a few days' time in Italy,"

Then he hears that , after one bad qualifying , he's in a "difficult time" .
He hears that he's "deep and soulful" , and surely he'll think about how strong his position at the bargaining table actually is .

Then he hears that great "go Lewis" cheer at the end , to bolster him and prove they are looking out for the lad .

This all fits perfectly with contract talks with a big head .

I hope my writing my thoughts here doesn't screw up the plan .
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Old 09-05-2012, 09:14 PM   #38

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Thats all great Bagwan but I'm sure the team work closely with Lewis and don't just communicate with him through the media. The sentences you have summarised sound like they are open to interpretation sure, but what about all the meetings and one on one contact Lewis has with his team discussing his future and aims? I highly doubt he is reading Planet F1 and trying to analyse the relationship through that medium alone.

Its fine for us fans to judge these guys from magazine clippings, but they rarely paint the whole picture.
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Old 09-05-2012, 09:45 PM   #39

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Thats all great Bagwan but I'm sure the team work closely with Lewis and don't just communicate with him through the media. The sentences you have summarised sound like they are open to interpretation sure, but what about all the meetings and one on one contact Lewis has with his team discussing his future and aims? I highly doubt he is reading Planet F1 and trying to analyse the relationship through that medium alone.

Its fine for us fans to judge these guys from magazine clippings, but they rarely paint the whole picture.
While they are on the same team , they are also , at contract time , on opposite sides of the table .

What I was trying to do there , was analyse how the man being talked about , might read those words .
From the team's point of view , it puts Lewis in a less favourable seat in the talks . That's very convenient right now , and could save million$ .
That's no small motive for creating a set-up , with innocuous info .

Don't forget , they know Lewis is capable , and moreso when motivated by a fast team-mate , of storming through the field .
They would have had a lot of faith that he could still grab some serious points , and they likely would have if the first lap had gone better .

When you get down to brass tacks , doesn't it just all sound a bit fishy to you at all that your boy Lewis could be almost a second slower than his team-mate ?
That's the point that got me hearing "Pay no attention to the man behing the curtain ." .
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Old 09-05-2012, 10:20 PM   #40

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Was Button magic here , or was there something fishy going on during contract time ?
Not so very long ago Button was struggling for pace. I don't recall these kind of conspiracy theories being suggested then.
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