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Muesrasrs 01-08-2012 11:57 PM

She's got nearly $2k! That's more than I expected. She needs to be careful, though!

Hi Nadya. Tried to follow you on Twitter but you don't tweet. Find a home in Whittier it's the best neighborhood. Near First and Lambert. We can be neighbors.
-Mike "Truck Route"Kroman

WUlcN1Rz 01-09-2012 12:51 AM

I don't understand how you can be in foreclosure and still qualify for another mortgage. Are the banks still lending in the spirit of 2004 or something? You know, the spirit which wrecked the world economy?

Immarsecice 02-08-2012 07:53 AM


I'm sorry, but a down payment? $150k is more than my entire house cost me, and it's 2,000 square feet with three bedrooms. .

I always forget how big and cheap property is outside of NYC.

Saad Khan 07-09-2012 04:31 AM

Octomom keeping it classy, riding a Sybian.

Car-crash syndrome warning: NSFL/ wish I could unsee/hear this.

Sydneyfonzi 07-09-2012 06:13 AM

Ugh. Gross. And so fake!

Forex Trading Software 07-17-2012 06:50 AM

just another hard working single mom: OCTOMOM!
fucking hell nadya suleman. shes such a famewhore. if it weren't for her poor weans, id lulz more.

Octomom - the final humiliation: Bankrupt Nadya Suleman strips topless to the strains of Rihanna in a bid to pay her bills http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/...27_634x926.jpg



^^^i love the female patrons' faces in those pictures.

also, photo-op setup city. but you know, its still gross (her general behavior, not stripping--pre-emptive sex negative disclaimer)


Mypepraipse 07-17-2012 10:05 AM

That first picture ... I don't understand. Her buttcheek. How.

Nafheense 07-17-2012 10:33 AM

Did someone throw her a lollipop?



That first picture ... I don't understand. Her buttcheek. How.
How indeed! HOW?

Iphone 07-17-2012 12:59 PM

When you have a bebe your butt drops. So if you have 8 it falls off I guess.

warrgazur 07-17-2012 01:15 PM


Did someone throw her a lollipop?
I believe it's one of her work tools.

xtc2d6u8 07-17-2012 07:47 PM

Shit, that's depressing, especially the last photo.
She should seriously consider just putting her kids in foster homes for the time being. I mean, she's probably not going to make enough money off porn/stripping to feed them for the next 15 years anyway. She's busted and the novelty of seeing a z-list celeb get her kit off will pass really fast.

Iphone 07-17-2012 07:49 PM

Seriously, wtf is she going to do? How on earth do you care for that many kids without a steady job (which she can't do either because who is going to watch her 15 kids while she works). She did it to herself, but I still feel bad for her. Even more so the kids. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/frown.gif

boanuatiguali 07-17-2012 08:06 PM

Wasn't there a video a while back that showed the deplorable living conditions at her house? And aren't some of her kids special needs? I'd like to know where they are staying while she's doing porn shoots and stripping. Maybe they're locked in a bathroom at home.

dayclaccikere 07-17-2012 08:59 PM


fucking hell nadya suleman. shes such a famewhore. if it weren't for her poor weans, id lulz more.

^^^i love the female patrons' faces in those pictures.

lol id wager she's not that


Wasn't there a video a while back that showed the deplorable living conditions at her house? And aren't some of her kids special needs? I'd like to know where they are staying while she's doing porn shoots and stripping. Maybe they're locked in a bathroom at home.
Probably the same place most kids go when their mom has to go to work. In a room, being locked in by a chair.

Muesrasrs 07-17-2012 09:01 PM

A NSFW tag would be nice for those who don't want to get caught looking at "porn!"

Regarding the living conditions at her home, CPS came out to her house and investigated after the report was made and said "it's a very suitable environment for these children."

Her house got cleaned up and painted after the visit. I imagine it's quite difficult to keep things nice and in working order with 14 children running the house...

Dr. Drew Pinsky offered her housekeeping and nanny services awhile back. I know she resisted having someone come clean her house, but she did give in to that eventually. Maybe she is utilizing the nanny service as well.

Bonus: The 18 Best Faces Watching Octomom Strip!

WUlcN1Rz 07-17-2012 11:47 PM

It's a testament to the horrific conditions people keep children in that that depressing, slum-like abode is considered a suitable environment for a bazillion special-needs kids. It looks like a total dosshouse. For god's sake, what kind of parent writes graffiti on the walls in their own home? The woman is fucked in the head.

HexcewlyRette 07-18-2012 02:45 AM

I have a lot of feelings about this and every one is negative http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/frown.gif

PemiaGefe 07-18-2012 04:33 AM

My first thought is - wtf! Look at that stomach! I had two kids - one at a time - and I can't believe how much better than me she looks!!! *shakes fist*

Then... all this for 5K? That sucks a whole lot. That'll probably cover the mortgage and the light bill for one month. So sad.

As far as her house - kids are filthy beings. I don't know how she does it or more importantly... WHY she wanted to! 14 kids! That's a classroom!

She should move out of LA and to somewhere far cheaper to live. Somewhere where she can get an enormous house and yard for 150k. Then put in a sustainable garden and get some chickens. She's too infamous to get a job where she can support these kids. If she really wants to be a mother to these kids - and I imagine she does since she spent her student loan money (grrrrr hssss!!!) for fertility and then insisted on keeping them - then she needs to live her life away from TMZ.

WUlcN1Rz 07-18-2012 05:08 AM


My first thought is - wtf! Look at that stomach! I had two kids - one at a time - and I can't believe how much better than me she looks!!!
Hasn't she had a shit-ton of plastic surgery? Isn't that part of where the initial payouts for her story went?

She should move out of LA and to somewhere far cheaper to live. Somewhere where she can get an enormous house and yard for 150k. Then put in a sustainable garden and get some chickens. She's too infamous to get a job where she can support these kids. If she really wants to be a mother to these kids - and I imagine she does since she spent her student loan money (grrrrr hssss!!!) for fertility and then insisted on keeping them - then she needs to live her life away from TMZ. Pfft. You can't famewhore half as effectively outisde the entertainment capital! The whole point is ATTENTION. You can't get attention living a quiet life and just getting on with parenting. She already had six kids she couldn't support when she got IVF for another six. She clearly wanted to be the next annoying, highly-paid reality star ala that Kate Gosselin hag. Unfortunately for her, she's too repulsive even for that world. Now she's reduced to working her way down the porn ladder - first dodgy 'erotic' photos, then thumping around a stage in plastic boots. Next up: sucking dick on camera for cash. Nobody's going to want to see her poledance twice.

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