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8/11/12 @ 9AM Mittens makes his VP choice official.
The news we have all been eagerly awaiting comes this morning.
RepubliCAN ! |
http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...s/300 (83).gif
Ryan is tough, smart and experienced - he'll do a good job.
Ryan, 42, the House Budget Committee chairman, is an intellectual leader of the conservative movement, noted for authoring a GOP budget that sharply cuts taxes, spending and entitlements. Like Republicans in the House and Senate, Romney has embraced the controversial plan. Ryan’s presence on the ticket gives Democrats an opening to attack his budget priorities. It virtually ensures that Medicare, and the changes Ryan wants to make, will be a major issue for the rest of the campaign. |
What a fucking FAG!
(absolutely no offense to anyone gay or whatever) |
the actors may change but the play remains the same... since all candidates are prescreened by tptb it makes no difference who wins, they will always have their puppet in place. i remember a thread from a long while back that discussed this very concept. choosing the lesser evil is still choosing evil. the illusionary election process only serves to give the people the illusion of choice when in reality, you have no choice at all... |
Waking up to this rah-rah Rmoney/Ryan is like waking up and finding a pile of shit in the living room.
that was beautiful, LT!! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/grin.gif |
i personally know about 100 people from janesville wi who would pay good money to beat the shit out of paul ryan.
Is it because of the GM thing? If so, what was Ryans part?
As the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan gives Romney a link to Capitol Hill leadership and underscores Romney's effort to make the election a referendum on the nation's economic course... his endorsement of Romney came at a critical stage of the GOP primaries, giving Mitt a boost in the Wisconsin race.
At 42, Ryan has spent almost half of his life in the Washington fold, the last 14 representing a southern Wisconsin district from the shores of Lake Michigan through farm country south of Madison. Ryan grew up in Janesville and still lives just down the block from where he spent his boyhood. His father, a lawyer, died of a heart attack when Ryan was a teenager. It's why Ryan is a fitness buff, leading fellow lawmakers through grueling, early-morning workouts and pushing himself through mountain climbs. He was first exposed to Congress as a summer intern to Sen. Robert Kasten. With an economics degree in hand, Ryan worked his way through committee staff assignments, a prominent think tank and top legislative advisory roles until opportunity arose with an open seat from his home turf. He leveraged Washington connections, local ties forged through the family construction business and the backing of anti-abortion groups en route to his surprisingly comfortable victory. As a 28-year-old, Ryan entered Congress brimming with idealistic views about forcing government to become leaner and less intrusive. |
so, the board jihaed up my last 2 replies.
here's paul ryan on tv: tea party, small government guy, keep american jobs here, etc. paul ryan voting: get rid of glass steagall, huge globalist trade guy (he loves nafta and gatt), loves the patriot act, loves tarp bailouts, etc. he's the epitome of a neocon. he basically votes for everything he gives speeches against. |
America has no better friend in the Middle East than the nation of Israel. Not only is Israel the region’s only fully functioning democracy, with a government based on popular consent and the rule of law, but it is also a valuable ally against Islamic extremism and terrorism. Our shared democratic values and national interests are supported by maintaining a close friendship with Israel. Americans also have a strong interest in Israel achieving a lasting peace with its neighbors – including the Palestinians. Reasonable people – including those who live in the Middle East – differ about how the conflict between Israel and Palestine can be resolved. However, I believe at least one thing is clear: we cannot advocate for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that jeopardizes Israel’s safety or legitimizes terrorism. Hamas, which is one of the two major Palestinian political factions, is an Islamist terrorist group whose charter calls for Israel’s destruction, refuses to recognize Israel’s existence, and calls Osama Bin Laden a “martyr.” While I do not have a role in the diplomatic discussions over the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, America should not pressure Israel to agree to a peace deal that is unlikely to result in peace and security. Real peace will require Palestinians to recognize that Israel has a right to exist, even as it will require two states for the two peoples. Introduced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on May 13, 2011, H. Res. 268 reaffirms the United States’ commitment to a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through direct negotiations. I co-sponsored this legislation, and it passed the House on July 7, 2011 by a vote of 407-13. I was also a cosponsor of H.R. 4133, the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, also introduced by Majority Leader Eric Cantor, which passed the House on May 9, 2012 by a vote of 411-2. H.R. 4133 states that it is United States policy to reaffirm the commitment to Israel’s security as a state, provide Israel with the military capabilities to defend itself, expand military and civilian cooperation, assist in a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and encourage Israel’s neighbors to recognize its right to exist. Supporting Our Troops We must not forget that we are a nation at war. The brave troops who serve our country worldwide have made and continue to make tremendous sacrifices on behalf of this nation. I am grateful for their service, and am dedicated to ensuring that they are provided with the necessary resources to achieve their missions safely and effectively and to return to their families as quickly as possible. Congress must also work to ensure that the families of these courageous individuals are thanked and cared for while their loved ones are away. As Congress continues to consider further legislation with regard to these issues, please rest assured that I will not lose sight of the effects that our national policy has on the lives of our troops and their families and the security of our nation. http://paulryan.house.gov/issues/issue/?IssueID=12229 |
if you love stassi police on every corner, you'll LOVE paul ryan.
This is awesome, oh hey wait, what?
Nice website that give some "highlights" of his "conservative" voting record.
Congressman Ryan: if you don’t like debt, stop voting for debt. http://wi.rlc.org/2010/08/paul-ryans-record/ Code: Code:
http://wi.rlc.org/2010/08/paul-ryans-record/ |
Mitt reminds me of this guy...
http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content...ers_Caesar.jpg but it's not a game. |
Republicans are as firmly committed to funding the federal leviathan as the Democrats are. Paul Ryan may be a devout Christian, but since he is the one who claims his faith guided his thought process when he prepared his budget, I have some questions about the extent of this guidance. What kind of faith proposes an unbalanced budget with a deficit of $833 billion for fiscal year 2013? What kind of faith proposes to take from Americans $517 billion and redistribute it to other Americans in the form of TANF, refundable EIC, SSI, unemployment, food stamps, housing and energy assistance, and school lunch subsidies? What kind of faith proposes to take billions from taxpayers’ and give it to foreign governments in the name of foreign aid? What kind of faith proposes to fund Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP when the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to have anything to do with health care? What kind of faith proposes to fund the thieves and sexual predators in TSA uniforms? What kind of faith proposes to fund the Department of Education, an unconstitutional, unnecessary, and harmful department that Republicans have talked for years about shutting down? What kind of faith proposes to fund bloated military budgets and senseless foreign wars and occupations? What kind of faith proposes spending $21.7 billion on agriculture in the form of direct assistance, export assistance, loans to food and fiber producers, agricultural research, commodity programs, crop insurance, and disaster assistance when no spending on agriculture is anywhere authorized by the Constitution? What kind of faith proposes a "fiscally conservative" budget that is only within 5 percent of the almost $4 trillion that liberal Democrats want to spend? Not the faith of anyone who is committed to the Constitution, less government, less spending, less regulation, deficit reduction, limited government, liberty, the free market, fiscal conservatism – and other things Republicans say they believe in. It is not Ryan’s faith that I seriously question, but his Republican thought process. |
so this is why mitt made his trip to his homeland ... Israel.
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