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Old 09-28-2012, 08:56 AM   #1

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Default Who here despises their manager/supervisor?
I'll raise my hand proudly to this tonight. My normal hours are pretty much 8-4 type deal. So I receive an email about 6pm tonight and since I have both personal and work email on my phone I check it. Whats the email? Its an email directing me to remove a group of users who have access to our data center immediately. A group of users that has been listed on every monthly audit report dating back 2 years. Its not like they were hidden, they were listed plain as day on the audit report has having 24/7 access to the data center.

Not only is his email written like an imperial edict, it reads as if we have been flaunting the rules for years. So I got into it with him tonight, especially since I didn't have my laptop with me and couldn't even remote in if I wanted to. I'm not on call at the moment and so throught nothing of leaving my laptop at work.

My response email was a politically correct "don't' you read the crap I email you every month?". I am fed up with him, he is a horrible manager who wouldn't know tact or people skills from a wood chipper. In fact, I think the wood chipper might be more pleasant to shake hands with. I promptly followed my email with a forward of EVERY montly audit I have on record, including their PDF attachments showing the audits listing group access to the data center.

This is like a Teacher who doesn't like kids, or people for that matter. WHY TEACH. Some needs to put him in charge of a facility where no one else lives.
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Old 09-28-2012, 11:24 AM   #2

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I don't. Been lucky so far to work with two competent bosses. In general the company I work for has a habit of weeding out clearly incompetent people - I hope it stays that way.
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Old 09-28-2012, 12:48 PM   #3

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All the previous bosses have been very nice. Current is occasionally nice but he acts like a child and long ago forgot what the normal work is like. And in company the size of ours you can't play big boss and go ie golfing when ever it suits you...
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Old 09-28-2012, 07:25 PM   #4

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Most good managers don't let the power go to their heads and they respect their employees, the bad managers bully you into doing what they want, I've seen both over the years.

I just take it that the bad managers must have had an abused childhood and are just making your lives hell because their mummy's didn't cuddle them enough or their fathers abused them.

Sometimes I tell them this, usually upon leaving to work for someone better.
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Old 09-28-2012, 08:06 PM   #5

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Sometimes I tell them this, usually upon leaving to work for someone better.
I take it you will never need/want them to be referees in the future?
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Old 09-28-2012, 08:41 PM   #6

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IDK, my manager is not a bad guy, but he knows **** about networking (I work at Thomson Reuters GNOC) and thats quite annoying some times. He pretends everything to be perfect while he can't do **** and you cannot ask him anything when you have problems... for the rest he is the typical corporation guy who just takes good care of his job post and nothing else lol
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:11 PM   #7

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IDK, my manager is not a bad guy, but he knows **** about networking (I work at Thomson Reuters GNOC) and thats quite annoying some times. He pretends everything to be perfect while he can't do **** and you cannot ask him anything when you have problems... for the rest he is the typical corporation guy who just takes good care of his job post and nothing else lol
Let me compare my old Manager to my current manager.

Old Manager: I ask for help, HE helps. Not afraid to let me know when we've reached the limits of his knowledge when working on troubleshooting some kind of issue.

Current Manger: I ask for help, he asks me why I can't fix it myself.

My current manager NEVER uses words like "Please" or the like. When I fix something gone wrong, or come up with some way that saves the Business $$$ there are never any good words sent to me like "Thanks" or "Good Job". But he has no problem saying "My Guys are great" to HIS manager. If it makes him look good then he'll use them. The best compliment he ever paid me was never even said to my face. My OLD manager called me and told me he said "You made a great decision in hiring him." He was referring to me. This is why I can't respect him, he never pays out any respect to anyone else. He treats us all like programmable monkeys that have to be micromanaged. Yet he consistently hires self driven intelligent people who need little direction. Everyone on my team is pretty much a go getter. We set our own dates/goals, we don't need micromanaged direction, we merely need to be pointed in the direction the company wants us to go. We'll find our own path and meet our goals. Is it bad when NOT a single one of your employee's likes you? When managers from other teams rant about you.

The worst part is there have been people I've intensely disliked over the years, but I was still able to respect them because they knew their stuff and didn't do anything personally. We just rubbed each other the wrong way. My current manager I don't respect at all. And upon leaving this company I probably will tell him to copulate with himself.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:19 PM   #8

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Considering I'm my own boss, no I like him .

After working a couple of jobs before going to university (and being bossed around by idiots) I vowed I would never work for anyone else again!
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:20 PM   #9

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I've never hated any of my supervisors, although I did work somewhere once where the big guy promoted the brand new secretary into a well paid technical position she was nowhere near qualified for shafting the guy who had been working towards that job for years. I don't think there was a single person in that building who didn't make assumption about what he was doing behind closed doors with her, nor was there anyone who wasn't upset by it.

I've had supervisors who were completely inept. They didn't have the faintest clue at all about what we even did. How can you supervise people if you don't even know what they're doing, what you're doing, or what the company is doing...?????!?!?!
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:34 PM   #10

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My Previous Boss/Supervisor? a very big YES.
The current one(s)? heck no.

I work at home and mainly talk with my bosses over email and or skype, and usually I work 8-10 hours a day no problem (well, since im at home anyway), there are some times that i get ticked off though, like them having me rush something within inhuman speeds (which at 99% of the time, i refuse to do with a detailed explanation as to why not), or having me go back online late at night and sometimes at midnight because theres a very important deadline.

Big difference with the previous one and the current one is, I understand WHY my current bosses feel the need to give extra pressure since the reasons are fully justified..and the former one is he likes being an a$$ just because he can, and he's proud that he can do that AND get away with what he does because the CEO is his brother.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:43 PM   #11

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Considering I was supposed to become permanent and get a raise 4 months ago (these were the terms when I was hired) I would say yes I despise them.

So I've been not caring about the dress code as some kind of passive agressive statement, today I'm rocking my AC/DC shirt and jeans. Currently looking at other opportunities
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:57 PM   #12

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We joke about cutting the breaks on his car or about his wife and kid leaving him. The hate that we have for our manager is something you just wouldn't believe.
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Old 09-28-2012, 10:17 PM   #13

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We joke about cutting the breaks on his car or about his wife and kid leaving him. The hate that we have for our manager is something you just wouldn't believe.
lol thats bad man, don't let the hate overcome you
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Old 09-28-2012, 10:23 PM   #14

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It's not just me. All staff feel exactly the same without a single exception (There are about 14 of us in total).
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Old 09-28-2012, 10:58 PM   #15

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He must be quite an a$$ then
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Old 09-28-2012, 11:51 PM   #16

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My boss and I have very strong mutual respect and he treats me as an equal. I am very fortunate as I have had some crap bosses in the past working in pro AV and the service industry through college.
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Old 09-29-2012, 12:08 AM   #17

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I think everyone has a run-in with a manager they loathe.

When I was in the Army, we had a Sergeant that everyone hated. So without any planning or organization, we had him running pointlessly around the base we were on for hours (was deployed to Kosovo at the time). What set it off was him going around demanding why nobody had given him the coolant samples on the M88 and AVLB vehicles (these are massive tank like vehicles). Everyone knew those vehicles had air cooled engines and nobody wanted to tell him. So everyone unknowingly played along in the payback of sending him off to see someone else to get the samples. It was beautiful.

My current boss is cool though. We are always working together on projects and get along very well.
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Old 09-29-2012, 12:38 AM   #18

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The company I used to work for I hated my boss, micromanaging and no technical skills at all. I left there 5months ago and really enjoy the work environment where I am now. My new boss has top notch skills, great communication and a really decent person.
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Old 09-29-2012, 12:46 AM   #19

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I am lucky enough to have a great manager. I moved to her team in 2010, and I knew everything was going to be good when I came up to her office/cubicle thing and on teh out side she had this picture:

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Old 09-29-2012, 02:27 AM   #20

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I take it you will never need/want them to be referees in the future?
They actually made it an offence for an ex-employer to give you a bad reference, so if you get a bad one, you can take them to court for Slander.

--- Post Update ---

My current manager NEVER uses words like "Please" or the like. When I fix something gone wrong, or come up with some way that saves the Business $$$ there are never any good words sent to me like "Thanks" or "Good Job". But he has no problem saying "My Guys are great" to HIS manager.
I used to be a lot like that, fishing for appreciation when I'd done a good job, but in the end I realised that was self-defeating and I stopped worrying about it.

In the end, all that matters is whether you know you have done the job to the best of your abilities, met your targets etc or just worked your a$$ off and proved that they were right to employ you in the first place.

As long as YOUR happy with the work your doing, then it shouldn't matter what your immediate boss thinks.

In my last job, before I moved to be with my Fiancee, I worked on a sub-station doing security and my woman boss had absolutely no idea at all how to properly motivate people, she wasn't a "people person" at all and had the social skills of a rampaging rhino (the looks too), Yet I did my job to the best of my abilities, I impressed the clients (national grid) and I impressed her bosses and the owner of the business too, It didn't matter to me that she put me down every day and bullied people into motivating them, I put up with her $hit for a year and a half, kept a diary of everything she was doing, like falsifying log books and reports, taking credit for other peoples work etc, and then when I left, I gave all my reports and evidence to the owner of the business, some of the evidence included photographs taken from her sons facebook account (he was also employed as a day guard), showing him having his friends on site, (it was supposed to be a secure site, with no unauthorized persons at all), He also had a long list of friends that included known drug dealers and criminals, I took all this evidence and dropped her and her son firmly in the $hit.

A month after I left the site, her and her son were sacked, which was a kick in the pants for them and a big grin on my face for me.

The company still call me form time to time and ask me to go back to work for them, at the moment with my CFS its impossible though, but when I'm better (hopefully)I know I'll always be able to get work, because being honest and trustworthy is sometimes worth more than a dozen references from old managers.

Just keep on doing your job, to the best of your abilities, because someday, your perseverance will be noticed by someone higher than your boss and they'll realise that maybe your the better person for your managers job because you handle people better, work better under pressure and don't need telling that you've done a good job when you know your doing it already.
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