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Old 09-29-2012, 02:31 AM   #21

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I am lucky enough to have a great manager. I moved to her team in 2010, and I knew everything was going to be good when I came up to her office/cubicle thing and on teh out side she had this picture:

ahhahahahahaha awesome picture
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Old 09-29-2012, 02:32 AM   #22

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They actually made it an offence for an ex-employer to give you a bad reference, so if you get a bad one, you can take them to court for Slander. [COLOR="#209fff"]
They can still refuse, which is effectively a bad reference.
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Old 09-29-2012, 02:44 AM   #23

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They actually made it an offence for an ex-employer to give you a bad reference, so if you get a bad one, you can take them to court for Slander.

--- Post Update ---

I used to be a lot like that, fishing for appreciation when I'd done a good job, but in the end I realised that was self-defeating and I stopped worrying about it.

In the end, all that matters is whether you know you have done the job to the best of your abilities, met your targets etc or just worked your a$$ off and proved that they were right to employ you in the first place.

As long as YOUR happy with the work your doing, then it shouldn't matter what your immediate boss thinks.

In my last job, before I moved to be with my Fiancee, I worked on a sub-station doing security and my woman boss had absolutely no idea at all how to properly motivate people, she wasn't a "people person" at all and had the social skills of a rampaging rhino (the looks too), Yet I did my job to the best of my abilities, I impressed the clients (national grid) and I impressed her bosses and the owner of the business too, It didn't matter to me that she put me down every day and bullied people into motivating them, I put up with her $hit for a year and a half, kept a diary of everything she was doing, like falsifying log books and reports, taking credit for other peoples work etc, and then when I left, I gave all my reports and evidence to the owner of the business, some of the evidence included photographs taken from her sons facebook account (he was also employed as a day guard), showing him having his friends on site, (it was supposed to be a secure site, with no unauthorized persons at all), He also had a long list of friends that included known drug dealers and criminals, I took all this evidence and dropped her and her son firmly in the $hit.

A month after I left the site, her and her son were sacked, which was a kick in the pants for them and a big grin on my face for me.

The company still call me form time to time and ask me to go back to work for them, at the moment with my CFS its impossible though, but when I'm better (hopefully)I know I'll always be able to get work, because being honest and trustworthy is sometimes worth more than a dozen references from old managers.

Just keep on doing your job, to the best of your abilities, because someday, your perseverance will be noticed by someone higher than your boss and they'll realise that maybe your the better person for your managers job because you handle people better, work better under pressure and don't need telling that you've done a good job when you know your doing it already.
Its not the fishing for compliments. To be honest while compliments are nice I don't base my life around them. However the problem is that when the only feedback you receive is negative feedback you can't HELP but become dissatisfied with your job. And he gives out negative feedback all the time. He uses it to throw his weight around constantly. I'm doing the work of the next level position already but he wont' give me the raise. Its not the money, I want the position because the position allows me to move out from under him to another department. I'm barely using 1/3rd of the skills I do have, and I'm tired of wasting them.

I've recently been considering applying where my friend works. The company work environment is much better there, the managers and people are much better. The pay is 10k less though for permanent hires, and they start you off as a temp to hire, and the temps only make 29k a year until they are hired on full time. I'd be lucky to make 50k with bonuses after 3-5 years there. But having to take that hit in pay is looking more attractive every day.

My boss does everything by the book on paper so there is little we can get him on there. And as for staying on? There's a guy still employed here who was nabbed for sexual harrasment, but he's STILL with the company, they shipped him off to a hell hole for a few years to sweep it under the rug. Oh the lady got her money from court, but the fact that he's still employed is exceedingly frustrating. I've met the man personally and he's slime.
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Old 09-29-2012, 03:46 AM   #24

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There's a guy still employed here who was nabbed for sexual harrasment, but he's STILL with the company, they shipped him off to a hell hole for a few years to sweep it under the rug. Oh the lady got her money from court, but the fact that he's still employed is exceedingly frustrating. I've met the man personally and he's slime.
I had the unfortunate experience to work with someone like that, he actually harassed one of my female colleagues when I was working on a North Wales Police HQ, she refused to make a compliant against him, so myself and a friend quietly got one of the WPC's who worked at the HQ to make a log of it, incase it happened in the future.

It did and this time, the same female colleague did make a complaint against him, but the man in question also happened to be very good friends with the owner of the company, so the owner naturally took his side, until we asked him to phone up this particular WPC and have her read out the log of the first incident to him, upon which, he promptly sacked the guy as it was pretty obvious that being associated with his man wasn't good for the reputation of the company.

After he'd sacked the guy, as a mark of respect for the female colleague, myself and the rest of my colleagues (9 people in all) resigned and got jobs with another company, so that was a big FU to our old boss as he'd already got rid of the man who caused the problem, but now didn't have any officers to cover his contracts.

It wouldn't have been too bad if he'd taken the side of the female officer first, but he actually accused her of lying saying that he'd known this guy for nearly 20 years and trusted him more than any other member of staff, wow! was he red faced in the end.

If you can safely manage the reduction in pay, I'd say take it, as for me, Quality of Life in work is worth far more than any amount of money.

Sometimes the stress of more sh!t for more money is worse than the stress of working for less money.
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Old 09-29-2012, 05:20 AM   #25

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Not so much my manager, but my co workers. Oh dear god they are lazy.
I get sent behind them often to pick up their mess, and im really tired of having to go into server rooms and weed through old,dead patch cables and remove them because my co worker failed to do so. This happens a lot...
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Old 09-29-2012, 08:46 AM   #26

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Considering I was supposed to become permanent and get a raise 4 months ago (these were the terms when I was hired) I would say yes I despise them.

So I've been not caring about the dress code as some kind of passive agressive statement, today I'm rocking my AC/DC shirt and jeans. Currently looking at other opportunities
I was a temp at my last job for a few years. The job was decent, but I really hated the staffing company. All they did was lie to me at every chance they got. The best thing I did was to leave. It's too bad in some ways though, because I genuinely miss many of the people I used to work with. I do not, however, miss my managers in any way, shape, or form. They had ample opportunities to make me full-time, and never did. I hope to never see them again.

Where I work now, I could wear that and no one would say a word. In fact, I'd probably be better dressed than at least one other Engineer on our team. My last job, I'd probably be fired on the spot.
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:07 AM   #27

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my boss is good and bad. Good he helped me grow as a employee and help push me to be the best I could be. The other is that he really doesn't seem to understand our situation and can really lose all rational thinking under pressure.
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:38 AM   #28

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My bosses are great, I report directly to two people. I am allowed to be honest about my concerns and my expectations from them. It's a really interesting experience, I've never had it before.
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Old 09-29-2012, 03:45 PM   #29

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I have the utmost respect for my boss, - however he hit me with a curveball yesterday: I've been told that I can no longer sit directly with my team (5 people), as I need to "lift" myself above them from a management perspective. The work I do demands a lot of close communicate between team-members and myself, meaning that now I'm really trying to figure out how to correctly effect this change without a) pissing off my team, and b) creating a negative effect on our working dynamic and resulting outputs.
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Old 09-29-2012, 06:21 PM   #30

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I have the utmost respect for my boss, - however he hit me with a curveball yesterday: I've been told that I can no longer sit directly with my team (5 people), as I need to "lift" myself above them from a management perspective. The work I do demands a lot of close communicate between team-members and myself, meaning that now I'm really trying to figure out how to correctly effect this change without a) pissing off my team, and b) creating a negative effect on our working dynamic and resulting outputs.
That really comes down to personal management style IMO. Like many things there is not one right or wrong way. If it goes against your style, than it's not going to produce the desired results.

I can't speak for other people but I prefer a manager who "leads from the front", which generally requires being pretty involved in the team. I could see that your boss might think your team could be too dependent on you if you're easily available, but those points are not mutually inclusive.
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