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RildFiemodo 07-14-2012 05:29 PM

People might turn on me but here goes:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Big Lebowski
Any Godfather movies
Any Bourne movies
Apocalypse Now
Schindler's List

AmfitNom 07-14-2012 06:12 PM


Broke Back Mountain
Harry Potter movies
James Bond movies
Bourne Identity movies

there are more, but those are just from the top of my head
Minus the Bourne Identity movies...my list is the same.

assohillA 07-14-2012 06:23 PM

Until a year ago I had never seen any of the original Star Wars movies.

A friend lent me the complete boxset, both trilogies, in an attempt to show me the errors of my ways. The joke was in him though. I barely scraped through watching Episodes 4,5,6. I found them too camp for my tastes. However; I quite enjoyed the new trilogy. I don't think he ever quite understood how that happened.

RildFiemodo 07-14-2012 06:36 PM

I can totally understand that even though I don't feel the same way. Seeing the original trilogy for the first time now, along with the new makes the old one look hokey. The story and characters are still better though.

Vcwdldva 07-14-2012 06:52 PM

Star Wars

Knongargoapex 07-15-2012 03:41 AM

^ Yup, I'm another person who hasn't seen all the Star Wars movies. I *think* I watched the first one when I was a kid, but I don't remember much... and I saw Episode One... but that's it.

Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
none of the Terminator or Die Hard movies... I've received some flack about this from some guy friends, LOL

There will be more to add later, lol...

Garry Hovard 07-15-2012 09:12 AM


Saving Private Ryan
There's Something About Mary
Brokeback Mountain
The 40 Year Old Virgin

Oh and Bridesmaids and The Hangover.

bely832new 07-15-2012 04:20 PM

Titanic - I know what happens in the end, so why watch it? Twilight - all - ummm, seriously don't want my kids to catch me watching them, dunno why just think it would be like my mother working out how to text.

alex_loudermilk 07-15-2012 06:14 PM


People might turn on me but here goes:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Big Lebowski
Any Godfather movies
Any Bourne movies
Apocalypse Now
Schindler's List
*points at the door*

Get the fuck out! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...smilies/24.gif http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...smilies/24.gif

XKAgustin 07-15-2012 06:52 PM

seriously mauldy.... even I have seen all those.... *smh*

XKAgustin 07-15-2012 07:11 PM

well minus the god fathers.. ive not seen those..

or harry potter
gone with the wind
most anything in B&W...

xkQCaS4w 07-15-2012 10:34 PM

The first Godfather is a MUST. Ehh...and the second...and the third, too, but to a lesser extent. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...smilies/24.gif

AmfitNom 07-15-2012 10:56 PM

I tried to scratch "The Dark Knight" off my list last night, but I fell asleep. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/cool.gif

xkQCaS4w 07-16-2012 12:34 AM

I haven't seen A Clockwork Orange listed for anybody. If it's on your list, get it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm going to watch it again this week...it's been a while.

AmfitNom 07-16-2012 12:35 AM


I haven't seen A Clockwork Orange listed for anybody. If it's on your list, get it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm going to watch it again this week...it's been a while.
I've never heard of it, so I guess it's on my list.

GAGNAPPEAPH 07-16-2012 01:30 AM

It's an interesting movie to say the least. lol

xkQCaS4w 07-16-2012 01:37 AM


I've never heard of it, so I guess it's on my list.
Oh it's SO good!!! Or at least it's MY type of movie.

Clilmence 07-16-2012 01:43 AM


People might turn on me but here goes:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Big Lebowski
Any Godfather movies
Any Bourne movies
Apocalypse Now
Schindler's List
OK we have something in common.. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...milies/eek.gif Never seen any of these..

Garry Hovard 07-16-2012 08:39 AM


I haven't seen A Clockwork Orange listed for anybody. If it's on your list, get it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm going to watch it again this week...it's been a while.
I think it was on TV here a number of years ago. I decided to try and watch it but lost interest pretty fast. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/ninja.gif

xkQCaS4w 07-16-2012 08:43 AM


I think it was on TV here a number of years ago. I decided to try and watch it but lost interest pretty fast. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/ninja.gif
BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...illy_nilly.gif

Nah, seriously, I'm sure it's not for everybody...but I

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