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Old 07-23-2012, 07:28 PM   #1

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Default Dr Zakir Naik and Shaykh Salman Nadwi

I came across a video in which Shaykh Salman Nadwi db is doing "Talqeen" to Dr Zakir Naik on the stage of peace TV. All the advises that are sincerely given to Dr Zakir Naik , have been given to him live by Shaykh Salman. I was amazed by his courage , sincerity and clarity. I think we badly need scholars like him.


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Old 07-23-2012, 07:42 PM   #2

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I came across a video in which Shaykh Salman Nadwi db is doing "Talqeen" to Dr Zakir Naik on the stage of peace TV. All the advises that are sincerely given to Dr Zakir Naik , have been given to him live by Shaykh Salman. I was amazed by his courage , sincerity and clarity. I think we badly need scholars like him.


Yes Doctor, this as quiet sometime back. Scholars of Deoband organised a three day ijtema very close to where Zakir Naik runs his institutes to make people aware of the short commings of his approach.

Also, he is known to invite Hanafi scholars inorder to gain more mass and audience.

However, gradually scholars have come to know the short comming of Zakir Naik and his ill-speech against all Mazhab's especially that of Abu Hanifa r.e.h.

I happen to stay close to him and his father used to visit our home.
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Old 07-23-2012, 07:49 PM   #3

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I came across a video in which Shaykh Salman Nadwi db is doing "Talqeen" to Dr Zakir Naik on the stage of peace TV. All the advises that are sincerely given to Dr Zakir Naik , have been given to him live by Shaykh Salman. I was amazed by his courage , sincerity and clarity. I think we badly need scholars like him.


Dr Sahib i would appreciate if you can give a brief overview of what is being said by Maulana Sahib, my Urdu is not good. and May Allah Bless you.

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Old 07-23-2012, 08:43 PM   #4

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Br Mohtashim can you do us a favour and give us a brief overview of this speech? much appreciated! (Dr Sahib maybe busy)
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Old 07-23-2012, 09:26 PM   #5

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Dr Sahib i would appreciate if you can give a brief overview of what is being said by Maulana Sahib, my Urdu is not good. and May Allah Bless you.

Brother, Shaykh Salman Nadwi is telling Dr Zakir Naik that he should refrain from issuing Fatwas and trying to be a Mujtahid.He asks Dr Zakir naik to use the stage of Peace Tv for unity and refrain from discussing disputed matters as there are scholars and madrassahs out there to look into the disputes. He asks Dr Zakir naik to focus on preaching and calling the world towards Tawheed. He further says that Dr Zakir Naik should establish contacts with the scholars and should build a relation of respect with them. He also asks the Shias and Barelvis who have strongly opposed Dr Zakir and the deobandis who are unhappy with him to show the errors of Dr Zakir Naik so that he can be held accountable. Beneath the lines he is saying that those who level allegations against Dr Zakir Naik should produce the proofs.

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Old 07-24-2012, 12:58 AM   #6

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Br Mohtashim can you do us a favour and give us a brief overview of this speech? much appreciated! (Dr Sahib maybe busy)
Brother, I was out praying Taraweeh.

Below is what I could achieve translating this.

Maulana Salman Nadwi says.....

I will ask Brother Zakir that this stage is opened for the message of


This stage is not for differences amongst us(ummah).

This is not the stage for the domestic dispute amongst muslims.

Here, Deobandiyat or Barelviyat, Shi'te or Sunni'te, Salafiyat or

Hanafiyat, Mukallidiyat and Ghair Mukallidiyat, small and big, arab

and ajam will not be used to divide Islam.

Here masail on which the ummah is one will be discussed and those

Masail that are diputed we have Departments and Madarsah to deal with

them. There are literatures/ books to deal with them.

Barelvies tried to ban Zakir naik, deobandies are displeased with him(zakir naik) if they are unhappy with him, i(one) should know(taunt) what wrong zakir naik has said.

I know zakir naik personally, he is my friend since 20yrs, i told

him not to do mufti's work, not to be a mujtahid, your work is not to give fatwa, you are not here to present new rulings. You(Zakir naik) must introduce islam to the whole world.

You must tell non-muslims about Tauheed.

You challenge america, you challenge europe, you help victims but

please let muslims be united dont divide them.

I would tell barelvis, shias , deobandies and non-deobandies that if one does something wrong stop him, pull his hands but let muslims be united.

This is a stage of peace and on this platform of peace; there should not be a message of fight from this stage but only peace be spread.

Through this stage, this tv channel; goodness, unity and prosperity should be spread.

As far as disputes are concernd they should be kept aside untouched,

because if they are disturbed ummah would break apart and we want

unity in ummah not division.

Therefore we expect that this stage would spread peace so obama could

also listen and european leaders could also listen to us.

Rude people could get punished and victims could get justice.

Save yourself from differences and move towards unity.

May allah accept this channel and efforts of people behind this for

spreading trurth and peace.

Always love the Ahle-ilm(People of Knowledge) & Ahle-Haq(Truthworthy) and all volunteers of deen and take their love.

Simultaneously do keep a check on your niyat. respect other scholars.

My allah purify all of us hearts. ammen!
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Old 07-24-2012, 01:04 AM   #7

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Dr Sahib and Br Mohtashim, appreciate both of your help!

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Old 07-24-2012, 01:06 AM   #8

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Beneath the lines he is saying that those who level allegations against Dr Zakir Naik should produce the proofs.

Doctor, sorry but my understanding of urdu language .. I happen to be from the same geographical region as Maulana Salman Nadwi and we follow the same culture tells me a something else.

He is asking everyone including Zakir Naik to check why the Deobandis and Barelwis are unhappy with him. So in a way he is asking Zakir Naik to check himself.
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Old 07-24-2012, 11:39 AM   #9

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I get the impression that Maulana is asking the critics to put forward their points in a matter of fact way - he is not taking either of the parties to task.

This is the sort of unity that might take us forward to some extent.
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Old 07-24-2012, 11:43 AM   #10

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I get the impression that Maulana is asking the critics to put forward their points in a matter of fact way - he is not taking either of the parties to task.

This is the sort of unity that might take us forward to some extent.
Brother Maripat;

Are you sure Maulana is not taking Mr Zakir Naik to task when he says the below ?

I know zakir naik personally, he is my friend since 20yrs, i told him not to do mufti's work, not to be a mujtahid, your work is not to give fatwa, you are not here to present new rulings. You(Zakir naik) must introduce islam to the whole world.
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:02 PM   #11

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Brother Maripat;

Are you sure Maulana is not taking Mr Zakir Naik to task when he says the below ?
I had noticed that. And then we also have the other statements which have the potential of being interpreted as criticism of D's, B's, S's. But that is how the statements will come out of your tongue when you are trying to handle a sensitive point. In view of this we shall be better off if we try to tune with the spirit of the presentation. If we do that then we do realize that Maulana is trying to be neutral.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons that we find the brief speech so endearing.
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:13 PM   #12

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And then we also have the other statements which have the potential of being interpreted as criticism of D's, B's, S's. But that is how the statements will come out of your tongue when you are trying to handle a sensitive point.
Can you showcase his critisism of D's exactly as he says (in his words). I believe that will settle my understanding of his speech.
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:14 PM   #13

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This guy is starting to scare me .
I have nothing to say about his person but am very uncomfortable with his opinions and views .

I just logged in to my Facebook in a while and surprised to see so many people are fans of his.
They seem to be more of this nature , young , has academically a westernized education mostly and minimal knowledge of Islam yet devotion for it.

That spells danger for them being potentially misled / having a mangled image of what Islam is .

Sad how often Sunni Hanafi youth who has very little knowledge and practice of Islam in the subcontinent gets his or her first introduction to Islam on the mass media through Zakir Naik. They end up having a prefixed attitude .
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:16 PM   #14

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Also, did you notice the host trying to pause Maulana a couple of times (listen for the voice in the background). Would he do that if Maulana is just trying to be neutral ?
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:35 PM   #15

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Can you showcase his critisism of D's exactly as he says (in his words). I believe that will settle my understanding of his speech.
The statement:
Also, did you notice the host trying to pause Maulana a couple of times (listen for the voice in the background). Would he do that if Maulana is just trying to be neutral ?
I too got the same first impression. A voice pop up at two places. My impression is that some one on mike was replying to a third party. Keeping Maulana's stature in mind I'll not expect any one to interrupt him in the middle of speech.

(The senior person on his left, captured by the camera just some moments before the end is Maulana Jalaludding Umri, Amir Jama-'at-e-Islami-Hind.)
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:44 PM   #16

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This guy is starting to scare me .
I have nothing to say about his person but am very uncomfortable with his opinions and views .

I just logged in to my Facebook in a while and surprised to see so many people are fans of his.
They seem to be more of this nature , young , has academically a westernized education mostly and minimal knowledge of Islam yet devotion for it.

That spells danger for them being potentially misled / having a mangled image of what Islam is .

Sad how often Sunni Hanafi youth who has very little knowledge and practice of Islam in the subcontinent gets his or her first introduction to Islam on the mass media through Zakir Naik. They end up having a prefixed attitude .
It is relevant to record my own evolution in regards to my attitude towards Zakir Naik.

(1) First stage was of admiration in the sense you have mentioned in your last paragraph.
In this stage I used to get irritated with his critics. I used to think that people are jealous of him. And there is partial truth in that.

(2) Then I was horrified just like you because of the realization that apart from the self-study Islam he was augmenting the things by personal opinion - a thorough disaster.

(3) Then there were things like above linked video. If senior scholars can put some fear of Allah (SWT) into his heart regarding the dangers of personal opinions then there is high possibility he remaining within limits. If that is achieved then he for sure is doing what has not been done in our (not yours! ha ha) backyard even since Hazrat Muinuddeen Chishti (RA).
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:52 PM   #17

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Shaykh Salman Nadwi says "Mujhay buhat Bura laga kaheen Barelvio , shioo nay Dr Zakir Naik par pabandi lagna chahi. Kaheen Deobandi naraaz huway. Agar wo naraaz hain tou mujhay maloom hona chaheyay kay Zakir Sahib nay keya ghalatiyaan ki hain takay wo insay touba karain"

translation:I was very much displeased with the fact that at one hand barelvis and Shias tried to get Dr Zakir Naik banned and at the other hand deobandis got displeased with him. If they (deobandis) are displeased with Dr Zakir Naik then i should know what mistakes did Dr Zakir Naik commit so that he can repent from them.

I think his beneath the lines message is clear which is "Come with a proof before leveling allegations against Dr Zakir Naik".
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Old 07-24-2012, 01:32 PM   #18

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Shaykh Salman Nadwi says "Mujhay buhat Bura laga kaheen Barelvio , shioo nay Dr Zakir Naik par pabandi lagna chahi. Kaheen Deobandi naraaz huway. Agar wo naraaz hain tou mujhay maloom hona chaheyay kay Zakir Sahib nay keya ghalatiyaan ki hain takay wo insay touba karain"

translation:I was very much displeased with the fact that at one hand barelvis and Shias tried to get Dr Zakir Naik banned and at the other hand deobandis got displeased with him. If they (deobandis) are displeased with Dr Zakir Naik then i should know what mistakes did Dr Zakir Naik commit so that he can repent from them.

I think his beneath the lines message is clear which is "Come with a proof before leveling allegations against Dr Zakir Naik".
Doctor Saheb, I leave this to your opinion but believe me this is a clever way to say something that only the one who has command over Urdu language and then one knows Maulana in-person would be able to deduce.

"If they (deobandis) are displeased with Dr Zakir Naik then i should know what mistakes did Dr Zakir Naik commit so that he can repent from them."

Here, the would "mujhe" is not used in literal terms (saying this based on my expertise in Urdu language and Literature) as "i" but must be translated as "one".

So the statement would implicitly read as

"If they (deobandis) are displeased with Dr Zakir Naik then one should know what mistakes did Dr Zakir Naik commit so that he can repent from them."

its very much like this example -> "Qalimah ka takazah hai kay mujhe haraam aur hallal ki tameez honi chaheye"

Here the translation would be " The Qalimah demands that one knows what is hallal and what is haram.

Thus in this case Maulana is refering "Mujhe" not for himself but for Zakir Naik. This also would go in accordance to his very next statements which he is directly addressing to Zakir Naik from refraining to be a Mujtahid or give any fatwa.

It's how smart people speak. Image had he not used the would "mujhe" it would hurt Zakir Naik and make him feel guilty in front of the whole crowd as below.

"If they (deobandis) are displeased with Dr Zakir Naik then Zakir Naik should know what mistakes did he commit so that he can repent from them."

Thus the word mujhe is used in disguide and I understand this based on my command on the language. My Village is 50 kilometers from Nadwa the school from where Maulana Graduated and my ancestors also studied in Nadwa.

Anyways, I will not enforce this upon you as I respect you by all means....
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Old 07-24-2012, 03:20 PM   #19

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you can tell it's a very balanced speech when we're having difficulty figuring out who is being criticized!
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Old 07-24-2012, 03:27 PM   #20

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I get the impression that Maulana is asking the critics to put forward their points in a matter of fact way - he is not taking either of the parties to task.

This is the sort of unity that might take us forward to some extent.
Very unbiased comment, mashaAllah!
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