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Old 08-13-2012, 04:39 PM   #21

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Who gives ppl the right to critise or judge? No one. Who give's anyone the right to go around comparing ppl to trasveties? I really don't care what you think. They are good muslims, pray 5 times a day and fast etc. Having a beard does not make you a good muslim. Do you know it is forbidden to call another muslim bad names? If anything, I can gently remind them about wajib and it's not your right to judge,critise or call ppl names. Plz remember your haya.
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:43 PM   #22

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Sometimes we may not get a job unless we shave :/

This is a problem indeed... a big one.

Still bro, you want to sacrifice the sunnah to acquire your dunya?

Tell them its your religious obligation to keep a beard, they can't discriminate you for your religion. Its against the law where I live. What country do you live in?
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:45 PM   #23

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I agree, no need for rudeness.
Wasalam thank you brother, this is what I am trying to explain.

Calling ppl tranveties is hardly the islamic way to do things or comparing men to girls.

However a gentle reminder here and there is better than being rude and critising. Ppl should judge them selves for these actions b4 judging others.
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:45 PM   #24

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Who gives ppl the right to critise or judge? No one. Who give's anyone the right to go around comparing ppl to trasveties? I really don't care what you think. They are good muslims, pray 5 times a day and fast etc. Having a beard does not make you a good muslim. Do you know it is forbidden to call another muslim bad names? If anything, I can gently remind them about wajib and it's not your right to judge,critise or call ppl names. Plz remember your haya.
Sister, they may pray 5 times a day and fast etc. , but if they dont have a beard then they are classified as a faasiq in the shariah. Now do you want to complain against the shariah also?

No one is being rude, even scholars say that someone who is clean shaven or trims is a 'hermaphrodite' which is basically the same as calling someone a 'transvestite'
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:52 PM   #25

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Sister, they may pray 5 times a day and fast etc. , but if they dont have a beard then they are classified as a faasiq in the shariah. Now do you want to complain against the shariah also?
Whats the meaning of faasiq?

Secondly I am not defending the right to be clean shaved. Which is why Ive reminded my husband several times about the sunnah. Al humDuAllah he is now growing a beard.

You are missing the point.
Go to the top there's a rude comment that comparing ppl without beard to transveties < this is my objection

Comparing brothers to transveties and girly boys is not acceptable

Judging and critising is not acceptable

Allah forbids name calling and bad talk.

Allah alone can judge.

Remain haya and politely explain why beard is wajib.

Thats the right way to do things.

I am done with this post. Anymore bad talk im going to click report. Wallah
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:52 PM   #26

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Keeping a beard or wearing the hijab for sisters are important but consider this:

Is a person who prays 5 times a day, fasts, never lies, is honest and kind, has no rancour in his/her heart, honours their parents, doesn't backbite, etc but shaves or doesn't wear hijab (for a sister) better or worse than one who keeps a beard (or hijab) but doesn't pray or fast, lies, steals, is spiteful, backbites, etc?
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:57 PM   #27

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If you think about the only reason why brothers shave is because it supposedly looks "uncouth" and "messy" in a non Muslim or even Muslim country?

Otherwise why bother to shave because:
1. You can save time and hassle in the morning before going to work;
2. No chance of cutting yourself;
3. Save money on razor and blades - blades cost a fortune;
4. Blades are the most shoplifted item in some countries - not shaving would reduce this;
5. The security in a shop wouldn't have to bore themselves pointing their CCTV cameras whenever someone was standing in front of the blades section;
6. Sunnah (most important reason).

And your kids can play with your beard and pretend you are "Santa Claus"!!! These are good reasons to remind your male relatives to grow a beard!
I agree with you 100% specially about reminding

No need for backbiting, critising,slander or name calling
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:04 PM   #28

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Guys without beards are not a nice sight. They look like women, but very big ugly ones. Me no like at all.

And i'm not insulting anyone. Thats just the way i feel
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:08 PM   #29

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I don't understand why people are taking such offense at the word "transvestite". A male transvestite is one who takes on the appearance of a female by wearing women's clothing.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:08 PM   #30

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Whats the meaning of faasiq?
A faasiq is someone who sins openly and without shame. We are all sinners, but a faasiq commits sin upon sin upon sin, and doesn't repent. The fact that this word is used for someone who doesn't keep a beard or trims shows the value and importance of this sunnah.

Secondly I am not defending the right to be clean shaved. Which is why Ive reminded my husband several times about the sunnah. Al humDuAllah he is now growing a beard.
Alhamdullilah, this is great sister.

You are missing the point.
Go to the top there's a rude comment that comparing ppl without beard to transveties < this is my objection

Comparing brothers to transveties and girly boys is not acceptable
But this is exactly what the shariah says about them, they are 'hermaphrodites' which is basically like someone who has 'transvestite' characteristics.

Judging and critising is not acceptable

Allah forbids name calling and bad talk.
Sister, no one is judging anyone. We're just all relating the fact that someone who doesn't keep a full sunnah beard is a sinner and 'hermaphrodite' (as the scholars say)

Allah alone can judge.
Of course.

Remain haya and politely explain why beard is wajib.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:12 PM   #31

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Keeping a beard or wearing the hijab for sisters are important but consider this:

Is a person who prays 5 times a day, fasts, never lies, is honest and kind, has no rancour in his/her heart, honours their parents, doesn't backbite, etc but shaves or doesn't wear hijab (for a sister) better or worse than one who keeps a beard (or hijab) but doesn't pray or fast, lies, steals, is spiteful, backbites, etc?
All I can say is that they are both sinning. As for which is better, Allah is al-Hakam. He will judge between them.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:33 PM   #32

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All I can say is that they are both sinning. As for which is better, Allah is al-Hakam. He will judge between them.
Exactly. Both are sinning. You can't justify one a wrong based on another wrong.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:37 PM   #33

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Well then the shariah needs fixing as it is wrong to be calling ppl names like this. Not every thing in shariah is correct persay. There are some things the shariah does that is not what the Quran teaches.

Are you going to follow everything about the Shariah even the things that are wrong?

Quran is clear about name calling and backbiting yet shariah allows calling a unbeard brothers tranvesties. < thats backbiting.

Quran says that aduletery/fornification is 100 lashings. Yet shariah it's straight out exercution.

Shariah is a good law but it's not perfect like any manmade law.

In some Shariah run countries women are not allowed to go to school i.e Afghanistan was one but Quran allows it. Shariah law varies from country to country.
Don't follow it blindly without seeing the corruptions.
In many islamic countries shariah law is used for corruptions.
If shariah law tell you to jump of a bridge will you do it?
Are you going to put a shariah law above Quran? Clearly In many muslim countries Shariah law sometimes is not correct according to the Quran. In the end we must go back to Quran and sunnah.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:41 PM   #34

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Well then the shariah needs fixing as it is wrong to be calling ppl names like this. Not every thing in shariah is correct persay. There are some things the shariah does that is not what the Quran teaches.

Are you going to follow everything about the Shariah even the things that are wrong?

Quran is clear about name calling and backbiting yet shariah allows calling a unbeard brothers tranvesties. < thats backbiting.

Quran says that aduletery/fornification is 100 lashings. Yet shariah it's straight out exercution.

Shariah is a good law but it's not perfect like any manmade law.

In some Shariah run countries women are not allowed to go to school i.e Afghanistan was one but Quran allows it. Shariah law varies from country to country.
Don't follow it blindly without seeing the corruptions.
In many islamic countries shariah law is used for corruptions.
If shariah law tell you to jump of a bridge will you do it?
Are you going to put a shariah law above Quran? Clearly In many muslim countries Shariah law sometimes is not correct according to the Quran. In the end we must go back to Quran and sunnah.
You don't get it. And please kindly refrain from making statements such as the ''the shariah needs fixing'' etc. I think you need a math-hab or you need to study in depth islaam to understand what we're saying.

The shariah doesn't vary from country to country. Some countries adhere to and implement more of the shariah than others. That's all. The shariah doesn't vary from country to country. Some countries adhere to and implement more of the shariah than others. That's all.
The shariah is FAR BETTER and complete than any man made laws because it is the LAW OF ALLAH.

And yes. If the shariah instructs you to jump from a bridge, you should do it with your eyes closed. Because as muslims, we trust the shariah fully and we KNOW that the shariah only wants whats good for US. The shariah is absolutely fair and will not ask for anything which will harm us in any way. PERIOD.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:43 PM   #35

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Sister, please, I suggest you remain silent at this point.

Do you know what the shariah is???
Shariah = Qur'an + Sunnah

Statements like 'Well then the shariah needs fixing' and 'Shariah is a good law but it's not perfect like any manmade law.' are statements of kufr!

There is no defect in the shariah because there is no defect in the Qur'an and sunnah. I suggest you delete this post, say la ilaha illaAllah and do tauba.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:47 PM   #36

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By definition, the Shar'iah is the divine law and is free from imperfection. Our understanding of it (fiqh) may be deficient in certain cases. So it's important to make a distinction between "shari'ah" and "fiqh".

Therefore, sister, please refrain from saying "Shariah is a good law but it's not perfect like any manmade law". This is tantamount to blasphemy (I am not accusing you of blasphemy since you weren't aware of the difference in terminology)

If you have to say something, restrict it to "there may have been some fatwas that were incorrect"
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:47 PM   #37

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Yes I understand perfectly well about wajib and sunnah of beard.

Yes I will say a law created by men Shariah needs fixing, if It goes against the Quran don't tell me it doesn't because there are cases where it does. Which I just listed above. I don't blindly agree to all the shariah because it's not a perfect system anything made by man cannot be perfect.

Quran is clear no name calling, back biting or slander.
No one can do it including shariah. Just because Shariah means calls unbearded men transveties does not mean it's correct. I can make a list to show you again three referenced where shariah has been applied wrongly.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:53 PM   #38

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Yes I understand perfectly well about wajib and sunnah of beard.

Yes I will say a law created by men Shariah needs fixing, if It goes against the Quran don't tell me it doesn't because there are cases where it does. Which I just listed above. I don't blindly agree to all the shariah because it's not a perfect system anything made by man cannot be perfect.

Quran is clear no name calling, back biting or slander.
No one can do it including shariah. Just because Shariah means calls unbearded men transveties does not mean it's correct. I can make a list to show you again three referenced where shariah has been applied wrongly.
The shariah is NOT man made. What is the definition of transveties???????????????
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:56 PM   #39

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Again I state my issue is with name calling > unless you fail to understand.

Now lets look at the mistakes in shariah

1: According to Shariah in Afghanistan women are forbidden to go to school,work, education
Quran gave women rights to work, study etc.

2: According to Shariah all those who commit Adultery/Fornification are to be stoned.
Quran says Those who commit zina must receive lashings.
Sunnah says adultery is stoning.

Shariah stones adulteries and fornicators.
Regarding Quran and Sunnah
Fornicators should be lashed
Adultereres should be stoned.

3: Quran forbids name calling, slander, back biting full stop

Shariah allows it i.e in the circumstances above calling unbeared men transveties.

Thus in these three instances it needs adjusting/fixing.
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Old 08-13-2012, 05:57 PM   #40

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Making a general statement about a category of people is not backbiting.
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