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Old 08-06-2012, 05:45 PM   #21

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Somalis, Memon, Punjabis, Pathans, most Arabs, most Gujus - these people usually marry their girls within their community. Why dont you look into a Bosnian?
I don't believe that I have ever met a Bosnian muslim.

Where would I find a Bosnian muslimah?
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Old 08-06-2012, 05:51 PM   #22

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I don't believe that I have ever met a Bosnian muslim.

Where would I find a Bosnian muslimah?
There are tons here in Chicago.
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:24 PM   #23

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Subscribing to a madhab seems to be a big deal here. So I have decided that maybe I need to choose one.

Strangely, not once at any mosque have I ever been asked what madhab do I follow. And I don't ever remember any of my revert brothers or sisters talking about the issue of madhabs.

My back ground is this.

I was first introduced to Islam by Saudi students studying here in the U.S.

They had rented a small apartment that they used for a mosque. They had told me that they were Wahhabi. I was around them for about 2 years. During which time I said shahada, and learned the basics of Islam. I greatly admired them and their adab. They observed purdah and all of their wives were niqabi muslimahs.

After they graduated all of them moved away.

Not long after I moved to another state and started attending other mosques; basically searching for a mosque to call home. I was very dismayed to find out how much other muslins disliked and said bad things about Saudis and wahhabi's; but that's another story.

Anyway, I am looking for a madhab that is close to Wahhabism and strict purdah is observed; and the muslimah's wear niqab.

So what say you...........
Dear Brother,

As far as my suggestion to you by the will of Allah would be to get to the sources from whr you have got the invitation to accept & follow Islam, did those Saudi brothers refer you to any teacher, Scholar or Daee? If you are still in touch with them then work on getting yourself a teacher for life. Else the best thing is to find out the pious and Allah fearing Scholar from the scholars of Ahlus sunnah wal Jammah(does not matter which Madhaab/even if he is not following a particular Madhhaab but respects and honors the sahaba(ra), the Imaams(ra) and pious Salaf) and start learning regularly from him. Allah willing you will be guided on sirathul Mustaqeem.
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:25 PM   #24

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IN your locality, sorry I forgot to mention this in my previous post. Salaam
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Old 08-07-2012, 10:04 AM   #25

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Why do you say that brother??
We are Hanafi mostly and we are not mentioned in that list. Do not worry - you must have taken the list from some where. South India has Shafe'is.
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:02 PM   #26

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There are tons here in Chicago.
Most Bosnians are very possessive of their women. I don't think they'd be any more open to letting their daughters marry an "outsider" than a desi. Most of them are also not very practicing. Just some things to consider.
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:54 PM   #27

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The purpose is not to choose a school of thought but to follow tried and tested method. It is not about following some ism!! It is more about following tried and tested codified method that stood the test of time.

One chooses school primarily based on the material/resources available to them i.e ease of access to scholars and materials.
Secondly it is based on the dominant schools in the area where most people gravitate towards one school. this makes life easier.
Thirdly ones lifes circumstance.
Fourthly personal inclination.

The tow most developed schools are Hanafi and Malaki school as they have huge amount of materials and experience dealing in non muslim setting. This is a view of Shaikh Nuh Ham Meem Keller (a shafi scholar).

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Old 08-07-2012, 10:14 PM   #28

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I don't believe that I have ever met a Bosnian muslim.

Where would I find a Bosnian muslimah?
I know a lot of reverts married to Arabs, Somalis and Asians so don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.

I'm a whitish brother married to a black (Somali) muslima and we get a few looks (lol mostly from ignorant Asians who have a subconscious caste system in their head)

Personally I would marry another black muslima if I ever took a second wife Inshaallah

but in a way I would advise you (if you are very thin skinned) to marry someone of a broadly similar complexion to yourself because there are plenty of jahilliyah prejudiced (Muslim and non-Muslim) idiots out there who will annoy you by gawping

Don't marry a Bosnian sister without knowing all about her as most of them are not very religious nowadays.

If you want a white girl marry a revert sister or a Chechen.

A lot of North African girls look European too, but be careful she is religious before marrying one of these.
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Old 08-07-2012, 10:28 PM   #29

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It is recommended to follow a madhhab that you have access to learning properly with a teacher, preferably in your community. If you don't, there are several online classes like seekers guidance, qibla, etc that offer courses in Hanafi, Shafi'i, and some Maliki fiqh basics, some to intermediate.

The whole point is to learn one's basics properly from qualified teachers.
also if you avoid taking on a madhab or you pick and choose then life gets very confusing on what exactly is halal and haram in the areas where there are different opinions.

if you don't take on a madhab in the end then its best to at least to make a particular learned and sensible Salafi scholar your guidepost rather than taking a pick and mix approach.

Pick and mix approach to Islam may please the nafs at first but it tends to end in confusion and even sometimes in spiritual crises.

If you do take on a madhab then it doesn't mean that you cannot benefit in any way from scholars of different madhabs, just that in fiqh matter then you will follow that school of thought on which your madhab is on (they are all basically the same and differences are mostly minor).

There are loads of books in English on Hanafi Fiqh from the Deobandi perspective and several English language Darul Iftas where you can ask questions online or via the telephone if you are far away. Loads of places to study Hanafi Fiqh online.

There are quite a few books in English on Maliki Fiqh too and many western reverts feel more at home with this school of thought which after all is largely the madhab of the west (the Maghreb) so maybe that is not a coincidence. There are quite a few occasional Maliki fiqh courses online.

Is there anything much going on Islam-wise where you are brother (revert2001)? Maybe there are places to study in your region?
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Old 08-07-2012, 10:36 PM   #30

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Old 08-08-2012, 05:29 AM   #31

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Subscribing to a madhab seems to be a big deal here. So I have decided that maybe I need to choose one.

Strangely, not once at any mosque have I ever been asked what madhab do I follow. And I don't ever remember any of my revert brothers or sisters talking about the issue of madhabs.

My back ground is this.

I was first introduced to Islam by Saudi students studying here in the U.S.

They had rented a small apartment that they used for a mosque. They had told me that they were Wahhabi. I was around them for about 2 years. During which time I said shahada, and learned the basics of Islam. I greatly admired them and their adab. They observed purdah and all of their wives were niqabi muslimahs.

After they graduated all of them moved away.

Not long after I moved to another state and started attending other mosques; basically searching for a mosque to call home. I was very dismayed to find out how much other muslins disliked and said bad things about Saudis and wahhabi's; but that's another story.

Anyway, I am looking for a madhab that is close to Wahhabism and strict purdah is observed; and the muslimah's wear niqab.

So what say you...........
the saudi's follow the hanbali madhab akhi so pick that one inshAllah. Shaikh fawzan has a good book called mulaqas al fiqh which is a hanbali manual that i advise you to purchase both volumes of and keep at your home inshAllah

also saudi's/"wahhabis" follow athari school of aqeedah
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:46 AM   #32

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As a revert the last madhab you want to choose is hanafi. I am hanafi and before you find out yourself we are the most racist, cultural bound Muslims on the face of the earth. You are looking for a wife and believe you me there is only heartache here for a revert.
I completely disagree.
Actually, sources-wise, it's the madhhab regarding which you can find the most resources on-line in English, as well as opportunities to ask for fatawa, etc.
Marriage is a completely different subject and madhhab has nothing to do with it.
You can still marry a sister from anywhere and from whatever madhhab she and her family follow. This if they don't make problems because you aren't from their own tribe/nationality, and I agree that this is a huge problem.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:48 AM   #33

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Somalis, Memon, Punjabis, Pathans, most Arabs, most Gujus - these people usually marry their girls within their community. Why dont you look into a Bosnian?
You can add also Turks, and some more dozens ethnicities doing the same....
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:07 PM   #34

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I plan finding a wife but I don't know what country she will be from.

Maybe I should wait and see what madhab she already follows and join hers.

Seems like that would make our married lives as a muslim couple easier if we both had the same madhab.

List of Countries According To the Amali Madhabs (Schools of Laws)

Muslim Countries of which the majority is Hanafi

Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Egypt, Tajikistan, Maldives, Syria, Jordan, Uzbekistan
Hey, why did you leave out INDIA ? India has more muslims than Pakistan or Bangladesh and growing alhumdullillah
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:17 PM   #35

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Subscribing to a madhab seems to be a big deal here. So I have decided that maybe I need to choose one.

Strangely, not once at any mosque have I ever been asked what madhab do I follow. And I don't ever remember any of my revert brothers or sisters talking about the issue of madhabs.

My back ground is this.

I was first introduced to Islam by Saudi students studying here in the U.S.

They had rented a small apartment that they used for a mosque. They had told me that they were Wahhabi. I was around them for about 2 years. During which time I said shahada, and learned the basics of Islam. I greatly admired them and their adab. They observed purdah and all of their wives were niqabi muslimahs.

After they graduated all of them moved away.

Not long after I moved to another state and started attending other mosques; basically searching for a mosque to call home. I was very dismayed to find out how much other muslins disliked and said bad things about Saudis and wahhabi's; but that's another story.

Anyway, I am looking for a madhab that is close to Wahhabism and strict purdah is observed; and the muslimah's wear niqab.

So what say you...........
Forget not considering your "parents" in choosing your bride offcource within Islamic boundaries. Also, do "istekhara" regarding the choices you make. Remember me in prayers.
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Old 08-08-2012, 02:47 PM   #36

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Subscribing to a madhab seems to be a big deal here. So I have decided that maybe I need to choose one.

Strangely, not once at any mosque have I ever been asked what madhab do I follow. And I don't ever remember any of my revert brothers or sisters talking about the issue of madhabs.

My back ground is this.

I was first introduced to Islam by Saudi students studying here in the U.S.

They had rented a small apartment that they used for a mosque. They had told me that they were Wahhabi. I was around them for about 2 years. During which time I said shahada, and learned the basics of Islam. I greatly admired them and their adab. They observed purdah and all of their wives were niqabi muslimahs.

After they graduated all of them moved away.

Not long after I moved to another state and started attending other mosques; basically searching for a mosque to call home. I was very dismayed to find out how much other muslins disliked and said bad things about Saudis and wahhabi's; but that's another story.

Anyway, I am looking for a madhab that is close to Wahhabism and strict purdah is observed; and the muslimah's wear niqab.

So what say you...........
you should become a hanafi

because imam mehdi will be a hanafi

....i'm just kidding.
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:06 PM   #37

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you should become a hanafi

because imam mehdi will be a hanafi

....i'm just kidding.
Astagfirullaah... will he not be a Salafi- the only protected sect out of 73?
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:21 PM   #38

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Hey, why did you leave out INDIA ? India has more muslims than Pakistan or Bangladesh and growing alhumdullillah
I just copy & pasted that list from an internet site about madhabs.

Don't have any idea why they didn't include India?
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:52 PM   #39

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I just copy & pasted that list from an internet site about madhabs.

Don't have any idea why they didn't include India?
india isnt a muslim majority country
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:08 PM   #40

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man choosing a madhab is difficult. akhi if the deen is so easy then choosing a madhab shouldnt be so difficult.

just choose one that would have the most knowledge accessable in your locality. or the majority madhab of your location. the wife you choose shouldnt make a diffirence because your understanding of differences between you can only be a means on rahmah.
man if i had all 4 madhabs practiced in my house I would be blessed because then the whole 30% of rahmah would be present.
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