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Old 07-10-2012, 05:36 AM   #1

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I've called a.c multiple times and the dogs still been coming around...i'm pretty fed up
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Old 08-09-2012, 08:40 PM   #2

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Have you tried contacting rescues?
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Old 08-26-2012, 06:37 PM   #3

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Default GSD running around my neighborhood.
So for the last week this GSD has been running around my neighbor hood, he had one of those invisible fence collars on the first time i saw him, and he ran straight into my yard where Ace and Scruffy were i had to rush them inside and separate them, and than i went out and tried to call the dog over (those of you who have read my other posts may know that i have a soft spot for stray dogs often catch them and try to find their owner or re-home them), I would have taken him to the vets office i work at to see if he was micro chipped and such, but the GSD, was very skittish, and i don't trust GSD's who don't happily approach me, so i didn't pursue him after that.

Today i was walking to the pizza store when i saw the gsd running around,so even though i was already half way there i had to run back to my house to tell my friend to put the dogs inside because this dog was running around, on my way back from the pizza place, i tried to bribe him to come over to me with a slice of pizza, when someone in my neighborhood tells me that dog belongs to the person across the street from him, so i go to their house, there's no car in the driveway but i knock on the door anyway, and no one is home...

Next time i see this dog out if the owners home i am going to give them a piece of my mind and if this persists i will call animal control, the GSD has NO street smarts and is lucky most people drive slow where i live because he hops right in front of cars, giving the car very little time to stop for him.

And it's not fair that my dogs which NEVER run loose can't be outside on my property unless we go in the woods, because of this dog, my dogs can't go for a bike ride because of this dog, and my dogs can't go for a walk around my neighborhood because of this dog.
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Old 08-26-2012, 06:51 PM   #4

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Also my neighborhood isn't close together the dog is traveling kinda far to get on my property
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Old 08-26-2012, 06:54 PM   #5

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I'm just going to say call the police. Let them deal with it and call some gsd rescues so they know about the dog beforehand. If the guy isn't stepping up the plate with the dog I'm afraid that the dog isn't getting what it needs in nutrition and love and all that.
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Old 08-26-2012, 06:56 PM   #6

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I'm just going to say call the police. Let them deal with it and call some gsd rescues so they know about the dog beforehand. If the guy isn't stepping up the plate with the dog I'm afraid that the dog isn't getting what it needs in nutrition and love and all that.
as far as nutrition the dog is pretty thin not like a nice lean good looking body shape thin,i like gsd's nice and lean,but like i can see all of it's ribs and hip bones from a distance...and i will talk to the guy first if i see him again if he doesn't do anything about it i will call the police...
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Old 08-26-2012, 11:59 PM   #7

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Call Animal Control... not the police. Police officers are not trained to handle dogs appropriately and should not be called in dog related things unless the dog is literally attacking someone relentlessly.

Animal control will be able to decide whether or not it's a matter for police to get involved in. And I'll tell you the AC workers I know, make it a point to call them NOT police because that can end very badly for the dog and they're simply not versed in those issues.
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Old 08-27-2012, 12:03 AM   #8

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Irresponsible owners are assholes.
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Old 08-27-2012, 12:46 AM   #9

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alright I think I'll call animal control what I was originally gonna do,but i don't think the police here would harm the dog, they would probably just drop it off at the shelter, police drop off dogs all the time here and some were for the same reason, and once the cops said they were dropping off a dangerous rottie and told us to get the catch pole for it, and it turned out just to be a good playful black fluffy puppy. But I do feel like its more animal control's job
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Old 08-27-2012, 04:20 AM   #10

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The damn dog was bothering my chickens tonight! i'm sooooo pissed, there are lots of wild animals here but the chickens are close to the house and the dogs barking generally scare them off when they are close to their coop, but no not this fucking dog! I'm not even going to bother talking to him i am calling animal control first thing tomorrow... Anyone have any ideas as to how to keep the dog away from my chickens?
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:40 AM   #11

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Short of catching him or staying up guarding them all night, nothing that will fix it tonight
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Old 08-27-2012, 05:50 PM   #12

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I hate irresponsible people. That poor dog.

Um its a stray GSD, what do you expect it to do? You have no right to get mad at the dog if you still have not alerted AC to come and catch the poor thing. You said yourself its starving to death literally and now you're all pissed its harrassing your chickens... really? Its starving to death and you are surprised its persistently harrassing your chickens??? Did you feed it if you were so concerned you made a thread about it???

Have AC pick the poor thing up already! At least there it'll get fed or humanely euthanized and no longer be starving and harrassed by angry chicken owners. Seriously I hope you've called AC by now.

I actually took in my little foster guy I had because my neighbors (who are extremely irresponsible with their animals no less) were being extremely abusive trying to chase him off. It took me a while to bait him in he was so scared, but I got him in my house. I didn't even touch him until I'd won trust through a LOT of treats and a lot of time after he was already inside.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:25 PM   #13

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I hate irresponsible people. That poor dog.

Um its a stray GSD, what do you expect it to do? You have no right to get mad at the dog if you still have not alerted AC to come and catch the poor thing. You said yourself its starving to death literally and now you're all pissed its harrassing your chickens... really? Its starving to death and you are surprised its persistently harrassing your chickens??? Did you feed it if you were so concerned you made a thread about it???

Have AC pick the poor thing up already! At least there it'll get fed or humanely euthanized and no longer be starving and harrassed by angry chicken owners. Seriously I hope you've called AC by now.

I actually took in my little foster guy I had because my neighbors (who are extremely irresponsible with their animals no less) were being extremely abusive trying to chase him off. It took me a while to bait him in he was so scared, but I got him in my house. I didn't even touch him until I'd won trust through a LOT of treats and a lot of time after he was already inside.
Thank you! Well said my friend!
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Old 08-28-2012, 12:17 AM   #14

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I hate irresponsible people. That poor dog.

Um its a stray GSD, what do you expect it to do? You have no right to get mad at the dog if you still have not alerted AC to come and catch the poor thing. You said yourself its starving to death literally and now you're all pissed its harrassing your chickens... really? Its starving to death and you are surprised its persistently harrassing your chickens??? Did you feed it if you were so concerned you made a thread about it???

Have AC pick the poor thing up already! At least there it'll get fed or humanely euthanized and no longer be starving and harrassed by angry chicken owners. Seriously I hope you've called AC by now.

I actually took in my little foster guy I had because my neighbors (who are extremely irresponsible with their animals no less) were being extremely abusive trying to chase him off. It took me a while to bait him in he was so scared, but I got him in my house. I didn't even touch him until I'd won trust through a LOT of treats and a lot of time after he was already inside.
I totally agree with you!
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Old 08-28-2012, 12:38 AM   #15

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I hate irresponsible people. That poor dog.

Um its a stray GSD, what do you expect it to do? You have no right to get mad at the dog if you still have not alerted AC to come and catch the poor thing. You said yourself its starving to death literally and now you're all pissed its harrassing your chickens... really? Its starving to death and you are surprised its persistently harrassing your chickens??? Did you feed it if you were so concerned you made a thread about it???

Have AC pick the poor thing up already! At least there it'll get fed or humanely euthanized and no longer be starving and harrassed by angry chicken owners. Seriously I hope you've called AC by now.

I actually took in my little foster guy I had because my neighbors (who are extremely irresponsible with their animals no less) were being extremely abusive trying to chase him off. It took me a while to bait him in he was so scared, but I got him in my house. I didn't even touch him until I'd won trust through a LOT of treats and a lot of time after he was already inside.
I have contacted ac and it wasn't until yesterday that I realized the dog belonged to someone, I also offered it food and of course im mad it's around my chickens but I am not mad at the dog I didn't call ac immediately because I wanted to talk to the owners the first time I saw it I didn't notice the weight, I was too focused on getting my dogs away from the situation, and he ran off. I hadn't seen him after that until yesterday it the person who told me he belonged to someone told me he was running around for a week. I don't know this dog or his owners for all I know he could have a health problem contributing to his weight loss which is again why I wanted to talk to the owners first. It's not my job to take care of or feed this dog even though I did I offered the damn thing my pizza so I could try to it vet care when I thought it was just a stray. But in my opinion it is not my responsibility to do a damn thing for this dog.
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Old 08-28-2012, 12:42 AM   #16

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And around here bothering live stock is a good way for a dog to get shot he's lucky it was me and not someone else
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Old 08-28-2012, 03:11 PM   #17

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Call me 10 kinds of bitch if ya want, but I wouldn't bother speaking to the owners. I wouldn't care if it was a health problem causing the dog to lose weight. It's a dog that's been loose for a week, I assume pissing and shitting (possibly spreading disease) wherever it pleases, it's been getting into trash and going on private property and it's been harassing other animals. I'd just have AC come get it or capture it and drop it off at AC myself. The owners care that much they can go to AC, pay whatever fines and fees are applicable and maybe learn a lesson or the dog will get PTS before it starves, gets killed less humanely by an angry person, gets hit by a car, gets into a fight with another dog, etc.
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Old 08-28-2012, 04:09 PM   #18

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Call me 10 kinds of bitch if ya want, but I wouldn't bother speaking to the owners. I wouldn't care if it was a health problem causing the dog to lose weight. It's a dog that's been loose for a week, I assume pissing and shitting (possibly spreading disease) wherever it pleases, it's been getting into trash and going on private property and it's been harassing other animals. I'd just have AC come get it or capture it and drop it off at AC myself. The owners care that much they can go to AC, pay whatever fines and fees are applicable and maybe learn a lesson or the dog will get PTS before it starves, gets killed less humanely by an angry person, gets hit by a car, gets into a fight with another dog, etc.
i don't think that makes you a bitch, i just tend to like to give people a chance to fix the problem themselves before i get the authorities involved, those people have lived there for awhile, and this is the first time their dog has been a nuisance to me, so i just would have liked to give them a chance. There was a beagle running around in my yard before, and all i had to do was talk to the owners and explain that if that dog starts a fight with Scruffy (or if scruffy decided to start a fight with it), Ace would probably kill it, that was enough and i never saw the dog again. But i didn't end up talking to these people before i called A.C. because i became fed up before i got the chance.

Old 08-28-2012, 05:46 PM   #19

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Call me 10 kinds of bitch if ya want, but I wouldn't bother speaking to the owners. I wouldn't care if it was a health problem causing the dog to lose weight. It's a dog that's been loose for a week, I assume pissing and shitting (possibly spreading disease) wherever it pleases, it's been getting into trash and going on private property and it's been harassing other animals. I'd just have AC come get it or capture it and drop it off at AC myself. The owners care that much they can go to AC, pay whatever fines and fees are applicable and maybe learn a lesson or the dog will get PTS before it starves, gets killed less humanely by an angry person, gets hit by a car, gets into a fight with another dog, etc.
I agree with just taking him in to AC no questions asked. I don't find that "bitch-like", now if you said just take a gun and shoot the dog the next time you see it, I wouldn't agree with that.
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Old 08-28-2012, 06:03 PM   #20

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well it's done and over with now, whether or not it's right to talk to the owner first or not is irrelevant, it didn't happen, Ac has been called....
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