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Old 01-10-2011, 05:20 PM   #1

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I hate government interference in my life as much as anyone but, here's another side to the spay/neuter laws that's worth considering.

My county passed a law several years ago requiring the licensing of all dogs, the neutering of all non show or non registered breeder's dogs that was very unpopular with just about everyone including me.

Just recently, there was a story in our local paper stating that the shelters in the county have reported a dramatic decline in animals being turned in and euthanized since the law went into effect. Something along the lines of a 18% decline in just two years. That's good. Very good. It means BYB's are being put out of business and there's fewer unwanted dogs.

We have AKC show dogs and pets as well and we comply with the law despite it being a financial burden and a pain in the ass. The benefits appear to out weigh the hassles at this point.

Just saying this isn't all bad if it saves dogs.
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Old 01-10-2011, 06:10 PM   #2

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I hate government interference in my life as much as anyone but, here's another side to the spay/neuter laws that's worth considering.

My county passed a law several years ago requiring the licensing of all dogs, the neutering of all non show or non registered breeder's dogs that was very unpopular with just about everyone including me.

Just recently, there was a story in our local paper stating that the shelters in the county have reported a dramatic decline in animals being turned in and euthanized since the law went into effect. Something along the lines of a 18% decline in just two years. That's good. Very good. It means BYB's are being put out of business and there's fewer unwanted dogs.

We have AKC show dogs and pets as well and we comply with the law despite it being a financial burden and a pain in the ass. The benefits appear to out weigh the hassles at this point.

Just saying this isn't all bad if it saves dogs.
I can see how such a law would have down sides too, but that's awsome that it's actually working.
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Old 01-10-2011, 09:08 PM   #3

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I agree with LilianaLove.

And what does "hard work" have to do with obeying the law or how responsible you are as an owner/breeder?

No matter where you live, you need to be aware of and comply with existing laws. It's the law LOL.

All your dog troubles could have been avoided if you had complied with the law and gotten a breeders/dog fancier's license/permit to begin with.

If you don't agree with the law, work to change it ... or run to a place with laws you like.

Here's a link to a reporting of the Las Vegas ordinance that you are affected by. Las Vegas veterinarians and animal rescue groups support the ordinance because of a serious pet over-population especially cats in the area. In 2009, 50,000 animals were taken in off the streets and more than half were PTS. Something had to be done. So, it is not a backdoor BSL situation for instance or breed specific in any way. It's just to try and control a serious general public and social issue with pets in general.

Las Vegas council mandates spaying, neutering of dogs, cats - Breaking News - ReviewJournal.com

It looks like you can obtain a breeder's/dog fancier's permit by simply filling out an application and paying a $50 fee (each year). That would have been the prudent thing to do. I don't think the saving of $50 or not getting it when you were aware of the law simply because you disagreed with the law is worth all this grief.

I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation and sincerely hope things work out for both the dogs and you. But correct me if I'm wrong ... it sounds like you were breeding and selling dogs that had never been to a registry sanctioned event or proven themselves by registry accomplishments and recognition ... and now all of a sudden when the law appears as though it might impact your second income ... you rushed off to an event and are flailing about to comply with permit restrictions. Be aware too that one of the conditions of the permit is that the area you are located in, be zoned for breeding/dog fancier purposes. You might check to make sure you comply with that as well.

Good Luck !!!

(gawd ... just another reason I'm glad I don't live in Las Vegas. If I did, I would have to get out as soon as I could)
You know,I had a simular issue when I had moved to hollidaysburg from logan township.We had a complaint about our senior beagle barking(it wasnt him-the neighbor had a beagle too that NEVER shut up) and I had my first pit bull.In logan township it is 6 months to have them liscenced by,in h-burg it was 3 months.I didn't realise this,and ended up getting a low fine for not liscenceing domer because he had just turned 4 months old.(I had planned to do it anyways)I in NO WAY fault the ACO,or the city.It was MY fault for not knowing the laws.I went out and got my boy liscenced right after ACO left.I now research the laws of where I will reside.You can't blame them for citing you when it's the law.
Now for the law itself-inconveiniant and stupid.Just because your dogs are intact,doesn't mean you are breeding them. There are tons of stupid animal regulations out there,don't like it??? Work to change them!
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Old 01-10-2011, 09:41 PM   #4

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I'm need to look it up again but we had something similiar in Tx. But it went the other direction then speedpeddler. Abandoned dog number shot up
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Old 01-10-2011, 09:48 PM   #5

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I hate government interference in my life as much as anyone but, here's another side to the spay/neuter laws that's worth considering.

My county passed a law several years ago requiring the licensing of all dogs, the neutering of all non show or non registered breeder's dogs that was very unpopular with just about everyone including me.

Just recently, there was a story in our local paper stating that the shelters in the county have reported a dramatic decline in animals being turned in and euthanized since the law went into effect. Something along the lines of a 18% decline in just two years. That's good. Very good. It means BYB's are being put out of business and there's fewer unwanted dogs.

We have AKC show dogs and pets as well and we comply with the law despite it being a financial burden and a pain in the ass. The benefits appear to out weigh the hassles at this point.

Just saying this isn't all bad if it saves dogs.
A similar law passed here, but only directed towards pit bull type dogs. Can't say how much good it's done, as it's only been in effect a year, and they have yet to enforce it (my APBT is spayed, the Staffy thing across the street is still intact. And the township doesn't have the cash to really do anything with the law.)
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Old 01-10-2011, 11:24 PM   #6

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The Vegas law, as written, does nothing to stop byb's. All they have to do is have a registered dog and show it once a year. Plus, the breeders license is only $50. So, I pay $50, keep my intact bitches and one male to breed as often as they go into season. All I'd have to do is go and lose a show yearly and still churn out a crapton of poorly bred puppies in between shows. And I can sell those puppies to people who do not live in Vegas, so they can still produce a bunch more badly bred dogs in their city of residence.
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Old 01-10-2011, 11:53 PM   #7

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Mjjean, apparently lots of folks do that with or without the law and then probably try and jump through hoops much like the OP is trying to do when they get caught
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Old 01-11-2011, 01:45 AM   #8

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Yeah, but the point I was making is that the law is pretty useless so the OP and others might decide to take action to change it. But, yes, she should comply in the meantime.
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Old 07-10-2011, 05:55 PM   #9

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The whole point of these types of laws is to put the BYB's out of business and reduce the number of unwanted dogs being euthanized. I wholly support the effort, maybe not the method. However, if your breeding your dog because it's cute or you're trying to make money but your dog has never competed in anything or won any titles than you're an idiot. It is not your right to breed worthless mutts because, "you want to", when those pups will end up being euthed at taxpayer expense. If you're breeding untitled dogs, YOUR A BYB. PERIOD!
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Old 07-10-2011, 08:29 PM   #10

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The whole point of these types of laws is to put the BYB's out of business and reduce the number of unwanted dogs being euthanized. I wholly support the effort, maybe not the method. However, if your breeding your dog because it's cute or you're trying to make money but your dog has never competed in anything or won any titles than you're an idiot. It is not your right to breed worthless mutts because, "you want to", when those pups will end up being euthed at taxpayer expense. If you're breeding untitled dogs, YOUR A BYB. PERIOD!
But the law allows for that! You just have to have a registered dog and show it once a year. LV law is perfectly ok with BYB'ing as they are not requiring any titles to keep an intact dog and get licensed to breed that dog.
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Old 07-10-2011, 09:14 PM   #11

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The whole point of these types of laws is to put the BYB's out of business and reduce the number of unwanted dogs being euthanized. I wholly support the effort, maybe not the method. However, if your breeding your dog because it's cute or you're trying to make money but your dog has never competed in anything or won any titles than you're an idiot. It is not your right to breed worthless mutts because, "you want to", when those pups will end up being euthed at taxpayer expense. If you're breeding untitled dogs, YOUR A BYB. PERIOD!
This X 10 - regardless of the flaws in the law. It is achieving its goal of making life difficult for BYBs . To the OP stop breeding dogs, you and your dogs aren't qualified, and you obviously can't afford to either. Worry about getting your own place to live and properly take care of a pet, stop trying to breed dogs. The world doesn't need them, nor do you.
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Old 07-11-2011, 01:17 AM   #12

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I'm gonna have to agree and say that you should have looked up the dog laws before you moved out there. But you still do breed your un-health tested and un-proven dogs and even bred another puppy under two years old right?
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Old 08-10-2011, 07:26 AM   #13

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i'm gonna have to agree and say that you should have looked up the dog laws before you moved out there. But you still do breed your un-health tested and un-proven dogs and even bred another puppy under two years old right?
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Old 08-10-2011, 08:52 AM   #14

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well it's not like the law was put in place when you had already moved so I'll have to second atheist's post.
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Old 09-30-2011, 02:54 AM   #15

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Default Las Vegas Breeding Law is WRONG!
Here me out before you make your choice.
I have 3 AKC registered dogs. I am not going to mention what they are as I am not interested in revealing my identity. My dogs have never been picked up by animal control, never had an accidental litter, never been bred to any other breed of dog than the same kind. I had one litter in a different state where there is no breeding law. All puppies were found new homes with a lifetime return policy, never to have one of our dogs in the shelter. But thats not the point, lets get to the real info.

Animal control was called to say I was abusing my dogs, a pissed neighbor or ex friend, who knows who called. Animal control comes and asks to see the dogs. No problem, I have nothing to hide there are no abused dogs here, I show them. The officer determins my dogs are fat and happy and not at all abusded. But whats this? Testicals! Wack! Heres 3 misdameanors for intact dogs. Two bitches and one male. I am devistated, the tickets don't mention the price but my court date is on the 4th of October. Determined to keep my dogs intact I immediantly start making plans to get the breeders license. Something that seems easily enough, but much harder when you make as little as eight dollars an hour like I do. I hope the judge will dismiss the tickets due to my hard work.

I make arrangements, but another huge blow. The friends I was living with were also cited for there intact dog as well, there dog has no papers and there forced to pay the fine or neuter there dog. They decide to neuter, along with there irritation, evict me. Lucky for me I had some other friends take me in, a much smaller place with me and my dogs, if it wasnt for them, we might have been homeless. Great friends make all the difference in life. All of my family dwell in apartments that dont allow bigger dogs. I scramble up what little money I have getting a storage unit, getting all the dogs microchipped and gas and expenses for an out of state dog show. I have everything I need. I make the call for animal control to come and give me my breeders license. So where are they? This was three days ago and still no sight of animal control. They didn't hesitate to fine me? But I get told there dealing with emergencies first, than they MIGHT get around to me. So what do i get to do in the meantime? I have to stay at home at all times because they can show up at anytime of the day. So I wait and wait...I call and ask, "what if I dont get my breeders license before my court date?" They say to me, "We will have put on paper that we have not had a chance to issue it yet, and your judge will give you an extension." Oh fun! You mean I get to go to court two times?? Why is there a law in place if all you can do is give tickets but you can't give someone the reward for doing what is right? I want to go to court ready to show what I accomplished. I showed all 3 dogs with the help of a friend and it was a lot of money and work involved and I still have to sit here and wait for them too come inside, invade my privacy and my friends house, take up my time to say 'sure you can have a license to breed your dog, your property.' Dogs I spent thousands of dollars to own and keep as part of my family.

Three dogs, not a puppy mill, not pit bulls, never even had a litter in Las Vegas but I am being punished. I moved back to Vegas to be with family after I fell on hard times, just to be caught up in another mess. Clark county needs to seriously rethink this law, it made a huge impact on my life in a very negative way and they don't even have there crap together to do there part. My life would be so much easier if I didn't have these dogs, but I will never give them up, unlike people who sell there dogs or take them to the shelter I have moved 4 times since I have had these dogs and not once did it occur to me that I should just get rid of them.

And my dogs will stay in there natural form no one is taking that right from me. This law is wrong and seriously flawed, they need to make it more accesible to get your license, make appointments to meet with the breeders so were not waiting here all day. Make it so breeders can go to an office with there dogs and all there paper work to get there license. If they don't have enough employees to do this correctly, than dont have the law.
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Old 09-30-2011, 03:20 AM   #16

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The law just says you need a breeder's license.... I mean, it's a little inconveniencing and I don't like the whole need to license dogs in the first place, but I fully accept the consequences of not licensing my dogs.
I'm assuming you would, before moving to a new area, research the dog laws of the area, which probably states that if you have x number of intact dogs, you need a breeder's license.
The law isn't really "wrong", it's just a little inconvenient. You probably could have gotten your license prior to moving to the area, or registered the day you got there. Therefore eliminating the need for them to access your property and invading your privacy and, if they did get called to your residence, you'd just have to wave your little license paper and that'd be that.
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Old 09-30-2011, 03:55 AM   #17

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nope they come once a year regardless and you have to sit around and wait. the process is screwed up. having people sit around and wait for animal control to give them rights to there own dog for days is f*cked up.
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:07 AM   #18

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It's inconvenient AND wrong. Government needs to mind their own damn business. Breeding law my arse...
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:23 AM   #19

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I just mean, you could've avoided the fine and going to court and all that. So, that's on you. It's not like they made it up and knocked on your door and just said "oh we don't like you so we're going to make up a law and make you go to court".
Basically, know what you're getting into. If you don't like the laws in that area, then don't live there. I understand you don't really have a choice, but when shit goes down, and you haven't properly prepared for it, the fault does not lie with the county.
I would never live somewhere that went door to door checking on your dog license. I think that's crap. But if I lived somewhere that did that, I damn sure would get my dog licensed, or accept that fact that I'll get fined.
It's like speeding. I know it's illegal. I'm not gonna piss and moan when I get caught speeding. It's the law, I'm breaking it, I accept the consequences. Don't like it, don't do it. Don't like the dog laws, petition your district, move, or live with it. Those are your options.
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:33 AM   #20

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I don't think it's right to just lay back and obey such a law. Somebody's gotta fight it or it'll just spread.
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