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Marc Spilkintin 01-08-2012 10:07 AM

I have equal opportunity haters here, too lol But I have heard of, and met a few, dogs that get on better with the same, rather than opposite sex.

сайдинг 01-08-2012 05:48 PM

Rita and Renee get along and play much more with each other than they do with the males. I think it's because they are both APBT and share similar interests, drives, and play styles. Plus, they wear out at about the same rate.

avaiguite 01-08-2012 06:10 PM


Seems that Izzy hates male dogs but loves females.
We have a all female house hold now and she is so much happier and actually plays now with the other dogs.
That is definitely convenient for ya...http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

Our boy, Trigger is typically aggressive with males, not females. Not sure of Jazz yet, she loves all dogs right now including females, but she is only 11 months old.

wmtravelservice 01-08-2012 08:08 PM

Mine tend to be equal opportunity haters! It really just depends on the dog. Casper in general is not good with other males dogs, but he isn't going to take shit from a female either. And some of his best friends are male dogs. He loved my last foster male Doberman. He loves my male Greyhound. He loved the intact male Coonhound next door.

Now Ripley is flat out attention whore and she doesn't care who she is getting attention from, but she tends to prefer other females. The one and only time she has ever been in a fight or shown any aggression towards another dog, it was protecting her BFF a deaf female pit bull I was fostering. I had to rotate dogs and I called all the dogs in, but Baby must have been behind the shed and being deaf, she didn't hear me call and I thought I had done a good head count, but I missed her. I let Neva out and she went after Baby. I went out to get her and my roommate opened the door to see what was going on and Ripley charged like a Mama Bear and went after Neva. Unlike most dogs who just go after the losing dog, even dogs that really get along will normally attack the friend if they are losing in a fight. After I got them separated, Ripley wouldn't leave Baby's side until she went to her new home. They were together constantly. Ripley adored her. She is now with Circe my roommates female Rat Terrier pretty much all the time too as she is the only other female.

But when she sees any dog, she is all wiggly and shoving her rear end in their face male or female!

Gastonleruanich 05-08-2012 09:40 PM

My dog hates male dogs

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

Ccddfergt 05-08-2012 09:43 PM

Prince is all about the boy dogs!

Effofqueeno 05-08-2012 09:49 PM

Mason doesn't have a problem with ANY dog ... so far

Trientoriciom 06-08-2012 04:04 PM

Odin doesn't like Huskies and Boxers - male or female. I understand why he doesn't like Huskies- my friend's dog bit him, and since then, he's not been fond of them.

I don't know why he hates Boxers, though. Luckily, he doesn't attack or anything, he'll just growl and bark and tell them to back off.

grofvuri 06-08-2012 05:34 PM

Hmm maybe she's just a lesbian http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

Odin doesn't like Huskies and Boxers - male or female. I understand why he doesn't like Huskies- my friend's dog bit him, and since then, he's not been fond of them.

I don't know why he hates Boxers, though. Luckily, he doesn't attack or anything, he'll just growl and bark and tell them to back off

Read more: http://www.pitbull-chat.com/showthre...#ixzz22mSXkTZ9
My nana had a dog like that, he HATED Dalmatians and would flip anytime one passed the window.
All my dogs have always loved Boxers though.

HaroldMY 06-08-2012 06:55 PM

somebody define equal opportunity haters

Sertvfdnhgjk 06-08-2012 07:12 PM


somebody define equal opportunity haters
Hates all dogs regardless of sex.

grofvuri 07-31-2012 08:32 PM

Ever had a dog that loves the same sex and hates the opposite?
Seems that Izzy hates male dogs but loves females.
We have a all female house hold now and she is so much happier and actually plays now with the other dogs.

fkjghfg 07-31-2012 09:56 PM

No, but I do have an equal opportunity hater. I never know what dog Kirra will hate, it could be a female or a male. She HATES my male Archie, and she hates my female Ellie. She tolerates my female Chloe better, and she tolerates my male Wally better.

Coellacag 07-31-2012 10:53 PM

I've met a few. The fact that she's a female is interesting. Usually the same sex tolerant ones I have know have been males. Mostly males of low drive breeds that were littermates.

My male loves pretty much all dogs. Other dogs have to be flat out snarky to him for long periods of time before he avoids them. He's lived with testy dogs of both sexes and gives them their space. Generally he prefers females, though.

He did have a best buddy, an intact male bull terrier named Buckshot, that he seemed to prefer over the female bull terrier in the house, although he loved them both.

vladekad 07-31-2012 11:01 PM

I haven't owned a dog like this but I met one at the dog park. This male GSD got on great with female dogs but tried to kill male dogs.

Ijkavylo 07-31-2012 11:20 PM

I don't blame her. Boys can be very dumb. LOL!

otherwise, no I've never owned one.

Pypeassesty 08-01-2012 12:07 AM

Ever had a dog that loves the same sex and hates the opposite?

No I haven't, not that there's anything wrong with it.

vernotixas 08-01-2012 03:30 AM

My Samson (m) and Ebby (f) didn't like each other when she first got here. I mean hated each other! Her and Daphne (f) never had any problems though. Thankfully they worked out whatever issues they had amongst themselves lol No problems now....

machpamb 08-01-2012 03:33 AM

Dakota likes old dogs, Tazzy hates them all, Buddy loves them all. Alice isn't a fan of any, though can tolerate little dogs, and hates Pit Bulls. So not at the moment no.

maxfreemann 08-01-2012 04:39 AM

Peanut will play with pretty much any dog as long as it isn't a lot bigger than she is. She has had more playtime with females tho.

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