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Penisvergroesserung 07-13-2012 03:51 PM

I've never seen my cutie puppy bury her toys and steak bones ever. Instead of doing it, she only lies on the meadow. How Cute!

popsicesHoupe 07-13-2012 03:58 PM

cheyenne will dig and dig holes but doesn't bury anything yet. my other dog would bury everything including her bowl in the gravel when she was done eating. she bury other things too sometimes

riverakathy 09-08-2012 12:28 AM

Does your dog bury things ??
I couldn't believe it. Mason actually buried a big meaty bone.
I mean completely buried it ... outside ... in the dirt ... buried it !!!
I guess to hide it from Sugar ... for later ... dunno

Does your dog bury stuff ??

Percocetti 09-08-2012 12:31 AM

i've never actually seen a dog bury something lol I need to see it

isopsmypovA 09-08-2012 12:38 AM


23InetrySypekek 09-08-2012 03:08 AM

Yes! My 4 month old pup attempts to bury things. Mostly he digs a million holes in my drive way, and my garden if I’m not paying attention. He tries to bury my 3 year old daughter's toys, but he is not 100% successful. He usually just puts it in the hole and puts a little bit of dirt over it lol. I'm not sure if this is normal...
Hey, at least you have a dog that completely will bury things. My dog does things half ass.

maclaudser 09-08-2012 03:12 AM

Abbey doesn't, but my dumb Dobe does. She'll bury something and then come back and dig it up five minutes later, only to bury it somewhere else!!

maclaudser 09-08-2012 03:12 AM


but he is not 100% successful. He usually just puts it in the hole and puts a little bit of dirt over it lol. I'm not sure if this is normal...
That's how my Dobe is http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

Petrushkaukrop 09-08-2012 03:12 AM

Outside, Snow would rather hide her bones then eat them. Be careful Joe; you might want to go retrieve the bone. Since Mason buried it, he might protect it and I don't want to see Sugar get hurt.

riverakathy 09-08-2012 03:24 AM


Hey, at least you have a dog that completely will bury things. My dog does things half ass.
I think Mason got lucky LOL
I was looking ALL OVER for the bone until Mason showed me where it was because he kept barking to go outside and going back to the spot HA !!!

riverakathy 09-08-2012 03:26 AM


Outside, Snow would rather hide her bones then eat them. Be careful Joe; you might want to go retrieve the bone. Since Mason buried it, he might protect it and I don't want to see Sugar get hurt.
He wouldn't hurt Sugar and he doesn't resource guard. Mason is still just a sweet pup. Anyway ... I did dig it up and wash it off. Had to hose Mason off too. His muzzle was filthy from digging and sniffing LOL

viagsjicguara 09-08-2012 04:43 AM

Sema buries her toys in the yard and in the cushions of the couch. She also likes to dig up rocks and then bury them. She's odd.

Petrushkaukrop 09-08-2012 04:57 AM


He wouldn't hurt Sugar and he doesn't resource guard. Mason is still just a sweet pup. Anyway ... I did dig it up and wash it off. Had to hose Mason off too. His muzzle was filthy from digging and sniffing LOL
You must be referring to the Ultra rare Dirt Nosed Pit Bull.


I've got one too.

Also Snow did not start out resource guarding either; It just developed. Like I said, I just don't want to see anything happen to Sugar. She's such a sweet girl.

bitymnmictada 09-08-2012 05:47 AM

My dog used to bury herself when it was hot does that count?


gooseCile 09-08-2012 05:59 AM

OH!!! me too I have one of those rare ''dirty nosed pit bull''.


CHEAPPoem 09-23-2012 09:01 AM

Renee will occasionally dig a hole in her spot out in the middle of the yard, but she never buries anything there. All of the dogs "bury" things in the couch cushions and come back for them later. Owen "buries" things he steals in his crate blanket.

23InetrySypekek 09-23-2012 09:01 AM


Bukra would "bury" his kibble in the bowl if he didn't eat it all, by putting toys on it http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

Digging, on the other hand...


Yeah. lol Zealand LOVES to dig the blankets on my bed.. I've got video of it somewhere, it's hilarious!

Oh man... I deal with blanked digging every night. At first it was funny, not so much anymore. When we starts blanket digging I grab his paw, which makes him dig even harder. It's a losing battle lol. My mattress and blankets are wayyy to expensive for my pup to be digging. Of coarse he doesn't care about money, its all about the fun.

grofvuri 09-23-2012 09:01 AM


Bukra would "bury" his kibble in the bowl if he didn't eat it all, by putting toys on it http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

Digging, on the other hand...


Yeah. lol Zealand LOVES to dig the blankets on my bed.. I've got video of it somewhere, it's hilarious!

I have the same problem, mine love to lay in the master piece holes they dig


Yeah shes speshul


You should try taking them to a sand pit, mine died and went to heaven.

Controller 09-26-2012 09:01 AM

Not Veronica.

No burying for her. She couldn't be less interested.

She does however enjoy digging for chipmonks and woodchucks.

maclaudser 09-26-2012 09:01 AM

Bonnie comes in with dirt snout a lot. She uses her nose to root around in the dirt like a pig. http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

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