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Smabeabumjess 07-01-2012 10:26 PM

Doggie Gym/Fitness Center?
I thank you in advance for any and all input. I really like how straight forward and savvy most of you are.

My dream started with being just a dog trainer. My dream has now evolved into opening up a doggie gym/fitness center (there is not one anywhere near my area). I am at the beginning stages doing market research and all the really fun stuff (is there a sarcastic font here?). I would like to have treadmills, a pool and or heated therapy pool, a few out door fenced in grassy areas, maybe a permanent room for agility. These are just some ideas. I would ideally like to set up shop close to our major shopping area and offer drop off workouts (they drop them off, we wear them out while they shop). This is in no way like a daycare. The dogs will not be allowed to interact with each other. Being in the upper midwest winters make it hard to keep dogs properly exercised. The pet obesity rates also play a part in my dream. To be able to give someone even just one more day with their dog would be worth it.

As a dog owner:

1- Would you utilize such a facility?

2- What activities/workouts would you most be interested in for your dog?

3- Would you be more apt to utilize the facility if you could workout at the same time too?

Smabeabumjess 07-02-2012 01:47 AM

Have you ever gone to a dog gym? What did you like about it? What do you think could have made your experience better?

Czrzftmz 07-02-2012 03:35 AM

i think that is an intersting idea. a lot of people would probably work out their dogs more if they had direction and facilities to do so. not everyone has room for or extra money for their own equiptment. i would jsut try to make it affordable and give people a chance to work with you guys and their dog so they learn how to do it too and can do some training at home like jogging with their dog so they know hoe much how long and how to do it safely etc. i would also have a nutritionist that can help out with the diet part. a dog that works out but then goes home and eats junk and too much is still going to be over weight and just spinning wheels but getting no where.

denSmumbSes 07-02-2012 04:34 AM

x2 on Michelle's post. I think though that something like that would be very expensive for a customer (as would leasing space, purchasing equipment and paying trainers/employees). Maybe you could add in the training aspect and do group classes for beginners that want to learn how to do agility or something. That way, the owner is present for a group-dog setting, as opposed to daycare where the owners leave the dog with strange dogs without being around.

ZX3URrBH 07-02-2012 04:39 AM

I would totally take my dog to the doggie gym, as long as it is affordable. And I think the group class/ agility course idea mentioned above not just a great idea, but a must. Good luck! Wish we had a doggie gym in my area.

And personally, I wouldn't care to work out there myself. Just a thought here, but maybe people who have overenergetic dogs who need workouts, don't like to workout themselves?

Smabeabumjess 08-01-2012 04:12 PM

Thank you for your input. Cost of services is a concern as I have looked at several doggie gyms sites and one was $20 for 20min on a treadmill. I thought REALLY?? To me that is an outrageous amount for just 20 minutes. I would ideally like the owners to work their own dogs (with proper training first for the owners and dogs) on the treadmills. Though I know some people don't always have the time so offering the drop off option I think would work. For any group setting the owner will have to be present (agility room and for classes). I thought about leasing/renting out room to other trainers to hold group classes. This is a big dream and I know it won't be totally realized for a while but any and all input will help me to better help my fellow dog lovers. I know I'll have to start out small and not be able to offer all the things I want right away. The vet clinics around my area all have nutrition programs so working with the vet clinics on safe weight loss programs for overweight dogs is a given.

Starting out I'm thinking treadmill(s) and a heated therapy pool. Those would be top priority to me. Also having a few grassy fenced in areas for off leash play (one dog in at a time, unless they are from the same household). That way people have a safe place to play with their dogs off leash without the danger of other dogs.

This is not the greatest time to start a business but this is what I get really excited about. It has become my passion.

?- What would you pay for 30min with a treadmill? 1hr?

denSmumbSes 08-01-2012 04:20 PM

Maybe you could do something like one price to have the owner there with their dog while the dog does a treadmill and then another price (higher) for the dog to do the treadmill without the owner present. It kind of forces people to take time out for their pets, especially if they like to keep their money.

Smabeabumjess 08-01-2012 05:48 PM


Maybe you could do something like one price to have the owner there with their dog while the dog does a treadmill and then another price (higher) for the dog to do the treadmill without the owner present. It kind of forces people to take time out for their pets, especially if they like to keep their money.

Yes. Lower rates for owners who work their dogs themselves as it would be less labor intensive for me and/or staff. I was also thinking about doing reduced rates for vet recommended services addressing health issues since paying the vet is expensive all on its own.

denSmumbSes 08-01-2012 06:10 PM

Where in WI are you?

Smabeabumjess 08-01-2012 06:17 PM

Near La Crosse. Way out in the sticks.

Czrzftmz 08-01-2012 10:55 PM

i think an introduction to the treadmill is pretty important. and building up to the mill is something for new dogs. i am still introducing my boy to his mill and i keep the sessions short to build wind for him.

another thing that if i could i would like to get a Peanut ball or balance discs or a wobble board to work on building strength and balance and stability.

if you are interested in this look into fitpaws

mr.supervideogoodfd 08-02-2012 04:02 AM

maybe a weight pull track as well ... and i for one would love to be hands on to work my dog if i had a place like that

Smabeabumjess 09-01-2012 08:54 PM

A weight pull track/area would also be awesome to have. So many things that could be done and offered. My final vision is a huge doggie activity center/school/playground/amusement park.lol A YMCA for dogshttp://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/smile.png

AlabamaBoyz 09-01-2012 11:31 PM

I think its a great idea if its affordable. Nice slat mills, carpet mill, and pool or underwater mill would interest me very much!

Anaedilla 09-01-2012 11:35 PM

im not sure id pay for a certain amount of time on each thing (such as a mill) id be more open to something like this idea if it were on a monthly basis for use of regular equipment like a gym, and different prices for training and agility and the like.

Smabeabumjess 09-02-2012 12:03 AM


I think its a great idea if its affordable. Nice slat mills, carpet mill, and pool or underwater mill would interest me very much!
I myself am a frugal person and I am kind of put off by some of the prices I have seen on some sites that offer some of the things I want to offer. Affordability is one of my main concerns. If I wouldn't pay for a service I sure as heck don't expect someone else to.

---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------


im not sure id pay for a certain amount of time on each thing (such as a mill) id be more open to something like this idea if it were on a monthly basis for use of regular equipment like a gym, and different prices for training and agility and the like.
I have thought about this a lot too. Ideally I would like to have different types of memberships/plans along with one time use prices, just like a people fitness center. I have looked at a few fitness center models but haven't found one I totally like/agree with yet.

sabbixsweraco 09-02-2012 12:36 AM

I'd pay for time in an indoor pool, if it was big enough for dock diving. There's one about an hour away from me, nice but it's really just too far.

The treadmill idea is neat, but having a reactive dog (though he's well behaved) I would want them to be spaced out well and for the layout of the place to allow for those that aren't in control of their dogs to not be anywhere near me.

I personally would not leave my dog with anyone, I don't care what their credentials are. Because I would be with my dog at all times, I wouldn't care if there was a human gym or not.

I think a monthly membership, with discounts for paying for yearly memberships just like a human gym is something I'd be interested in. I would not mind paying extra for instruction for things like weight pull if there was an option.

I guess for me, my biggest concern would be safety. So many hyped up dogs all in the same area makes me nervous, it's why I don't like dog parks or doggie daycare, but maybe I'm imagining it being way more busy than it probably would!!! lol

Smabeabumjess 09-02-2012 01:10 AM

How big of a pool would be needed for dock diving? I kind of wanted a reg pool and also a heated one for therapy. The heated one would be smaller. The reg pool would probably be added later when funds became available (if this venture works out like I want it to)

The design I was thinking would not be an open one like a people gym is. It would be more set up like a dr. office, with each treadmill is its own room. At the very least I want chest high partitions (worst case scenario). I want to minimize dog on dog contact (except in the group setting with agility and such) which would also minimize distractions during their workout. At no time would dogs be allowed to "mingle" unless in the outdoor area and are from the same household.

Czrzftmz 09-02-2012 02:06 AM


How big of a pool would be needed for dock diving? I kind of wanted a reg pool and also a heated one for therapy. The heated one would be smaller. The reg pool would probably be added later when funds became available (if this venture works out like I want it to)

The design I was thinking would not be an open one like a people gym is. It would be more set up like a dr. office, with each treadmill is its own room. At the very least I want chest high partitions (worst case scenario). I want to minimize dog on dog contact (except in the group setting with agility and such) which would also minimize distractions during their workout. At no time would dogs be allowed to "mingle" unless in the outdoor area and are from the same household.
40 foot pool

they can be used for dock jumping (people will use it for practice i know i travel to our practice pool it makes a huge difference) but it can also be used for dogs that need some swimming. if you do just swimming i would strongly recommend providing life jackets and swimming lessons. also knowing dog first aid and cpr would be a must.

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