DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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doctorzlo 05-12-2011 02:52 PM


Western democracy was not something created over night, it was born from centuries of personal and political development. The Magna Carta was the first real seed that developed into what we have today. Without the intellectual appreciation and the inherited understanding then it becomes a pointless exercise whos only function is to replace a despot with a despotic system.
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others and sheep will always be sheep
That's true. Americans in particular assume that the overthrow of one autocrat will result in democracy, as if that is a natural evolution. It is not. In fact, as history shows, most civilizations are in fact ruled by autocrats or oligarchies.

Peptobismol 05-12-2011 03:06 PM

It worked in postwar Japan and postwar Germany and neither country had a track record up to that point. It's a cultural affect I think. Some cultures and societies can look at their own shortcomings and failures and learn from them and move onward. Others never will. Postwar South Korea took longer as did Spain and Portugal - after long periods of military rule. But they adapted.

S.T.D. 11-28-2011 04:38 PM

What Obama does not know would fill volumes
With all the talk of revolutions, the Middle East continues to slip backwards. We see mobs burning buildings, and President Obama quoting Martin Luther King - “There is something in the soul that cries out for freedom” - while the leaders of this "democratic transformation" read Mein Kampf and are well on their way to establishing Islamic theocracies across the region. While the Administration has sought “clarifications” from the Muslim Brotherhood concerning future relations with Israel, and minority and women’s rights, it has not received any formal response. What it did receive was news that Muslim Brotherhood leader Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb had just told thousands of his followers in a major Cairo mosque: “In order to build Egypt, we must be one. Politics is insufficient. Faith in Allah is the basis for everything.” Time and again, a Koran quote vowing that "one day we shall kill all the Jews" was uttered at the site.

Even now, the Administration does not yet fully understand the implications of probable Muslim Brotherhood victories in Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Tunisia and the West Bank. To do so, it need only consult the most recent Gallup poll in Egypt (and Egypt is typical of other Arab countries in this regard) where 64% of Egyptians say that Shari'a must be the only source of legislation in their country, and in a December 2010 poll, 82% of Egyptians said they favored stoning adulterers, while 77% supported cutting off the hands of thieves. When these attitudes translate into an electoral victory, the Brotherhood can be expected to prevent parliament from passing any law that contradicts the explicit commands of Allah as conveyed through the Koran, the Hadith, and the example set by the prophet. Uriya Shavit of Tel Aviv University explains the implications of this in the autumn issue of AzureOnline (Shalem Center): “As Islamist scholars have explained repeatedly, human beings cannot permit what Allah has forbidden, nor can they ban what Allah permits.” She continues: “The inevitable result of (the Muslim Brotherhood’s) electoral victory will be the formation of a theocracy. It will not permit the scientific and technological revolution of which Arab societies are in such dire need.”


NeroASERCH 11-28-2011 05:36 PM

Obama, along with his administration, doesn't give a damn that the Muslim Brotherhood is advocating the tenet, 'One day we shall kill all the Jews.' As I see it, Obama is the president of the wrong nation - his beliefs theologically and politically are diametrically opposite to our Democracy and the Judaic/Christian ethics upon which the US was founded.

As for Egypt, batten down the hatches Israel; they are one of many whose intent is the annihilation of Israel and Jewry. Arab/Islam's intentions are transparent; on the other hand, Obama's are obscured by his two-faced utterance, which are meant to dupe or to hide his deep-rooted, inherent loathing of Jews and Israel.

Once again, Egypt has chosen to take seven steps backward... not a surprise: it is as inherent in their culture as Obama's hatred of Israel and Jewry.

Ifroham4 11-29-2011 07:17 AM

I don't know if it is an alignment of the planets or just something as simple as toxins in the drinking water. Is the world getting more and more stupid or am I just getting wiser?
It seems to me that world leaders are doing the most stupid things as they seemingly ignore what to me is common sense and take the most idiotic of paths.
I have decided to abstain from drinking water unless it has gone through a fermentation or a distilation process which will prove my theory one way or the other.
Cornflakes taste terrible with beer. Tomorrow I shall try vodka.

brraverishhh 11-29-2011 07:00 PM


I don't know if it is an alignment of the planets or just something as simple as toxins in the drinking water. Is the world getting more and more stupid or am I just getting wiser?
It seems to me that world leaders are doing the most stupid things as they seemingly ignore what to me is common sense and take the most idiotic of paths.
I have decided to abstain from drinking water unless it has gone through a fermentation or a distilation process which will prove my theory one way or the other.
Cornflakes taste terrible with beer. Tomorrow I shall try vodka.
Undoubtedly, you are getting wiser. The world is indeed a victim of its own stupidity. Leadership and common sense, sadly, are like chalk and cheese. What troubles me is why do everyday (not all obviously) folks seemingly have a grip on reality or good old-fashioned common sense but our stumble-bum leadership act as if they have been lobotomized?
Chill the vodka first... it adds a wee more zest to the gourmet experience.

LottiFurmann 11-29-2011 08:17 PM

So, Egypt "going backwards", eh? What is it that we all could have expected instead? What was the legitimate hope for the people who are moderately aware of the reality (not the supposedly well informed like politicians or special services)?
What other reasonably organized and cohesive political forces are there in Egypt apart from the Brotherhood? Christian Democrats? Liberals? Why this shit always comes as a surprise is beyond my comprehension.
There was a dictator, fair enough, kept everyone under the thumb, human rights violation and all that jazz. Look at the alternative!

Paul Bunyan 11-30-2011 04:53 AM

Western democracy was not something created over night, it was born from centuries of personal and political development. The Magna Carta was the first real seed that developed into what we have today. Without the intellectual appreciation and the inherited understanding then it becomes a pointless exercise whos only function is to replace a despot with a despotic system.
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others and sheep will always be sheep

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