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Worseacar 11-02-2012 06:20 PM

How Far Obama Has Fallen
...Why did the president make such mistakes? Why did he make decisions that seemed so unknowing, and not only in retrospect?

Because he had so much confidence, he thought whatever he did would work. He thought he had "a gift," as he is said to have told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He thought he had a special ability to sway the American people, or so he suggested to House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

But whenever he went over the the heads of the media and Congress and went to the people, in prime-time addresses, it didn't really work. He did not have a magical ability to sway. And—oddly—he didn't seem to notice.

It is one thing to think you're Lebron. Its another thing to keep missing the basket and losing games and still think you're Lebron.

And that really was the problem: He had the confidence without the full capability. And he gathered around him friends and associates who adored him, who were themselves talented but maybe not quite big enough for the game they were in. They understood the Democratic Party, its facts and assumptions. But they weren't America-sized. They didn't get the country so well.


Worseacar 11-02-2012 06:24 PM

I doubt anyone could describe Obama more effectively and more accurately than that.

womberte 11-02-2012 09:07 PM


mv37afnr 11-02-2012 10:10 PM

You think Obama was a failure? He did just what he was suppose to do. He put the anti war movement to bed. He distributed our national wealth to the bankers, he got us involved in more illegal immoral unconstitutional wars that further weakens us and strains our military. He carved out big chunks of our sovereignty and brought us closer to a one world government than Poppy Bush ever dreamed was possible.

Looking at it from the globalist's point of view he was a resounding success. But he has become a liability for them because people have lost faith in him. So, out with the old and in with the new.

I can hardly wait to see what Romney is going to do for them.

Efksqhyu 11-03-2012 12:40 AM


mv37afnr 11-03-2012 01:13 AM


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