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glagoliska 10-30-2012 09:19 PM

The President should be impeached
I now believe the President should be impeached for the leaks involving the Bin Laden kill. His administration has leaked intelligence that exposes those involved and their families to a life time of the threat of death. All for the purpose of getting re-elected. The President with forethought and malice exposed our intelligence and put innocent peoples lives and their families at unnecessary risk.

That alone is a high crime and misdemeanor and set right and punished to the fullest extent.


arreskslarlig 10-30-2012 09:35 PM

Impeachment is all fine, well, and good, but you have to enough senators with enough backbone to find him guilty.

Otherwise, the impeachment will just be another Clinton joke. I'll never forget watching the impeachment of Clinton with my American History students. I had debated on whether or not to allow them to watch, but they were 8th graders and he wasn't being tried for anything having to do with Monica (I had to explain that before the proceedings started). I thought, "It's simple - open and shut - perjury and obstruction of justice."

We watched as they interviewed several senators before the vote and I was mildly surprised as the anger Clinton has spawned with even the Democratic senators. They didn't speak too kindly of him pre-vote.

But then they acquited him.

That was hard to explain to a bunch of 14-15 year olds. Hard, concrete evidence of obstruction of justice, perjury, and his own senators pointing the finger of guilt, ...... and he walks.

It's one of my biggest regrets as a teacher. We should have never watched it.

So, impeach Obama until the cows come home. But who will have the backbone in the senate to vote guilty? If there aren't enough, then he walks right back to his oval office from the witness stand.

GarryPaterson 10-30-2012 09:38 PM


glagoliska 10-30-2012 09:50 PM


glagoliska 10-30-2012 09:51 PM

Obama called Hollywood into the Whitehouse and gave them a briefing on the Bin laden kill. What an amateur.

arreskslarlig 10-30-2012 09:52 PM


glagoliska 10-30-2012 09:56 PM

And now those hollywood knuckleheads have made a movie called "Seal Team Six" to show to the world. Seal Team Six is not in grave danger. And their family is now in grave danger. All of this to get Obama re-elected. President Obama is a disgrace to the United States as a President and as a person.

idobestbuyonlinepp 10-30-2012 10:27 PM


bebeacc 10-30-2012 10:30 PM

Obama is crooked. Reid is just as dishonest, and his assent is needed. It'll never happen.

cigattIcTot 10-30-2012 10:50 PM

The standards for impeachment are bribery, treason, and other high crimes and misdemeanors. It takes a majority vote in the House to impeach and two thirds in the Senate to convict. The act certainly falls withing the range of impeachable offenses. It takes a long time, and practically paralyzes government. The best solution is for we the people to unelect him in one week.

cigattIcTot 10-31-2012 05:11 PM

No President has ever been removed from office by the impeachment process. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton had articles of impeachment voted on by the House, but they were never convicted in the Senate. Johnson won by one vote. I do believe if Richard Nixon had not resigned, he would have been removed. When Mr. Nixon resigned, the full House had not even voted articles to the Senate. However, Barry Goldwater informed the President there were way over the number required to remove him, or 67 votes.

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