DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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capeAngedlelp 10-18-2012 06:44 PM

I'm not sure what your point is.

Do the personal mistakes of Dinesh D'Souza somehow invalidate the content of the documentary?

masteryxisman 10-18-2012 07:00 PM


Alexeric 10-18-2012 07:44 PM

Film "2016 Obama's America"

Great documentary.

DoniandaCoado 10-18-2012 08:14 PM


gDGwm8BC 10-18-2012 10:47 PM


DoniandaCoado 10-19-2012 06:17 AM


Alexeric 10-19-2012 01:22 PM


xFZ3k8Mw 10-19-2012 01:25 PM

It is out on DVD. It's available for rental at Netflix and I'm sure other places. We watched it last night and it wasn't anything that really surprised me. I've suspected most of it from before he was elected.

gDGwm8BC 10-19-2012 02:31 PM


masteryxisman 10-25-2012 11:21 PM

Thanks for the link. I watched it today. I am not surprised at what I learned.

I think watching it would make peoples convictions regarding Obama to be more firmly rooted. I don't see it changing any minds.

Aluback 11-03-2012 06:56 AM

Film "2016 Obama's America"
2016: Obama's America

"As of October 2, 2012, the film had grossed $32.9 million domestically, making it the fourth highest domestic grossing documentary and the second highest domestic grossing political documentary in the United States."

"2016: Obama's America is a 2012 documentary by conservative author and commentator Dinesh D'Souza. . . .the film compares the similarities of the lives of D'Souza and President Barack Obama"


Christianity Today Oct. 18, 2012 "Dinesh D'Souza Resigns as President of The King's College: Actions "Have Not Been Consistent with the Standard of Leadership Required for the Position," He Said in an Initial Press Release."

"Dinesh D'Souza has resigned as the president of The King's College (TKC), the Manhattan school's board of trustees announced Thursday. The decision comes after World magazine reported Tuesday that D'Souza was engaged to Denise Odie Joseph II while still legally married to his wife of 20 years, Dixie, and that the couple had allegedly checked into a hotel room together during a Christian conference last month."

"David Dockery, president of Union University in Tennessee, says the incident is a warning sign for administrators at other Christian colleges."

"Stan Guthrie, who previously served as editor for D'Souza's work, said the author and creator of the political documentary 2016 was a man of high integrity—"not only engaged in the intellectual defense of the faith but also lived it out in his personal life"—and that is why the news is so disappointing."

"Carl Trueman, professor of historical theology and church history at Westminster Theological Seminary, says he was initially "perplexed" at D'Souza's appointment at an evangelical school. . . ."Ironically it is likely to be his adultery rather than his Roman Catholicism that limits his usefulness to evangelicals." (D'Souza has been attending evangelical churches for the last several years, signed TKC's statement of faith, and said he was "comfortable with Reformation theology," but told CT in 2010 that he did not renounce his Catholicism.)"

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