DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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yharmon6614 11-21-2012 11:57 PM

The Story of Your Enslavement

happyman 11-22-2012 02:01 AM

Well, that was thirteen minutes and ten seconds of my life I'll never be able to get back.

Seriously dude, is this how you think? If so, you are utterly paranoid.

hechicxxrr 11-22-2012 02:30 AM


averkif 11-22-2012 02:34 AM


happyman 11-22-2012 02:50 AM


Ingeborga 11-22-2012 04:40 AM


Grapappytek 11-22-2012 05:12 AM

Because of all the "raving" reviews I wanted to watch it. But I could not get past the first 20 seconds of absolute boredom.

zabiqapara 11-22-2012 01:35 PM

I watched it. All of it. Simply because I try to look at both sides of most issues, as the truth is often somewhere between the two of them.

In my opinion, for whatever it's worth.

This video is just a propaganda piece. Although I'm not quite sure of the goal. Brainwashing? It has some truth mixed in with (I'm not sure what to call it). The truth portion is that over history mankind has had some form of leadership/governmental structure. When that's not in place, anarchy - chaos - reigns.

After man fell from grace, the scriptures show us how human leadership (governments) emerged over time. Follow the progression from the days of Moses to the time Jesus said render unto Caesar, for example.

This piece seems to be saying throw off all forms of leadership and soar like a bird (closing scene). Somewhere near the end, the thought came to mind that this piece was done by an atheist. At that particular point in the video, the next logical step was to acknowledge God's authority or ignore it.

Again, for whatever it's worth.........

fil_nurser 11-22-2012 05:57 PM

I skipped to the end . . . it does not suggest a viable solution.

blogforlovxr 11-25-2012 03:28 AM


hechicxxrr 11-25-2012 04:00 AM


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