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RicardoHun 11-21-2012 02:38 PM

Mitt Romney getting his fill of life after politics

DenisLevvin 11-21-2012 02:42 PM

So?? Kudos to him. Shows he is a regular guy who knows how to pump his own gas and that he has feelings.

KuznehikVasaN 11-21-2012 03:14 PM

You mean he looks like a 65 year old man without the TV makeup on when not in front of the TV? Shocking...and news worthy! In other news...rain is wet...

tabcdyop 11-21-2012 03:25 PM

I did not mention this before the election, but did anyone notice that though his face looks younger than 65 the he walked like a man 75 or older? I noticed that about a month before the election and watched carefully after that and that old man walk continued. I am not quite sure what to make of it. I do not know if it is an indication of an underlying health problem or not.

molaunterbizone 11-22-2012 03:11 AM

It doesn't matter, CTB, he lost. In fact, America lost. They would have made a great first family. I wish them well. It was a hard fought campaign and a lot of Conservatives have bashed him on the TV rounds, saying all kinds of nasty things. Republicans tend to eat their own. Sick. And Chris Christy, BTW, I always knew he was a RINO.

As for Mitt et al. Pumping his own gas? Big deal. He's worth millions and millions and I'm sure he will be just fine, NOT mooching off of society unlike SOME people.

But me - I'm never planning to vote again. And the Republican Party is dead to me. Mitt & Ann cared for this country and so did I and millions like me. But caring doesn't matter when you aren't Santa Claus giving freebies from the pockets of Big Government. I no longer care. Obama voters will reap what they sowed and drag the rest of this once Great Republic down with them, all of us working people included. The rich will survive no matter what, including the Obamas and their rich snob Hollywood elite friends.

PS: I feel like Chuck Heston at the end of Planet of The Apes, cause that's where this is headed.

JohnVK 11-22-2012 03:21 AM


molaunterbizone 11-22-2012 03:23 AM


Ikrleprl 11-22-2012 03:30 AM

When we step back, beyond the senseless bickering, and think about it...this is a bit of beauty of the American system. I mean, what other significant country in the history of mankind has a means of leveling the playing field so much? Usually those in leadership, or vying for it, would remain ensconced in their protective, cloistered communities. Here we see an example of how, depending on the outcome of, essentially, one day of voting, a man who lives with the same basic, daily habits as all of us.

I remember from my time in DC how you would run into major political figures around DC doing normal, everyday things (grocery shopping, getting gas, eating some fast food, or any thing else) and you wouldn't even know who they were. Them they get in front of a camera and suddenly everything changes.

We live in a pretty flat world in some respects.

JohnVK 11-22-2012 03:31 AM


Ikrleprl 11-22-2012 03:36 AM


Suvaxal 11-22-2012 03:41 AM


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